Answer These Simple Questions To Find Out If Your Relationship Is Moving Too Fast

Spring is just around the corner and love is definitely in the air. Flowers will soon be blossoming and perhaps love as well for some lucky couples out there. But, is it possible for spring to come too soon? If your relationship has taken flight, you might be wondering if it’s too early to know if love is really there or not. Are you being too hasty to say those three magic words? You don't want to wait too long or it might become an awkward waiting-for-the-other-to-say-it-first situation. Also, you don't want to say it too soon or you might come off rushed, overly attached or too emotionally clingy. Knowing how serious a relationship is becoming can be difficult to pin point. Knowing each other’s true feelings for one another can also be difficult to express without sounding needy or infatuated. Love is a time game and we are here to help! By answering these relationship questions about your current love life, you can get a better insight of just how fast or slow you are taking things. Take this quiz to determine if it is the right time to say "I love you" or if you are rushing too fast.

Question 1

What was your first impression of your partner?

First impressions are really the key to setting off sparks. They can set a good ambiance for the rest of the relationship and establish a good reputation between the two of you. Think back to your first impression of your partner.

Question 2

If your partner says “I’m going out with the guys/girls, what’s your first reaction?

In other words, are you a control freak or a super chill babe? Your partner’s fun night out without you means a series of enjoyable events an memories built that you were not a part of. Can you handle it?

Question 3

What do you think about your partner’s parents?

Meeting your possibly future in-laws can be a delightful experience or a tragic battlefield. One thing is for sure, there are definitely a lot of judgement, contemplation and criticism going on. And that’s coming from both sides.

Question 4

What do your partner and you usually argue about?

Getting emotionally closer to someone can be such a blissful and fun experience. But it also may come with a roller-coaster of drastic feelings. Disagreements or frustrations may arise that test your stability.

Question 5

Do you trust each other?

It is said that trust is a one of the biggest factors in a long-standing relationship. Perhaps it's because of the peace of mind. Some people can trust naturally and others need some reassurances. Which is it for you and your partner?

Question 6

Are you keeping a secret from your partner?

At times we can be selective about what we want to expose about our lives and what we dare not talk about. On the other hand, some of us just don't want to deal with all those thoughts and feelings. We'd rather just lay it all out on the table.

Question 7

Have you ever thought about breaking up?

You might think breaking up is the best solution. I mean, you've tried everything you possibly could! Right? On a completely opposing situation, perhaps this person seems to be flawless. Why on Earth would you want to call it off?

Question 8

What’s your favorite thing about your partner?

Most people have those unique or interesting habits that others just can't avoid noticing all the time. You will especially notice these habits from your partner. What is that one that always makes you light up inside?

Question 9

What do you prefer to do with your partner?

It's either cuddling under the blankets as you watch your favorite T.V shows together. Oh and of course you can’t forget the snacks. Or, it’s get all dressed up, grab the car keys and hit the streets rolling like every day is a birthday!

Question 10

How did you and your partner meet?

People come together by so many different means. It may be by fortunately knowing the same people or finding each other by blogging online one day. Or it may be as simple yet magical as fate putting you both in the same place at the same time.

Question 11

If your partner gets angry with you, what do you do?

When the horned beast comes out, we should think carefully about our next move. Lest you further anger it into attacking you. Finding a good way to mediate takes precision. What would be your smart play?

Question 12

If you could live on a different continent with your partner, where would you live?

Dating and living together offer two completely different experiences in a relationship. You can definitely get to know all the little hidden details. Now imagine living together in a totally different country! Which would best accommodate you?

Question 13

What do you think about your partners friends?

The people your partner hangs out with can sometimes reflect your partners' inner character or behavior. So you might really try to examine them. Then again, your partners may be absolutely opposite to them. What do you think?

Question 14

How many times a day do you call your partner?

We must communicate with the person we are building trust, romance and dependability with. But how many times a day is enough or too much? Every relationship must develop a system. Have you figured our out yet?

Question 15

If an attractive person starts a flirtatious conversation with you, what will you do?

Mark my words, at some point, this WILL happen. And when it does, you will have to choose a reaction to have for this interesting encounter. If this were to happen, say tomorrow, how would you choose to react to it?

Question 16

What do you expect from your partner on your birthday?

When people ask "what do you want for your birthday?" You might be modest and say, "nothing." But face it! It's important what your partner has planned for your special day. You probably have day dreamed about it all week.

Question 17

Would you lie to make your partner happy?

There are white lies and just plain ole lies. Sometimes we might feel bad about the effects a lie can have on someone we care about. Then again, you might be the type to fess up everything regardless of the feelings involved.

Question 18

Do you remember where you went on your first date?

If you are a man, you'd better say YES! Remembering your first date can be extremely important to some partners. They might even devise a periodic testing system. But if you both can't really remember, well I guess you're off the hook.

Question 19

Which best describes your partner?

Well you might find yourself having to give a short description of your partner to your friends or family members. When people ask you, tell me about your boyfriend/girlfriend., what is the first thing that comes to mind?

Question 20

Have you dreamt about your partner?

It is said that people who dream often, think too much. Your mind might be in deep contemplation. That's only if you believe that sort of stuff. We are all dreamers in our own ways I guess. Has your partner visited any of your late night dreams?

Question 21

Which type of gift do you prefer from your partner?

Gifts are a funny thing. Some of us want to treasure them as trinkets of fond memories. While others, want to consider the usefulness of bestowed gifts. When it comes to you partner getting you gifts, which do you prefer?

Question 22

If your partner spends a lot of time at work, what do you think?

