Are You Secretly Introverted? Take The 60 Second Quiz To Find Out!

Though there are dozens of different types of personalities out there, almost all of them can be divided into two large categories: extroverts and introverts. While the common misconception is that extroverts love people, while introverts hate them, the reality of the two categories is actually slightly more complicated.

Extroverts may naturally enjoy social settings more because this is where they get their energy from. They enjoy making small talk and meeting new people, and the idea of staying in alone sounds like a waste of time and a missed opportunity. Extroverts are usually extremely outgoing and, in some cases, they may seem a little disheveled and disorganized -- which is only expected in someone who keeps going and going non-stop.

Introverts, on the other hand, are drained by most social situations, and they need time alone to recharge. They often dislike making small talk or meeting too many new people at once. But that's not to say that most introverts hate people, in fact, many of them end up having much closer and more meaningful relationships than many extroverts, simply because they prefer to grow close with selective people and have more introspective conversations.

Inevitably, these personality traits will become reflective in your everyday life, so if you're not quite sure where you land yet, let's take a minute and find out if you're actually an extrovert or an introvert!

Question 1

How do you take your coffee?

Coffee is no doubt an acquired taste, and there’s a good chance you only started drinking it because that what all the grownups seemed to be doing and you wanted to appear wise beyond your years. Therefore, most people will get into coffee by loading it up with sugar or flavored creamer before they actually develop a taste for it.

Question 2

How do you prefer to work out?

Like washing the dishes or cutting your nails, working out is one of those things you don’t necessarily enjoy doing, but it’s something you make yourself do so you're better off in the long run. Luckily, there are many different activities you can do then simply lifting weight or going on a run. So what are your workout preferences?

Question 3

What’s your favorite beer?

Even if you’re not a big beer drinker, there’s a good chance that you’ll come to tolerate a certain brand more than the others. While Bud Light is the go-to beverage for many bar-goers — as it’s easily the best selling beer in North America — many still can’t stand the taste of it, preferring something that has a little more body or flavor. So which of these four brews do you prefer most?

Question 4

Do you prefer dogs or cats?

While the internet has made it seem like dog and cat people are just as divided as today’s political climate, the fact of the matter is that most people like both dogs and cats -- even if they prefer one over the other. That being said, cats are nice for the low-maintenance individual, whereas dogs can be nice if you’re the type of person who loves an excuse to get out and walk/ jog daily.

Question 5

What is your greatest fear?

While introverts may become synonymous with being anxious or full of phobias, extroverts no doubt experience many of the same fears, but they simply chose to deal with them in different ways. So while everyone is inevitably afraid of falling ill or dying, which one of these do you find yourself fretting over the most often?

Question 6

How many books do you read in a year?

Easily one of the best ways to expand your knowledge base is to read. And read a lot. Unfortunately for many of us, as soon as we’re done with school and college we put down the books for good. But if you want to stay sharp and well-rounded at the same time, it would help to read more than just your Facebook wall or the captions on Instagram.

Question 7

Who are you rooting for to win the Game of Thrones?

Season seven of Game of Thrones seemed to come and go in the blink of an eye, and now it may still be close to a year before we ever see the conclusion of this fantasy epic that has become a cultural phenomenon. Though the field has significantly thinned since the first episode, many of the major players are still in the game. So who will you be rooting for come season eight?

Question 8

How do you take your eggs?

Whether it be pancakes or an omelet, pretty much any breakfast worth having uses eggs. And, of course, there’s always just the option to have plain eggs with a side of bacon, hashbrowns, or toast. But that still leaves a variety of different ways to have your eggs prepared. So what’s your go-to preference?

Question 9

What’s your ideal Friday night?

For many people who don’t exactly love the job they currently find themselves in, Friday night is the one thing you may start fantasizing about as soon as the alarm clock goes off on Monday morning. So how do you prefer to unwind at the end of the week? Quiet and alone? Or at a party/ bar brimming with people?

Question 10

How many one night stands have you had?

