Any Fan Who Can Get Over 80% On This MCU Quiz Should Really Join The Avengers

Marvel has been around for a long time; it started as Timely Comics in 1939, and then became Magazine Management in 1947, before finally becoming Marvel Comics in 1961. Though no one knows exactly how many, Marvel has created so many superheroes and comics; kids and adults have enjoyed them for hours on end. On top of all the comics and memorabilia, they have recently started making movies and TV shows as well, which have become a major hit among their audiences. They have made a name for themselves, with many very powerful characters that we can all relate to on a personal level.

In 1996, Marvel started Marvel Studios based out of Burbank, California—and owned entirely by Disney. The first film released was Blade in 1998, which grossed $70 million. The company then released X-Men which is when it really started its kickoff. While there is a lot of information in the Marvel Universe, there are a few people out there who know it all! These people should definitely join the Avengers because their superpower is Super Knowledge! This quiz will help to separate the true fans, and therefore, true avenger, from those who just pretend that they know everything in order to fit in with the 'cool' kids. That's all of us by the way!

Question 1

What version of this serum is the last and who took that serum to become a superhero?

Everyone knows the famous superhero Captain America, the patriot of the United States. Some even know how he was created; he was injected with a super serum giving him all his powers and abilities. However, now everyone knows about that serum and where it ended up. There has been more than one version of it and it also created another superhero, a major one. What version of this serum is the last and who took that serum to become a superhero?

Question 2

What was the Wolverine’s original birth name before he changed it twice?

One of the many powerful and well-known heroes, and perhaps the gruffest, is Wolverine. He can heal himself; he has a very animalistic sense, and adamantium claws and skeleton. He always prefers to work alone and not much of his past his known although it is somewhat explored in the comics and movies. He is very much a man, with his gruffness and ego. Only a true fan will remember this: what was the Wolverine’s original birth name before he changed it twice?

Question 3

Who was the doctor that experimented on the Wolverine?

Wolverine was not originally born with adamantium all over his skeleton. He was born with his healing powers and instincts, but he had a regular skeleton and retractable bone claws that he only discovered when he was a young boy after he killed his father. He was actually experimented on and had the adamantium grafted onto his body—an experiment only he can survive. Although he forgets all this, eventually he remembers it all. Who was the doctor that experimented on the Wolverine?

Question 4

How many stones does he have to collect?

In the newest Marvel movie The Avengers: Infinity War, our heroes have to take on the most powerful being in the universe, Thanos. Thanos is on a quest to rule the entire universe and he starts by trying to retrieve all the infinity stones—thus making himself invincible. In the movie and comics he succeeds and wipes out half the universe with a snap of his fingers, but we now wait to see how the movie will fix that. How many stones does he have to collect?

Question 5

Ego comes from a faraway planet and is banished; what is his real name?

Peter Quill, also known as Star-lord, was abducted at a young age—right after his mom passed away in the hospital. He grew up on an alien ship learning how to be a space pirate with the Ravagers. He grew up not knowing who his dad is and spends his life trying to figure it out. Eventually, he finally finds him; an alien who calls himself Ego, but that is not his real name. Ego comes from a faraway planet and is banished; what is his real name?

Question 6

Exactly how old is Thor?

Thor, the ancient Norse God of Thunder and one of the original Avengers, has been around for centuries. He’s seen war, chaos and peaceful times throughout the course of his life and survived many hazardous adventures—always coming out on top with a new story to tell and his sense of humor still intact. The films have recently portrayed Thor’s life with a glimmer of humor and optimism to balance out the tremendous amount of heartbreak he has endured. Exactly how old is Thor?

Question 7

Exactly how many children does Loki have?

Loki, the Norse God of Mischief, is chiefly responsible for 90% of the ancient gods’ troubles. Some of his misadventures in the mythology included him procreating and producing some horrific children that would later reappear in Ragnarok when the time of the gods was ending. Two of his more hellish children played a major role in this end times scenario and even appeared in the recent Thor Ragnarok film, though not as Loki’s children. Exactly how many children does Loki have?

