Anybody Who Passes This Never Have I Ever Quiz Is A Goodie Two-Shoes

Who hasn't ever wondered whether or not they are a goodie-two-shoes?

We're talking about those people who always seem to be perfect little angels who have no skeletons in their closet whatsoever. Those people who always seem to wake up on time, never miss a class and always look totally presentable even in the wee hours of the morning. Goodie-two-shoes might seem like they have it all together, but do they really have any fun? There are a few schools of thought on this- so it's really hard to say objectively. What we do know is that there are plenty of pros and cons to being a goodie-two-shoes!

This quiz will determine who fits into the goodie-two-shoes camp... and who does not! Over the next fifty questions, we will get a good insight into everyone's personal goodie-two-shoes nature and be able to determine who always has played it safe, and who has a bit of a wild streak in them. So, it's time to sharpen up your pencils and get ready to find out some interesting truths with this quiz designed to give us a glance inside everyone's inner goodie-two-shoes and see who is an angel... and who is not!

Question 1

Never Have I Ever: Gotten A Ticket

There are some of us who follow the rules of the road, and others who think that rules were meant to be bypasssed. Sometimes that ends up by being pulled over by the police and issued a ticket! Who has had an “oh no, po po!” moment? Who has never gotten a ticket?

Question 2

Never Have I Ever: Peeked At Someone Else's Paper

We’ve all been there. We were planning on studying for that test but we just kept procrastinating! Maybe it was the allure of Netflix. Maybe we just lost track of time. Whatever it was, we’re in a position where our minds are as blank as our test papers. Who has peeked?

Question 3

Never Have I Ever: Flaked Out On A Friend

Nobody likes to be thought of as that flaky friend- the one who can never be relied on for anything. Unfortunately, we all have one of those- the kind where we really wish that they would just cancel plans instead of bailing out at the last minute. Who has been that person?

Question 4

Never Have I Ever" Called In "Sick"

Don’t let the picture of this adorable little girl fool anyone! We are not talking about being actually sick- we’re talking about looking outside and thinking that the weather was just too perfect not to head out to the beach instead of the office. Who has ever called in “sick”?

Question 5

Never Have I Ever: Asked Someone Out

There are some people who will just look at their crushes from afar and daydream about dating them all day- and then there are others who will actually go ahead and take the plunge- asking them out! Sure, it is nerve wracking to ask someone out, but sometimes the payoff is great!

Question 6

Never Have I Ever: Left The House Without An Umbrella

Most of us have been told to always be prepared for any type of weather, but really, how fun is that? Sometimes it’s better to just fly by the seat of our pants and wing it. Who is one of those people that never brings an umbrella with them- and just risks it?

Question 7

Never Have I Ever: Texted The Wrong Person

Oops- we have all done this one. Once in a while when we are trying to send a text to our bestie- we send it to our mom by mistake instead. Of course, it’s embarrassing but it really does happen to just about everyone… right? Choose most accurate best answer below.

Question 8

Never Have I Ever: Locked Myself Out Of The House

We never really think about our keys until we need them, like when we get annoyingly locked out of our houses and have to try to figure out a way back in! It’s even worse if it’s night-time and there’s nobody there to help us fix our mistake! Talk about “oops!”

Question 9

Never Have I Ever: Crashed A Car

Here’s another one that is bound to make some people squirm. Crashing a car is one of the least fun things that can happen to someone on the road, but there are millions of auto accidents every month, so it’s much more common than we would like to really admit.

Question 10

Never Have I Ever: Done Something Without Asking Permission

Okay, we all know those people who need to ask permission for every little thing. Then, on the flip side, there are others who believe in the phrase “it’s better to beg forgiveness than to ask permission”. Some of us fall in the middle of the spectrum. Pick the best option below.

Question 11

Never Have I Ever: Gone Skydiving

Calling all thrillseekers! Skydiving is one of those sports that people love because it gets the adrenaline pumping and it is great for bragging rights. Some think that there’s something really awesome about being able to defy gravity and float gently through the sky, but others disagree and think people should stay put on the ground!

Question 12

Never Have I Ever: Talked To Random People

We are all humans who love to interact with those that we love, but what about those that we don’t really love- or even know? There are certain people who really love to chat up strangers on the street. They really get a big kick out of meeting new friends.

Question 13

Never Have I Ever: Snuck Out To Meet Friends

Sometimes it can be tough to meet up with our friends. Whether they are not a person that our parents are particularly fond of, or we want to hang out with them really late at night past curfew- the only way we can see our friends sometimes is by sneaking out.

Question 14

Never Have I Ever: Stayed Out Past Curfew

Okay, so this question comes on the heels of the last one- and if you said “guilty as charged” to sneaking out, you’ll probably have stayed out past curfew at least a few times in your life. Really, it’s just a rite of passage for most people. Breaking curfew is just something we all did!