Introverts are inherently hesitant to tackle new tasks, especially when it involves meeting total strangers. So having a one night stand is inevitably something that extroverts will have more experience with. Even still, sleeping around with multiple people isn’t something that should be done without some forethought, especially when your health and reputation could suffer because of it.

Question 11

Which child are you?

It might surprise you to know that a large part of your personality is shaped just by what order your parents had you in. For instance, oldest children are often the most responsible, while the youngest are often the funniest and the least willing to conform to societal norms. Meanwhile, the middle child often goes on to have the most successful job, statically speaking at least.

Question 12

Who is your favorite character from The Office?

Easily one of the most popular sitcoms ever created, The Office is adorned by so many because it’s setting and characters feel so reflective of your day-to-day lives, albeit, way funnier. So which of these characters did you favor the most? Or which one simply made you laugh more than the others?

Question 13

What do you argue with your parents about the most?

Even if you have an extremely healthy relationship with your parents, there’s at least one issue that is bound to get you into repeated disagreements. Maybe you’re like most children who find yourself at ideological odds with your parents. Or maybe you just fight about the typical things like staying out late or not cleaning up after yourself.

Question 14

Would you rather see a movie in theaters or wait until it’s on Netflix?

It wasn’t that long ago that you either had to see a movie in theaters or wait until it was out on DVD to rent/buy it some six month to a year after it was initially released. But that has totally changed within the last few years, making many of us wonder if the movie is even worth going out to the theater for when it could be on their TV in just a few short months.

Question 15

Your crush asks you to dance, what do you do?

Much like parties, dancing is another line that really separates introverts and extroverts. While extroverts aren’t inherently better dancers by any means, they tend to care less if people are judging them in social settings, making it that much easier to cut loose on the dance floor. Meanwhile, introverts cringe at the idea of having to dance in front of total strangers. Or at all, for that matter.

Question 16

Do you always plan out your weekends?

Some people look forward to their weekends so much that they have them planned to a T; they know who they’re going to hang out with at certain times with very specific plans for what they’re going to do together. Meanwhile, some people look forward to the idea of have two open days with absolutely nothing on the schedule that they have to adhere to.

Question 17

Have you ever cheated on your significant other?

jealous girlfriend meme

Romantic relationships are undoubtedly one of the hardest parts of life to navigate, and you may find yourself royally screwing up some of your earlier relationships throughout high school and college. But luckily, you’re not alone in this, and hopefully, you go on to learn from your mistakes and have a stronger relationship in the future because of it.

Question 18

Do you prefer cake or pie?

How many birthday parties have you been to where there’s a giant sheet cake that gets carried out and carved up? The answer is nearly all of them. But what about the forgotten pie lovers? Understandably, cake is much easier to make for a mass amount of people, but does it really hold a candle to a homemade pie?

Question 19

Where do you sleep the best?

There’s a reason the term “sleep like a baby” exists — it’s because the older you get, the hard it seems to get a good night sleep. For some people at least. Other can pass out almost anywhere, even if it’s a friends couch in the middle of a raging party. So are you particular about where you lay your head at night, or can you literally pass out anywhere?

Question 20

You’re having a party, who do you invite?

There’s nothing that sets extroverts and introverts apart quite like a party. While most extroverts are pretty much game for anything, these intense social interactions can make an introvert want to retreat to the bathroom and crawl out the window. That’s not to say that introverts don’t enjoy certain get-togethers, it just largely depends on who’s in attendance.

Question 21

What’s your favorite mixed drink?

With a new mixed drink seemingly being created every day, it would be impossible to taste every one (not that that’s going to stop us from trying). So for this quiz, we’ll stick to a few of the classics. So do you prefer your cocktails to be strong, sweet, refreshing, or maybe a bit of all three?

Question 22

What’s your favorite video game?

Within just the past decade, video games have turned from something that only nerds were supposed to do in their mother’s basements, to one of the most profitable outlets of entertainment today. While older generations will still write off video games as being a time-waster, the fact that they’re interactive certainly makes them more productive than just binge-watching TV and Youtube videos all night long.

Question 23

What’s your favorite sport?