Question 8

What is her true appearance?

Hela, the ancient Norse Goddess of Death and ruler of the underworld where everyone goes after they die, appeared in the new film, Thor Ragnorak as Thor and Loki’s older estranged sister. While she kept her hellish appearance under wraps and managed to single-handedly wipe out the majority of Asgard’s population in her search for Heimdal’s sword, Hela’s true appearance as portrayed by the old mythology would’ve terrified half the audience and required CGI animation to render. What is her true appearance?

Question 9

What type of doctor was Strange before he became a wizard?

We all know by now that Dr. Stephen Strange is more than just a talented doctor with a tragic past. He is a master wizard with powers beyond our capabilities and he carries the time stone, allowing him to reverse time and see multiple outcomes of a problem before attempting to solve the said problem and allow the new timeline to cement into reality. We probably all wish we had the ability to reverse time and change our mistakes but there is one mistake he has never tried to change. What type of doctor was Strange before he became a wizard?

Question 10

Who did Howard Stark ultimately end up marrying?

At the height of the Second World War, Howard Stark was rapidly making a name for himself with his timely and impressive inventions as well as his work with the military in an attempt to do everything he could to win the war. One of his co-projects was the super serum which turned a scrawny kid into Captain America. But when the war was over, Captain America buried in the ice and Howard left alone with his huge fortune and playboy ways, who did he ultimately end up marrying?

Question 11

What was the name of Nebula’s home planet?

Thanos, in his quest for power and to rule the galaxy, had a side-quest which involved adopting children from his conquered worlds and raising them to be his elite warriors. We know all about Gamora but her sister Nebula is a different story. With blue skin and several augmented body parts to give her an edge in her battles, Nebula remains a rage-filled mystery for many fans. Where she came from is of particular interest and only the comics have an answer. What was the name of Nebula’s home planet?

Question 12

Who is this greatest enemy of Spider-Man?

Spider-Man, New York’s friendly crime-fighting vigilante in a red and blue webbed costume has had his fair share of epic battles and memorable enemies—perhaps, arguably more than his fair share. He has had several epic team-ups with many other heroes, including Daredevil and the X-Men. But overall his many adventures and near-death escapes, as well as heartbreaking losses and crucial mistakes that he will have to live with forever, one enemy has remained his true arch nemesis. Who is this greatest enemy of Spider-Man?

Question 13

Where do the watchers live?

In the comics, there is an ancient and secretive alien race known only as the Watchers. After an attempt to bestow advanced knowledge on a fellow ancient alien race backfires, the Watchers committed themselves strictly to non-interference observation only and record everything they see and hear but never interfere. Many of these silent observers are stationed throughout the universe and there are even some on Earth among the many unsuspecting humans of the Marvel universe. Where do the watchers live?

Question 14

What is the name of Gamora’s obliterated home planet?

Gamora is the green-skinned adopted daughter of Thanos and sister of Nebula. She is arguably Thanos’ favorite daughter and is an elite fighter, augmented for battle and stealth with several kills to her name. After fleeing Thanos’ rule, she joins with the Guardians of the Galaxy and puts her unique skill set to use saving people’s lives and ultimately going up against her father in Avengers: Infinity War with devastating consequences. What is the name of Gamora’s obliterated home planet?

Question 15

What is Daredevil’s real name when he isn’t wearing his mask and fighting crime?

Daredevil is a leather-wearing crime fighting valiant operating primary in a ten block radius of downtown Manhattan, home of some very nasty crime lords and other scum of the villain world. Many know that one of Daredevil’s unique features is the fact that he is blind and relies heavily on his over-developed senses to achieve his impressive goals of defending his city from evil. What most people don’t know is his real name. What is Daredevil’s real name when he isn’t wearing his mask and fighting crime?

Question 16

What is the name of the group who trained her?

