Are These Insane Abortion Laws Real Or Fake?


Abortion is one of those topics that seems like it will be dividing people for years to come, even though we all wish it could be sorted out tomorrow. Not only do we not know where we'll end up on abortion rights in the US, there are some people who don't even know the abortion laws in their own state. Seriously, you would not believe some of the laws out there!

Some of the laws are so insane that we really don't think you'll be able to tell which of these are real and which aren't. You're going to have to be a real abortion fanatic to get 100 percent on this one or get really lucky. Maybe fanatic isn't the right word, but we think you know what we mean on this one.

Reckon we're wrong? Think you know what the laws in your state are? It's time to find out!

Question 1

Texan doctors are required by law to tell their abortion patients that they're hurting their fetus.

Okay, so how is this sort of thing allowed? When the law is making doctors lie to their patients, we're entering a really worrying set of circumstances, the kind of circumstances you'd see on a television show about apocalyptic world conditions. We're not saying that doctors should be free to do whatever they want without the constraints of the law, but getting them to lie to their patients? That is some really dark stuff that we honestly don't want to think about right now.

Question 2

North Carolina teachers are forced to lie to their students about abortion.

As depressing as it is, this shouldn't really come as a surprise to anybody who lives in certain places of the United States, as teachers are regularly expected to lie to students when it comes to religious and sociological issues. While we would hope that places of education should only have one responsibility, that being to the students, they actually seem to have a responsibility to the government as well, as they have to make sure they teach to their standards rather than their own.

Question 3

Women in Texas must hear their fetuses' heartbeat before they're allowed to have an abortion.

The very fact that we've put legislation like this into practice just to torture a woman for her right to choose makes us feel sick, and the world should be collectively saddened by this fact. All you do when you make a woman listen to her fetus' heartbeat is continue to break her down and have her resent the system doing this to her. Remember that for every woman who breaks down and cries about having an abortion, there are just as many who are happy with their decision.

Question 4

Alabama attorneys can represent unborn fetuses.

Even though it seems like a lot of states out there could care less about some of the living human beings they're meant to be looking after, some of them are absolutely obsessed with human fetuses. There are lawyers out there who would fight a case to make sure that somebody that might be innocent gets put away because it's their job, and yet will fight tooth and nail to make sure that a family has a baby that they don't want.

Question 5

Alabama law demands any woman wanting an abortion must take home a rubber fetus for a week.

This is just getting ridiculous now. We're actually glad that there are some women out there who are totally comfortable with having an abortion and their own rights as a woman who will take this rubber fetus home, laughing all the way. We like the idea of them handing it back to a doctor, saying how ridiculous it was that they had to go through this process and sit back, ready to hear about the details of her soon to be gone pregnancy problem.

Question 6

Jewish women are not allowed to get abortions in Florida.

It's no surprise that a lot of the abortion struggles in the US comes down to the religious aspect, but this seems insane. What is it about Jewish women that mean they specifically are not allowed to receive an abortion? There is no real way to look at this without it being racist if you ask us, as it's not as if Jewish women are inherently different to anybody else when it comes to their genetics and how their bodies work.

Question 7

In Texas, all fetuses must be buried.

This is where we really start to get down to why people are so obsessed with abortion, and that's because North America is absolutely insane about religion, a problem that continues to affect how their citizens are allowed to live and how their laws are created. When you actually think about it, it's weird that we throw dead adults in a ditch, so how weird is it that fetuses that die in Texas must be buried in that state by law?

Question 8

In Louisiana, the father must know before an abortion can legally be carried out.

This is a hotly debated topic when it comes to abortion, and we can understand why it is as well. We understand that men will want a say in whether or not a fetus can be allowed to turn into their child, but at the same time, we fundamentally agree with the concept that it's a woman's final right to choose. It is their body and therefore it comes down to whether or not they want to carry the baby.

Question 9

Texas doctors are legally forced to keep bibles in their offices.

Look, unless you try and push your religion on us or the people we love, we couldn't care less what sort of personal ethics or religion you follow. That is between you and whatever God you've decided exists. However, one of the major problems in this world is when people try to push those religious and moral values on those around them. This is not okay, and it's especially not okay when someone like a doctor in a position of authority starts to do it.

Question 10

Indiana doctors have to ask their patients how many abortions they've had before they're allowed to perform another.

This is despicable for two reasons. Firstly, your doctor should have access to your medical past anyway, so asking this is merely a chance for them to try and guilt you into doing what they think you're supposed to do. Secondly, this sort of thing should only be asked because they fear another abortion could damage your body or your mind, at which point it becomes a matter of health. However, these doctors don't care about your health. They care about guilting you.

Question 11

Rape victims are not allowed an abortion in Florida.

Even some of the strongest supporters of pro-life rhetoric and legislation would argue that in the case of rape, a woman should be allowed the option to remove the fetus from within them and not have to go through one of the most traumatic events we can imagine. However, believe it or not, there are even those who think that in the case of rape, an abortion is still not appropriate. Obviously, most of the people who believe this are men.

Question 12

Abortion clinics in Texas were shut down after not meeting a new law stating they needed a certain amount of lockers.

Yes, that's right, they will literally come up with anything now just so that they can shut down a building that is merely there to ensure that women can look after themselves properly and do what is right for them and their child. Seriously, has it got this far? Is there any way back from a situation like this, one that is totally based on deceiving the world to get what a bunch of old white men want? We're starting to get depressed.

