Anyone Who's Actually Funny Should Know The Answers To These Jokes

Most of us are funny. Well, most of our friends think we are funny, and we like to think that our jokes are the most hilarious jokes out in the world. We know every joke there is on the internet. If we don't, then we are able to easily figure it out. It's because we are just naturally funny. We have even considered giving up our day jobs so that we can devote our entire lives to comedy.

Maybe we have never been put to the test before. In our circle of friends, we are known as The Funny One. But are we actually as funny as we think we are? (OF COURSE WE ARE!) There are so many different types of humor out there. And like anything else, comedy is in the funny bone of the beholder. What's hilarious to one person might not even inspire a smile in another person.

Anyone who's actually funny will know the answers to these jokes from around the Web. Being hilarious is an art, and we are, above all, artists of the comedic order. When it comes to comedy, it's all about having fun. We can't guarantee much in this life, but we can say that this quiz will be pure slapstick comedy. Let's get ready and go!

Question 1

Why did the cookie go to the hospital?

Okay, some jokes ask us to suspend disbelief and just go with the flow of the question. Cookies are delicious. We have to think about what makes this joke work. Even little kids would be able to figure out this particular joke, so consider it almost a freebie. Free cookies sound like a great idea, to be honest. We like cookies and milk. Cookies also make the day brighter, and we have a few favorite types of cookies. But seriously, why would a cookie need to go to the hospital?

Question 2

What's a fake noodle called?

Fake noodles, as some would say, are noodles that some people would not consider to be real noodles. Noodles are made from flour, eggs and oil. But now there are other types of noodles on the market. There's so-called noodles made from vegetables! Beet noodles, squash noodles and sour cucumber noodles are enough to cause lovers of the traditional noodle some stress. An individual who likes old-fashioned noodles might call these other noodles "fake noodles," and maybe they would tweet about them in the middle of the night.

Question 3

What lights up a soccer stadium?

Soccer is called football overseas. It's quite a popular game, but just because someone plays soccer does not mean that they would be able to answer this joke. It requires thinking outside of the goal and coming up with a clever answer. But it still helps to know something about soccer in order to understand this silly joke. This joke got us thinking, though, and maybe we laughed just a little bit. We would certainly text this joke to our friends and hope that they get the answer.

Question 4

Why did the man put his money in the freezer?

Hiding money in the freezer might seem like a good idea, but is it something that we really want to do? Maybe robbers wouldn't think to look there. Or, maybe it's the first place to look, especially if they also need some ice for the drink they took from the fridge. There have been stranger things to happen out in the world. But why would someone put their money in the freezer? It sure sounds like an odd thing to do, but maybe that's the joke, too.

Question 5

What is cheese that isn't ours called?

Cheese! Cheese is probably one of the greatest food inventions known to humankind. We absolutely love cheese and would eat more cheese if we could. But we can't own ALL the cheese. That would be impossible. Some people are wealthy with cheese, and others lack an abundance of cheese. If the cheese doesn't belong to us, what kind of cheese is it? That's the important thing to remember for this joke, and only the funniest of us will be able to know the answer.

Question 6

What's a sleeping bull called?

It would not be a good idea to wake up a sleeping bull. We know that much. Bulls have those big horns that would cause us some problems if we made the mistake of messing with one. Maybe that's why we never got into bull fighting. We would rather be funny than be gored by a bull. Let sleeping bulls sleep; that's what we always say. But we hope that the answer to this joke sounds familiar to those of us who are funny in the audience.

Question 7

What did the judge say when a skunk walked into the court room?

Well, if this were an actual scenario, that would be something. We did read a story about animals that were told to report to court because of hunting other animals. It was a strange story to find online. But we can imagine that skunks might occasionally find their way into a court room. Skunks are actually really cute animals. Baby skunks are super-adorable. It's funny that some people confuse skunks for cats because they don't really look alike. Yet, if a skunk did end up in a court room, what would the judge say?

Question 8

How do hens cheer their team?

If hens had a favorite team, how would they cheer them on? This one might leave those of us who are only everyday funny totally stumped for an answer. Actually funny people are going to be able to figure this one out, and we want to be among them. Hens would probably look adorable (and funny) in little cheerleader outfits designed just for them. But we would totally go to a game that had cheer-hens for the team. It would be funny.

Question 9

What bow can't be tied?

Bows are bows because something was tied into a bow. That's how this whole things work. Words have meaning, right? These jokes are not to be taken literally, of course. We might have to spend more time thinking about it because this joke is also a riddle. It's a riddled joke, or maybe a joking riddle. That just became a deep question that is beyond the scope of this quiz. What's a bow that is not tied? The answer is just on the tip of our tongue....

Question 10

What is red and smells like blue paint?

Blue paint probably doesn't smell like blue raspberries, although that would be a neat invention. Maybe if someone invented edible paint made from candy, then we would know what makes blue paint so popular in this joke. Yet, how would something be red and smell like blue paint? This is a mind-twisting joke if there ever was one. We are very close to figuring out the answer because we are hilarious like everyone who is taking this quiz. It's on the tip of our nose.