You haven't really gotten to see a lot of your partner these days on account of "long working hours." It’s a busy work season; you must understand its all part of the job. Or so he/she says what do you make of all this?

Question 23

How serious was your first fight?

First fights are sometimes a "show what I’m made of” fight or perhaps a "I don’t want to show my ugly side" fight. Whichever it may have been, you've since then gotten over it. Right? How did things go during your first fight?

Question 24

Can you remember all of your partner’s family member’s names?

Keeping those names in mind might be important to show your partner that you take meeting his/her family very seriously. But then again, I guess you really can't help it if you are a forgetful person. She/he can’t very well blame you for your mental capacity.

Question 25

Do you and your partner call each other sweet names?

Oh the "honey boos" and the "Butter Cups" and don't forget the "love doves." Some of us will never get to this point in our relationships. And then others might have started off with sweet name-calling right from the beginning.

Question 26

If your partner said “I love you” what would be your first thought?

The first time hearing those words from your partner can be a shocker. You might find yourself at a loss for words or your mind has completely frozen blank. Your next thoughts and words can be very impacting and also very revealing.

Question 27

Can you imagine you and your partner being grandparents together?

You might be striking the streets together like rock stars today. Full of energy and waiting for the next great adventure. But fast-forward into the future a couple of decade. Rather than rocking out, will you be side by side in rocking chairs?

Question 28

Do you and your partner share the same opinion about tattoos?

Getting some body ink is a "forever" thing. Once it's done, there's no turning back. It sounds a lot like love. Tattoos are definitely a personal preference. They might be a big deal or perhaps no biggie. Do you and your partner match opinions?

Question 29

Would you consider taking a camping trip with only you and your partner?

What I mean is, all out camping. The forest, the tent, the hiking boots, the canned food, the insect repellent and of course the open skies with the night stars above you. What do you say, scary or romantic?

Question 30

What would happen if you found out your partner lied to you?

Lies can be on different scales of severity. So we can't say for sure how much a lie can change a couple’s relationship. If your partner lies about something that really impacts you, how do you think you will handle it?

Question 31

Do you and your partner share the same political party?

Politics are a touchy subject for those passionate supporters out there. But there might come a time when you and your partner will have to discuss your political views and possibly force your opinions on each other. If you are lucky though, you might not have to.

Question 32

What is more important in your relationship?

Obviously no one wants to feel like the under-dog here. I mean, it's not like you have to change your views for anyone else, Right? Having difference in ideals and beliefs might spark up some debates. What do you think is most important?

Question 33

What pet would you get with your partner?

Pets are a joy to have around. Couples especially love getting pets together as way of saying they plan to stay together long enough to raise it. Some people have even compared it to preparing for the children which are to come.

Question 34

How do you and your partner deal with finances?

Money can be a game changer in some relationships. We all have a very personal feeling about working hard for our money. There will come many times in each relationship to talk about finances together. How do you and you partner discuss money?

Question 35

After an argument, how long can you ignore each other?

After tempers rise, couples often give each other the cold shoulder. You may even leave without saying anything just to piss him/her off even more. Ignoring each other is the same as putting off the argument. How long can you last?

Question 36

How important is bedroom intimacy with your partner?

Well here is the big question. We each have different physical and emotional needs and desires. Getting jiggy with it is one of them. When it comes to bedroom intimacy, getting the job done might be a deciding factor for some or not so important ot others.

Question 37

If your partner floods you with affection, how do you feel?

Yes! It’s affection time. Oodles of hugs, kisses, caresses, and faces close to each other and hands all over each other. There are a lot of questions and attention given to you all to make sure you are comfortable every moment of this relationship.

Question 38

If you get in the car first, do you unlock your partner’s door?

Well this is a grandparents- era question, from the ancient times of 60 or 70 years ago. Many people back then even judged their date by this action. Well these days everything is automatic. So picture yourself in an old-school 70’s ride.

Question 39

Who should pay for the date?

Perhaps by now you have gotten into a “who’s gonna pay” habit with your partner. Every couple eventually develops one. I mean, with all the dates you are having, you must be thinking more carefully about your budget.

Question 40

Do you and your partner share the same views on religion?

Here is another touchy subject. There are so many religions out there and beliefs that really are a major factor in some people’s lives. Sometimes couples might find themselves being the same religion and sometimes not. Either way we each hold our ideas about this topic.

Question 41

What sport would you and your partner enjoy together?

I mean a real sport! Not bedroom sports. Get your mind cut of the gutter! Consider yourself and your partner being champions at playing a certain sport. You may be on the same team or on opposing teams, but one thing is for sure, it’s super fun!

Question 42

If your friends hated your partner, what would you do?

Your friends are the people that have you have your best interest in mind- hopefully. They know you very well and have experienced many good and bad times with you. Let’s say they aren’t too happy about your dearest, what would you do?

Question 43

If your partner found your past love-letter stash, what would you do?

Get ready, because all hell might break loose! A love- letter stash? That’s the worst! Probably worse than finding those porn pictures you secretly keep in your phone. So what’s it gonna be, will you break out those tears and ask for a second chance or will you blow it off like “it’s whatever”?

Question 44

When did you and your partner kiss for the first time?

Well you don’t have to share all the naughty details. Kissing for the first time is usually a first passionate experience together. Every couple has their own pacing for these sorts of things. Think back to your first kiss with your partner.

Question 45

What kind of promises do you make to each other?

We all have different styles. There might be the dreamy whispers and sweet nothings you promise to each other. Or you might be the couple that doesn’t bother with such nonsense and would rather focus on some real-life future talk. So which is it?

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