Natasha Romanoff—or Black Widow as she is better known as—was trained to be an assassin by the same secretive and elite force which trained Elektra and is responsible for many deaths and assassinations in the Marvel comic universe. Despite her horrendous upbringing, Natasha has managed to end up on the side of good and is a member of the Avengers team, putting her tremendous skill set to excellent good use. What is the name of the group who trained her?

Question 17

Which infinity stone does he use?

Ronan the Accuser is a power member in the Kree Empire who despises Xander for killing part of his family. When the two make an alliance to stop the war, Ronan becomes enraged and swears he will destroy Xander for good. He allies himself with the powerful titan, Thanos, in his attempt to destroy Xander. In the process, he gains one of the powerful infinity stones and uses it on himself. Only a true fan will remember: Which infinity stone does he use?

Question 18

What was the name of the doctor that created Deadpool?

Deadpool is one of the funniest and perhaps dirtiest superheroes in the MCU. But like Wolverine he wasn’t always like this, he was born a regular average human being with no special abilities. When he is diagnosed with Cancer, he becomes desperate for a cure and in the process of finding one; he gets experimented on and became Deadpool. Having nothing to lose he takes this mantle on and becomes a superhero. What was the name of the doctor that created Deadpool?

Question 19

What is the Punisher's real name?

Punisher is one of the more shady heroes that can only be described as an antihero. After serving in the military and returning, he finds that a crime lord has killed his family, his wife, and kids, right in front of him. He went to the police as he was able to identify the crime lords, but would not help him. It was then and there that he decided to become Punisher, and became a vigilante; executing justice on all criminals. What is the Punishers real name?

Question 20

What is Mystique’s real name?

One of the most unique and important members of the X-men is Mystique. She is able to shapeshift into anyone she wants, which has turned the table on more than one occasion, such as when she pretended to be a senator and reversed a bill requiring all mutants to register. She is a beautiful mutant who is sometimes ashamed of her real appearance but eventually learns to like herself for who she is. What is Mystique’s real name?

Question 21

What is Drax’s daughter’s name?

Drax the Destroyer, one of the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy, is an alien who is distraught with grief. Ronan the Accuser kills his wife and daughter, causing Drax to dedicate his life to getting his revenge. When he meets up with the Guardians of the Galaxy, he is given this opportunity, and in the end, he is able to get his revenge. Only a true fan will know and remember: What is Drax’s daughter’s name?

Question 22

Only a true fan will know: when was Captain America born?

One of the many attributes of Captain America is that he was originally from a different era, but he got frozen for a long time and came back out of time and place. Because of that, he could be considered very old, but that is an argument for a different time. Despite being completely out of place, however, he adapts fairly quickly and immediately begins fighting crime again and joining in the wars. Only a true fan will know: when was Captain America born?

Question 23

What kind of degree does Antman have?

Going to one of our smaller heroes, pun intended, Antman is definitely an interesting character. With his suit of armor, he is able to both shrink and grow, he can talk to ants and other insects, and he can also cause others to object to grow and shrink as well. In ordinary life, he works at Baskin Robins, serving ice cream, despite his advanced training and education. Only a true fan will remember: what kind of degree does Antman have?

Question 24

Who is her father?

One of the only two members of the Avengers that was experimented on and given special abilities, at least those still alive, is Wanda Maximoff. She as the powers of telekinesis, mental manipulation, and energy projection. She hated the Avengers at first because of a bomb that killed her whole family, that came from stark. Eventually, she learned the truth and joined the Avengers in the fight against Ultron. Few people will know this: Who is her father?

Question 25

What is his wife’s name?

Clint Barton, or as everyone knows him Hawkeye, is the under appreciated member of the Avengers, but he still has an important role to play. He uses a bow and arrow, which may sound primitive, but it isn’t in his hands. He is a very quiet man, not saying much unless he needs to, which is why most people don’t know much about his private life. He is married and has a nice little home in the suburbs that the Avengers use as a safe house. What is his wife’s name?

Question 26

What is the major difference?