Question 11

What has one head, one foot and four legs?

Every good joke teller has a few riddles up their sleeve. And this is definitely a riddle for the masses. The question may leave some of us stumped, but we totally got this. We are actually funny, and we know it. Being funny means being able to solve hilarious riddles and make jokes that are really riddles in disguise. That's how this thing will go down in history as the funniest quiz about being funny that has ever existed. So, really, what's the answer?

Question 12

Why would a banana go to the doctor?

Bananas generally don't go to doctors, so that's why we have to ask. Maybe something isn't right with Mr. Banana and that's what prompted him to see a doctor. We hope he has good insurance because doctor visits can get really expensive. We have to wonder why a banana would need to go to the doctor, and that is why we are at this point right. Bananas and doctors are a strange combination for a joke. But the best jokes are unexpected.

Question 13

Now why did the computer go to the doctor?

Every object is going to the doctor these days. Maybe it's an epidemic that cannot be contained. First the banana, and now the computer! These jokes are totally out of control. Maybe being this hilarious is too much for us, and we don't know if we can handle it. Okay, we got this. We can figure out this joke and score the highest score in all of jokedom. Being funny is who we are, and we know why the computer went to the doctor.

Question 14

Who earns a living driving their customers away?

Wow, we wouldn't think it would be a good idea to drive customers away. That sounds like it would cause problems for the business, whatever it is. Driving people away does seem to be something that we are good at doing, though. So, it's possible that we are just doing what we are qualified for doing at this point. But this is another riddle disguised as a joke, and we can find the answer if only we look a little deeper.

Question 15

What goes through towns, but never moves?

The joke might be on us with this joke. We have to really think about what could go through towns, up and over hills, down various neighborhoods, and yet it never moves itself. What a conundrum (we just wanted an excuse to say that word). It's just on the tip of our brains what the answer could be, but we bet that other people who are funny already know the answer to this joke. We would be surprised if we aren't the only ones who struggled to know it.

Question 16

Why was there lightning and thunder going on in the lab?

Lightning and thunder makes such loud noises. We remember the last bad storm that we saw, and it was scary. We even saw lightning hit a tree. That was spooky. And the rain just kept coming down like a sheet of water. Now imagine that happening inside of a lab. Whoa! Why would it be happening? This is only a joke, but it sure does get us thinking about what the answer would be. Let us continue to ponder why the rest of the folks here choose an answer.

Question 17

What happens when a fish and an elephant are crossed?

Speaking of experiments, this seems like it would be a doozy. Just because it can be done does not mean that it should be done. Imagine what would happen if fish and elephants were actually crossed genetically in real life. Well, the good news is that this is a joke, and the answer is not so obvious. It's getting harder and harder to know the answer. Our funny bones are being tested in the best ways with these questions. But we can do it!

Question 18

Okay, so what word is always spelled wrong in the dictionary?

Now we are getting into the grittiness of what makes things funny. Jokes are also smart brain teasers that make us think about things we take for granted. We are never wrong, though. Our funniness is not called into question. We can figure out the answer to this riddle and will own the joke with our brilliance. Being funny is really hard work, and sometimes jokes can also get the best of us. But not this one. We won't get it wrong at all.

Question 19

What kind of animal would be a bad idea to play card games with?

Well, in the real world, it's probably not that bright to play games with animals that think of us as food. But we can play games with our cats and dogs. They like to play. Now, playing card games with an animal might not be possible in reality, but it can work within the framework of this joke. The riddle is enough to get our mental gears going. Card games with an animal could mean that we win or lose, and we don't want to be at an unfair disadvantage.

Question 20

Why did the chicken get a penalty in the sports game?

Chickens no longer cross roads! They have been upgraded to playing sports. This chicken is playing whatever sport happens to be in season at the time. Is the chicken any good at it? Well, we can't say for sure. The chicken was drafted into the game in college. That's how chickens get out of crossing roads in jokes. They get an education and graduate with honors, and they apparently also play on sports teams. But this chicken is not being well-behaved.

Question 21

When does Friday come before Thursday?

Mind twisting jokes! We have entered the section for more mind-twisting jokes, and this one totally tops the list. Friday always comes after Thursday. That's how we order our weeks. It's not something that we set up, but the people who made the calendars we use today set it up like that. We have to think about how we could be funny in making this joke when there's a lull at a party. Oh, wait, we might have the answer, and it's totally unexpected.

Question 22

What did the blanket say to the bed?

Speaking of blankets and beds, we could really go for a nap right now. No one told us that being this funny would be so exhausting. Now, if blankets and beds talked to each other, this is what would happen. That's the joke. We find ways to joke about the everyday things that we might take for granted otherwise. Blankets talking to beds is just par for the course in a joke as hilarious as this one. It's funny to find it in a candy wrapper or to send unexpectedly to our friends in a text.

Question 23

Why is the sky so unhappy?