Question 15

Never Have I Ever: Done Something Impulsive

Whether it is booking an airplane ticket to a foreign destination or making amends with an ex from long ago, most of us have done something impulsive at one time or another during our lives. In fact, we’d say that being impulsive is one of the spices of a great life!

Question 16

Never Have I Ever: Skipped Class

Let’s go back old school and talk about what happened when a bell indicated what class we had to be in. Yep, we’re talking about the glory days of high school, where stuff was so much simpler but we were restricted by our teachers and class schedule- unless we decided to skip.

Question 17

Never Have I Ever: Played Competitive Sports

This might not seem like such an important question to ask to determine who is and who is not a goodie-two-shoes, but bear with us on this one. It totally is. Competitive sports sometimes require us to break the rules and make executive decisions- exactly the opposite of what a goodie-two-shoes does!

Question 18

Never Have I Ever: Broken Anything Valuable

We all make mistakes from time to time, so we’re pretty sure that just about everyone will be able to answer this question with “yes”, unless they grew up being a total angel. It always seems like the most valuable stuff is also the most fragile, which totally is not fair.

Question 19

Never Have I Ever: Snuck Snacks Into A Movie

We all know how expensive snacks at the movie theater can be- so we would not judge anyone for bringing in a little bag of M&Ms or maybe a Snickers bar into the movie theater. After all, we can get them at a third of the price at the gas station!

Question 20

Never Have I Ever: Sang Karaoke

It takes a lot of courage to get up there on the stage and start belting out our favorite tunes. There are some people who take to karaoke like a duck takes to water, and others who would rather get a root canal than get up on the karaoke stage!

Question 21

Never Have I Ever: Gotten A Piercing

We won’t ask where, but we do want to know how many people out there have pierced a hole in one of their body parts! Piercings let us wear some of the most fabulous jewelry- like the statement earrings pictured above. Who has taken the plunge and gotten a piercing?

Question 22

Never Have I Ever: Been The Life Of The Party

We know that this one is a little bit subjective, but bear with us because it all comes down to each person’s perspective on the situation. We are curious to know who out there thinks that they were, or continue to be, the life of the party. Pick an option.

Question 23

Never Have I Ever: Sent A Text To An Ex

We all know the feeling- you go through the whole emotional spectrum of a breakup only to have a night full of festivities and some cheesy music that reminds you of your ex- and then there is the inevitable text. Then it is cringing and regret all the next day. Who has done it?

Question 24

Never Have I Ever: Checked My SO’s Phone

Let’s be honest- we all get a little curious as to what our significant others are up to from time to time. Maybe they are being a little distant or strange, maybe we just get that feeling- or itch- to scroll through an unlocked phone and find out what’s really up.

Question 25

Never Have I Ever: Attended A Wild Party

We already asked who was the life of the party- now it is time to find out who has ever attended one of those wild parties that they will never forget in a million years. We are not talking about the standard run-of-the-mill weekend get together- we’re talking something special!

Question 26

Never Have I Ever: Gossiped About A Friend

Nobody really likes to admit it but we’ve all done it, right? There is that juicy piece of gossip that we simply can’t keep to ourselves- even if it is about one of our nearest and dearest friends. Only people who are total angels have not gossiped about a friend from time to time.

Question 27

Never Have I Ever: Passed On Blame To A Sibling

Some people will say- what are siblings for if not to pass blame on? Others think that we should own up to our mistakes and admit when we have done something wrong. There are sure to be a significant number of people taking this quiz who have blamed their bro or sis for something they did.

Question 28

Never Have I Ever: Lived On My Own

As we all know, there are plenty of different levels to living on one’s own. Some people move out of their parents’ house and get a place with one of their besties. Others prefer the serene quiet and comfort of their own space. Who has ever lived on their own?

Question 29

Never Have I Ever: Prank Called Someone

In the age of cell phones it is a little difficult to do this, but back in the olden days when people had landlines prank calls were made all of the time. Ranging from the harmless and hysterical to the totally weird and something totally annoying, most people made them.

Question 30

Never Have I Ever: Dated Someone My Parents Did Not Like

We all know that we get to choose our own boyfriends and girlfriends, but sometimes when we live with our parents they can also get a say. It is always a pain when your parents don’t like your significant other, but it happens all of the time. Who has experienced this?

Question 31

Never Have I Ever: Lied

Okay, so this is a little bit of a trick question since most of us have lied from time to time, but it needs to be asked to complete this quiz. Of course, there are different levels of lying and some are- arguably- worse than others. Choose an option below.

Question 32

Never Have I Ever: Procrastinated At Work Or School

Most of us have a few bad habits and procrastination is one of the top ones. We tend to put off tasks that we really don’t want to do, and wind up rushing to complete them once we’re pressed against a tight deadline! Who has had this happen to them?

Question 33

Never Have I Ever: Gotten Into A Fight

It’s inevitable in life- we all meet those people that we just do not see eye to eye with. Maybe it is that their personality just rubs us the wrong way. Maybe they’ve said or done something that we just don’t like. Whatever it is, sometimes the gloves come off!