The Hawkeye in the movies and the one in the comics are, as always, very different. For one they have different costumes, and he also seems to have a little bit of a different character as well. Both of course use bows, and both are married, although to different women. And of course, they both join the Avengers and then leave mysteriously and then come back again. But there is one physical detail that is different from the comic version, what is that major difference?

Question 27

What was Luke Cage’s original birth name?

Luke Cage started off as less of a hero, and more a thug, committing crimes such as theft and assault. He was part of a gang which ended him up in prison, where his life got worse. Filled with anger and hatred he fought with everyone and eventually got transferred to a different prison. There the guards beat him regularly. Eventually, he was given experimental treatment that gave him his powers. What was Luke Cage’s original birth name?

Question 28

What was the name of the planet that they were stranded on?

In Thor: Ragnarak Loki and Thor not only lose their homeworld to their sister, but they are also banished to a strange world that is ions away with no way to escape. In this world, they find the collector, a million-year-old alien who captures people and forces them to fight in the arena, where most if not all die. Thor and Loki escape of course, but it is not easy at all. Only a true fan will remember: what was the name of the planet that they were stranded on?

Question 29

How long had the hulk been on Sakaar?

When Thor and Loki are stranded on Sakaar, at first it feels like hell, especially after Thor lost his hammer and homeworld and their father. But in the midst of battle, they both see a familiar face: they see Hulk! After the hulk disappears following the battle with Ultron, he crashes on Sakaar, and never changes back to Bruce Banner. They find that he had been here the entire time, which is a long time for him to hulk out. How long had the hulk been on Sakaar?

Question 30

What is Quicksilver’s real name?

Wanda has a brother that makes his debut in Avengers: Age of Ultron, but sadly also makes his departure. Quicksilver only has one superpower, the ability to run at superhuman speed, which is a result of an experiment done on him and his sister. They both join the Avengers and he ends up giving his life to save Hawkeye. He dives in front of a jet controlled by Ultron and takes a lot of bullet for him. What is Quicksilver’s real name?

Question 31

Where did mantis grow up before Ego took her in?

Mantis is an alien who is the servant to Ego, Peter Quill’s father. Not much is known about her and she herself has forgotten much of her past, where she is from, who her parents are. She is basically an orphan who is adopted by Ego. She eventually takes a liking to the guardians of the galaxy and joins them on their adventures. She helps them to defeat and escape from Ego showing them how to kill him. Where did mantis grow up before Ego took her in?

Question 32

What was Rhode's rank while he served as War Machine?

In Ironman, we are introduced to War Machine, a suit of armor built by Tony Stark, stolen by the government, and given to James Rhodes after being modified. He joins the Avengers and plays some major roles while with them, while still technically working for the government and the Marines. He even takes over as being Ironman when Tony was presumed dead. Only a true fan will remember: what was Rhodes rank while he served as War Machine?

Question 33

What was the name of this very special machine?

Charles Xavier was known for many things, one of the many being his school for the gifted. He founded it as a way to help his fellow mutants understand their own powers and to learn to use them. But mostly he also wanted to make sure they used them for good and not evil. In his school, he had a machine, a special machine that he used to find all the other mutants and gather them at the school. What was the name of this very special machine?

Question 34

How did Magneto accidentally paralyse his very old friend?

During one of the many x men movies, it covered one of the most painful yet, critical moments in Charles Xavier's life: the moment he lost his use of his legs. The movie portrayed it with its due magnitude, and with very slow motion. It came at the hand of Magneto, his student turned enemy, although it was an accident, it was still his fault. Only a true fan will know: how did he accidentally paralyse his very old friend?

Question 35

What was the name of the code that destroyed all of them?

One of the biggest moments in Ironmans history is when he decided that he was done with ironman and he chose Pepper over everything. After seeing her fall off a ledge supposedly to her death and then manage to survive, he had a wakeup call. He told Pepper that he would fix his heart so he wouldn’t need his arc reactor anymore and then in a final call destroyed all his suits of armor. What was the name of the code that destroyed all of them?

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