We sent this as a text joke one day, and our friend had no idea what to say. It was a funny joke in its own way. People who are genius-level funny will be able to get this joke without too much thought. Maybe they have already heard this joke or told it many times. When a joke is a winner, we tend to repeat it for new audiences. The sky seems unhappy for one reason only, and we are not talking about rain.

Question 24

What's easy to get into but hard to get out of?

Wow, these jokes are starting to require a lot of thinking about. We have to remind ourselves that we are very funny, and that smart jokes are just a part of being hilarious. It's really easy to get into this but hard to get out of it. We aren't talking about the first logical thing that comes to mind, nor are we talking about the last logical thing that enters our heads at this question. This joke almost has us stumped, but we will prevail!

Question 25

What runs but doesn't get anywhere?

Well, we aren't talking about our attempts on the treadmill. That's for another story that we don't intend to share here. No, this joke goes somewhere with it that might leave some of us scratching our heads. Being funny is not that easy sometimes. The jokes we tell may go over our friends' heads, or we might even have fruit thrown at us onto the stage. That happens sometimes. We hope that the fruit is good and will stay preserved.

Question 26

What kind of dog keeps the best time?

Dogs are wonderful animals. We don't know much about the different breeds of dogs, but we know that they're all cute! Seriously, we could watch puppy videos all day (after watching lots of cat videos). But can dogs keep time? Well, that's not what we are really asking here because we are dealing with a joke. Our sense of humor needs to call on what it knows to bring forth the answer to this joke that we should know by heart.

Question 27

What's an alligator in a vest called?

That would be an unusual sight! Alligators only wear vests in cartoons, but hey, this world is topsy-turvy sometimes. We could run into an alligator wearing a vest one of these days. But what is an alligator wearing a vest called? There has to be a word for it. The imagery is funny all on its own. But we know that the answer to this riddle of a joke is also going to be funny and one that we should have seen coming.

Question 28

Why is Peter Pan always flying?

To be honest, if we could fly, we would keep flying around as well. It would save so much in gas and make travel much easier. But if we could fly, we couldn't just do it all of the time. We would have something worse than Captain Hook onto our tail if that were the case. Peter Pan has the right idea about everything: staying young and flying around. It's actually a brilliant plan that we wish we had thought of it first.

Question 29

Why did the picture end up behind bars?

Pictures don't generally do things wrong that they can be thrown behind bars. This one might be too easy, but we thought it would still be a good one to put in the mix. The joke is going to be on us if we aren't able to figure out the answer to this one! We don't really hang up pictures anymore because most of us just share our photos in a digital way, like on social media or on our phones.

Question 30

What kind of tea is hard to swallow?

Tea is a wonderful beverage. We have been drinking caramel vanilla hot tea for the morning instead of coffee, and we highly recommend it. So, it's definitely not that kind of tea that would be hard to swallow. Another good tea is a dragonfruit green tea. Yes, try it. It is amazing. There is a tea that is hard for many of us to swallow, and that is the tea referenced in the joke. The answer is not found in a cup.

Question 31

What is a group of unorganized cats called?

No, really, we want to know. Our cats are out of control, so we happen to live with a group of adorable and feisty unorganized kitties. If there's a word for it, then we want to be able to use it. It can help us describe our situation. Come to think of, the unorganized cats are a metaphor for our lives sometimes. It's a bit of disorganized mess, all in disarray. But we love being around our cats because cats are just awesome.

Question 32

What do we get when we divide the circumference of a Jack-O-Lantern by its diameter?

Math jokes! These are the most fun jokes of all because they also require knowing just a little bit of math. The characters from The Big Bang Theory would totally approve of math jokes, and we can come up with the answer because we are genius-level joke tellers. Our jokes are the funniest to people who could get accepted into Mensa as a genius. That's why we love math jokes like this. And it definitely gets us thinking about what the answer could be.

Question 33

Why was the math book frowning?

Well, if we were a math book, we probably wouldn't be very happy either. People toss their math books around with no thought. The edges of the covers end up getting frayed or look rough. Then all of the pencil marks on top of the math book is enough to set us on edge. So, we can understand why a math book would be less than thrilled about the school year. What would be another good reason for a math book to frown so much?

Question 34

What is an adorable angle called?

Sometimes people misspell "angels" as the word "angles," but that is not the case here. The joke wants us to say what an angle that is adorable would be called. Well, this angle would have to be quite the angle indeed to be considered adorable. It probably has its own social media following that rivals the fan base of famous people. We would want its autograph and probably hang its photos on the walls because this would be an angle that was adorable.

Question 35

What walks like a duck, talks like a duck but is not a duck?

Ducks are well-known for their quacking sound that they make. Different breeds of ducks will have slightly different kinds of calls, but they mostly all sound like quacks. This last joke will be the one that proves that we are actually funny because we know the answer to it without even thinking about it too much. We sometimes go to the pond to feed the ducks, and we have heard stories about ducks doing heroic things. But how could it not be a duck if it walks like a duck and talks like one?

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