Question 34

Never Have I Ever: Used A Fake ID

For some people having a fake ID is a rite of passage. It’s something that was passed down to them from people who were hopefully older and wiser! Fake IDs are the subject of many funny movies and TV shows about growing up. Who has ever had a fake ID?

Question 35

Never Have I Ever: Shoplifted

Fake IDs are all fun and games, but what about the really serious stuff- like stealing? Movies, songs and TV shows have made shoplifting look a little bit glamorous, but there are some serious consequences to lifting from a store. Who has ever shoplifted? It’s time to fess up below!

Question 36

Never Have I Ever: Crushed On My Friend's Ex

Sometimes when we’re in a friend group we can start to develop some unwanted… and definitely unplanned feelings for the ex of one of our friends. It is totally naturally and inevitable, but tell that to your friend who used to date him. We guarantee that she won’t understand at all!

Question 37

Never Have I Ever: Cut A Friend's Hair

Here’s a question that might not seem like it belongs in a quiz that determines who is a goodie-two-shoes, but bear with us. Only people who really trust their friends allow them to do something as drastic as cut their hair! Think about it- would you let someone impulsive cut your precious locks?

Question 38

Never Have I Ever: Done Something Huge For Love

Calling all romantics! This question is for those people who really have gone out of their way to do something amazing for love. They truly belong all in a league of their own- because most people will not go the extra mile, let alone 100 miles, for someone they crush on.

Question 39

Never Have I Ever: Snooped On My So's Social Media

Anyone who remembers the question about scrolling through their SO’s phone is probably cringing at this one, but we need to ask a similar question! Sometimes someone leaves their social media unattended and unlocked and it is just begging to be peeked at, right? Choose the most honest answer below.

Question 40

Never Have I Ever: Flirted With My Crush

There are some people who are really, really good at flirting- and then, there are the rest of us who aren’t exactly smooth! Flirting is hard, especially if you don’t know if the other person likes you- which is often what happens with a big crush. Who is an expert flirter?

Question 41

Never Have I Ever: Taken A Road Trip

Who has ever jumped into a car and just gone out on the road with some of their best friends? There is nothing like a road trip to bring people together, but there are a few challenges that are bound to pop up along the way also. Who has taken a road trip?

Question 42

Never Have I Ever: Pulled An All-Nighter

Anyone who has ever felt like this adorable tired little koala knows exactly how pulling an all-nighter feels. It might make sense while we’re doing it, but there is no way that we will be able to feel our best in the morning! Who has ever had to pull an epic all-nighter?

Question 43

Never Have I Ever: Eaten A Whole Cake In One Sitting

We know that we have all WANTED to eat an entire cake in one sitting, but there are a few of us who have actually taken the plunge with our forks and polished off a whole cake all by ourselves. There was usually a Netflix marathon involved also! Who has devoured an entire cake?

Question 44

Never Have I Ever: Cursed By Mistake

Sometimes when we really want to say one thing something completely different comes out. Generally, when we have an “oops!” curse moment it’s at a wildly embarrassing time, like during church or in front of our great Aunt. Let’s be honest- we have all totally cursed at the wrong time, right?

Question 45

Never Have I Ever: Snuck Into A Movie Underage

When we are in our teens it just doesn’t seem fair that we’re cut off from the best kind of movies. Of course, we’re talking about mature movies that we need to show ID to get into. Fortunately, many of us learned the delicate art of sneaking into these kinds of movies!

Question 46

Never Have I Ever: Raided My Mom's Purse

Now, we really hope that nobody still does this, but when we’re young and unable to get together enough cash to do what we want to do, some of us resorted to pretty extreme measures. That meant raiding mom’s purse for a little extra money. Time to fess up! Who’s done it?

Question 47

Never Have I Ever: Played A Practical Joke On Someone

They say that laughter is the spice of life, but there are those who really don’t like it when people play practical jokes on them. Maybe they are just really uptight, or maybe they have a point- are practical jokes really all that funny? Who has played a practical joke on someone?

Question 48

Never Have I Ever: Blabbed A Secret

Nobody will really like to admit to this one, but we have all probably been there right- someone tells us something that is just too juicy to keep to ourselves and we end up blabbing the secret to the entire world, or at least our friend group. Who’s done it?

Question 49

Never Have I Ever: Ghosted A Romantic Interest

More than likely, we’ve all been ghosted. It is really tough when we think that someone is romantically into us, only to have them disappear without a single trace! Ghosting is one of the more common break-up methods these days! Who has ever been the ghost themselves? Choose an option below.

Question 50

Never Have I Ever: Spread A Rumor

Finally let’s end with something that we all might have done in our lifetimes- at least in middle school. Most of us have been the subject of, or the spreader of, a rumor that has changed a reputation. We might not be proud of it, but it’s time to be honest here!

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