Even if you never played a sport in high school or college (which may be the case with many introverts), there’s a good chance that you’d still prefer watching one over the other if you’re flipping through channels. While extroverts would almost certainly prefer more team sports or the ones that give you an excuse to get together with friends, introverts may lean to the more laid-back, single-player sports.

Question 24

What annoys you the most?

While similar interests are certainly one of the easiest ways to find common ground between two people, similar annoyances could quickly make two total strangers friends for life. Unfortunately, it’s just human nature that makes a shared hatred of something bring people closer together. So in that regard, which one of these circumstances truly gets under your skin and drives you crazy?

Question 25

What do you look for most in a partner?

You can tell a lot about someone by the person that they chose to spend the rest of their life with. Though we may spend plenty of time picking apart odd couples and wondering why they’re together, there’s a good chance that they’re compatible for reasons we simply don’t understand. So what do you think you’re subconsciously looking for when trying to find a good match?

Question 26

Who’s your favorite character on Family Guy?

It’s hard to believe that Family Guy has been on the air since 1999. So even if you don’t watch the show religiously, we’re sure you've caught at least a couple episodes here and there. One of the many reasons that the show has no doubt lasted this long is that each character offers up a different perspective and appeals to a different sense of humor. So which one makes you laugh the most?

Question 27

What’s your ideal vacation?

Vacations are like the weekends we look forward to all year long. There’s nothing like taking a complete break from your day-to-day life and exploring a different part of the world, and, in turn, a different part of yourself. But no two vacations are created equal, and while some people can’t wait to hop aboard an all-inclusive cruise ship, others shudder at the idea of being trapped out at sea with hundreds of strangers.

Question 28

Where do you currently live?

If you’re still in high school or drowning in student debt than this life choice may be currently out of your hands, but extroverts and introverts will definitely gravitate towards different areas to eventually settle down. Though introverts don’t necessarily need to move to the Alaskan wilderness to feel comfortable, they may still prefer the idea of having a building or a lawn all to themselves.

Question 29

How do you feel about having kids?

It’s no secret that fewer and fewer people are having kids, or, at the very least, waiting until they’re older to start a family. But does this mean that more people are introverts? More likely, it’s finances that are playing a bigger part in fewer people having children, but there’s a decent chance that extroverts like the idea of having a big family more than introverts do.

Question 30

Who’s your best friend?

With the popularity of social media, the word “friend” is starting to take on a second meaning. Though you may have thousands of “friends” online, the reality of it is that many of us will go through life with only a handful of actual friends. So where did you first meet your current best friend?

Question 31

What’s your dream car?

Unless you or your family is rolling in cash, there's a good chance that you’re not currently cruising around in your ideal vehicle. Some people absolutely love cars, keeping up to date on the latest make and model for when they finally have enough cash to splurge on their favorite. While other people just want to get from point A to B in the cheapest and most reliable vehicle that’s available.

Question 32

Do you have a weekly/ monthly budget?

No matter your personality type, it’s never a bad idea to keep better track of your money. Though you may only be in your late teens or 20s, the sooner you start saving up, the earlier you can stop working, and the best way to do this is to put a cap on the money you’ll allow yourself to spend weekly, monthly, and even yearly.

Question 33

The idea of working from home…

Even if you are a morning person, few people relish the idea of having to rush around in the morning and get to work. So what if you could work from home? While this may be the dream of some introverts, other people know that there’s no way they’re getting any work done if they’re not surrounded by co-workers and their boss who is watching over them. So which type are you?

Question 34

What’s your favorite board/ card game?

While the idea of a fun game with friends may seem to only appeal to extroverts, the idea of having some structure to a social setting may be exactly what introverts need to be put at ease. And what better way than a fun card or board game to break the ice? So which one of these would be your go-to whether you’re getting together with friends or being introduced to someone new?

Question 35

How many serious boyfriends/ girlfriends have you had?

While most people will begin dating in high school and college, it may not be until you’re in your mid to late 20s before you actually get into your first serious relationship. After all, this is when plenty of your friends will inevitable shack up with their significant other, while others will start getting married. So do you have any previous experience with serious relationships? Or are you still playing the field?

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