Question 13

South Dakota state has no doctors that provide voluntary abortions.

What this means is, unless you need an abortion for health reasons such as an ectopic pregnancy, you have to have a doctor fly in just to give you a medical procedure that you're otherwise covered for. Either that or you can choose to fly somewhere that will offer you the chance to have an abortion, which is your human right as a woman to choose what happens to your own body, no matter what the circumstances may be. Ridiculous.

Question 14

It is not legal to arrest an abortion protester anywhere in the US.

Yes, believe it or not, there is actually an old law that does not allow police officers the right to arrest someone who is protesting outside of an abortion clinic. It's true that this law is very rarely invoked and it is regarded as an archaic law, it still says a lot about the mentality of the country that anything like this was ever written into law in the first place. These people are attacking someone for their right to choose what happens to their body. That is wrong.

Question 15

Oklahoma passed a law requiring woman take three times the amount of medication needed for an abortion.

This is just sadistic. There must even be pro-lifers out there that think this sort of law is way too far. Now you're just punishing women for wanting to have an abortion, which is wrong, both in a moral and legal sense. How this sort of thing can appeal to people is beyond us, and we genuinely think that the people who helped push this law into the world should be ashamed of themselves and forced to take three times the medication for any ailment they may have.

Question 16

Patients in Illinois can only have surgical abortions.

Unless you have looked up the subject or have been party to an abortion yourself, you're more than like to consider surgical abortion as being the only option, but this isn't actually true. There are many different abortion options that are open to a woman, with many of them being better suited to someone based on how far along they are and problems they have in their own medical history. Forcing them to only have one option is dangerous and negligent.

Question 17

Kansas has made it illegal for a doctor to offer a patient an abortion.

While you can still receive an abortion in Kansas, usually under fewer restraints than you'd find in other more archaic states, it is illegal for any health care professional to offer a patient one as a viable option. While this may not seem like a big deal to someone with a good knowledge of their bodies and what can be done in a case of sexual emergency, there are many people out there without this knowledge who need a position of authority to notify them of it.

Question 18

Patients in New York are not allowed to receive an abortion unless they're married.

We're not even sure what the correlation is here? Why can't an unmarried woman choose what happens to her body? Do we still live in such a ridiculously unequal society that if you're not connected to a man by marriage the state doesn't think you're worthy of making your own personal decisions? It's almost as if men think that the human race couldn't possibly have advanced to this point if it wasn't for them, as if women have no idea what is going on or what they're doing.

Question 19

You have to wait 72 hours to have an abortion in South Dakota.

Yeah, because we're sure that all of these women are just jumping into the decision without spending days, if not weeks, thinking about what they're about to get into. As we keep saying, this is their body they're putting this through, so they're going to want to know as much about what's going to happen as possible before they make the decision. All you're doing is prolonging the inevitable by making them wait an extra couple of days, not changing their minds.

Question 20

Arizona doctors are legally allowed to tell patients they're not pregnant if they don't agree with abortions.

Honestly, you must be demented if you're a woman and you agree with this law. Surely this is a slippery slope that ends with doctors being allowed to tell patients whatever they want if it fits in with their own moral code, rather than being what is best for their patient? The concept of medical professionals being behind closed doors with politicians is actually terrifying to us, and it should be to you too because that is a sure fire way towards disaster.

Question 21

Only male doctors can perform abortions in Kansas.

Yet another sign that this is actually about male people continuing to have power over the bodies of women and nothing to do with the fact that people want to "save babies" as they will constantly spout out of their stupid mouths. Men have been in charge of pretty much everything that happens in this world for a very long time now, so how about we start to give someone else ago, especially when that someone else is attempting to do something with their own body.

Question 22

In some states, abortions cannot be performed after four weeks.

One facet of the abortion debate that is discussed mercilessly, not only in the United States but around the world, is whether or not we should reduce the time limit on an abortion if a baby is born prematurely before that time and survives. What people usually don't take into account is the quality of life of that baby, as if all that really matters is that they managed to make it into this world, suffer for their entire life and die young.

Question 23

Texas law states that any woman who fight abortion law be legally classified as a terrorist.

Honestly, this one surprises even us and we didn't think there was anything about abortion law in America that would ever be able to surprise us again. The reason it comes as such a shock is because it seems like the American government will essentially go to any lengths to make sure that they don't have to refer to any white American as a terrorist. Seriously, the concept of domestic terrorism committed by a white person born in America just doesn't exist to them.

Question 24

Arizona law states that all abortion patients must feel pain.

What you must remember is that you are not in control of your own body, somebody else is, and if you try to disprove this you will be punished in any way that the medical professional or government can manage. You are not being punished for "killing a baby" but are being punished for daring to try and take control of the body you were born with after being taught your entire life that you are the property of the men in control of your state.

Question 25

There is only one abortion clinic in Mississippi.

One thing that we think the women of America don't realize is that by helping push these depressing abortions laws into place, they're essentially helping them diminish their choice as women. While they may never want an abortion, some would argue that this is just one step towards limiting them from having something that they actually do want. If you're the kind of person who worries about your personal liberties, you should definitely be on the side of the pro-choice.

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