60% Of Fans Will Fail This Vampire Diaries Quiz. Wanna Try?

Most people would consider The Vampire Diaries to be one of the most popular supernatural series on television in the last decade. Some would even place it on the same level as other shows of its type like Supernatural, Charmed, and even Buffy! It is based off the popular book series by L.J. Smith and premiered on September 10 back in 2009.

The series takes place in a world where the supernatural and the human world are closely interwoven together, with the characters of the series existing in both. Mostly set in a fictional small town known as Mystic Falls, the show follows Elena Gilbert who loses her parents to a fatal car crash. She meets and falls in love with Stefan Salvatore, who turns out to be a vampire. Elena's world is changed forever after meeting Stefan, who has a dark and complicated past with his older brother Damon. Elena is thrown into a world of not only supernatural creatures but secrets that have been deeply rooted in the town's history since its founding.

Fans have fallen in love with the story and its characters, along with the relationships forged between them. The Vampire Diaries was a whirlwind of a television series to its finale which aired March 10, 2017. Its popularity even secured it a spin-off series called The Originals. Despite ending over a year ago, new fans still emerge, drawn in by the pull of the series. Only the most dedicated of fans will even come close to passing this Vampire Diaries quiz, while the rest will lose their minds over it.

Question 1

What state is Mystic Falls in?

Mystic Falls is not only where the show begins, but it is a very important location of the series. It has had a long history with the supernatural, going as far back as the time of the Vikings. It had long been inhabited by werewolves and became the center of creation for vampires. It gained the name "Mystic Falls" in 1860 by the Founding families when it was rediscovered. It is the home of many of the characters from the show, including Elena and the Salvatore brothers.

Question 2

Which of the Mikaelson siblings is not Mikael’s biological child?

Mikael and his family show up in the third season of the show and are the main antagonists of that season. Mikael first started out as a Viking who lived with his wife and children at the beginning of the 11th century. After the passing of his youngest son, he came up with the idea to make him and his family immortals. He and his children became the first vampires, known as The Originals and he was considered to be the most powerful of them all.

Question 3

Who did Elena Gilbert date first?

There is no shortage of romance or complicated relationships in the Vampire Diaries. And the fact that everyone seems to like to date within the same circle of people, might be a factor in some of that drama. Stefan and Damon are a good example of that, as they seem to gravitate towards the same girl around the same time. And Elena had has a few boyfriends throughout the series including both of the Salvatore brothers. But who did she date first?

Question 4

What did Caroline name her twin daughters?

Coraline is one of the main characters of the series and is also one of Elena's close friends. At the beginning of the series, the two shared a rivalry due to Elena's popularity and Coraline's own insecurities. Caroline eventually gets turned into a vampire and gains Stefan Salvatore as a best friend, mentor and eventual husband. In season seven, Coraline becomes pregnant with twin girls through a spell that allowed her to become a surrogate mother to save the twins when their biological mother had her life taken.

Question 5

Which of these families is NOT one of the Founding Families of Mystic Falls?

The Founding Families are the descendants of the people that founded the town of Mystic Falls in 1860. The members of these families are deeply connected to the history of the town and there are several events that happen in Mystic Falls that celebrates the history of these families. One is Founder's Day and another is the Founder's Party and Heritage display which several of the characters participate in. The Town Council is also made up of members of the Founding Families. They secretly worked together to protect the town against vampires.

Question 6

What is Bonnie Bennett?

Bonnie Bennett is one of the main characters of the series and is one of Elena's close friends since childhood. She is a very compassionate and selfless person who is always ready to sacrifice herself for her loved ones. She originally thought herself to be a normal human (though she had called herself psychic) but discovered that she has powers. Over the series she has harnessed these powers, using them to help out and save the lives of her friends. What is Bonnie Bennett?

Question 7

What was the name of the secret society based at Whitmore College?

Whitmore College was the college that Elena, Bonnie, and Caroline attended and was the main setting for seasons five and six. While it appeared to be a normal college on the outside, it was the gathering place for a secret society. This secret society captured and experimented on vampires to study them and use their research for the benefit of humanity. It was lead by Dr. Whitmore who participated in the experiments and also funded the society. Damon Salvatore and another vampire named Lorenzo St. John were captured by this society at one point.

Question 8

Which of these characters is a werewolf?

Though the series is known as "The Vampire Diaries" there are more supernatural creatures than just vampires. One of them are werewolves, who have existed long before the first vampires that were created. They are shapeshifters that transform against their will on the night of a full moon. Werewolves and vampires are considered to be enemies, as a werewolf bite is lethal to a vampire, injecting them with a venom that causes them to lose their minds before they are ultimately vanquished.

Question 9

Which of these boys did Caroline have a romantic involvement with first?

At the beginning of the series, Caroline Forbes is a peppy, pretty cheerleader at Mystic Falls High School, so it's no surprise to anyone that she does pretty well with boys. However, she's slightly insecure and often finds herself feeling jealous of her childhood friend, Elena Gilbert. The two of them share quite a few common romantic interests throughout the series - in fact, out of the six confirmed love interests that Caroline has, three of them are shared with Elena. That's about half! Talk about needing to branch out.

Question 10

What is the name of the bridge where the Gilbert family’s fatal car accident took place?

Before Elena even got involved with vampires and other supernatural forces, tragedy struck her when her parents lost their lives in a car accident. Elena and her parents were driving back into town when the slick roads caused her dad to lose control, and drive the car off the bridge and into the river. Elena was the only survivor and it is later revealed that it was because Stefan rescued her from drowning as he happened to be hunting in the woods nearby.

Question 11

Who did the talisman on Elena’s necklace originally come from?

This simple looking, but the beautiful necklace is actually a pretty powerful talisman which has been in the possession of many different people over the years. It came to Elena through Stefan, given to her as a gift. He filled it with a special herb, to keep her from being compelled by other vampires. It seems to be indestructible, as a powerful spell meant to destroy it didn't work. Elena was the last person to have it in the series, and she left it on the tomb at Stefan's Memorial.

Question 12

Which of these familiar couples are NOT siblings?

Family plays an important role in the lives of the residents of Mystic Falls. The Founding Families still reign supreme in their small town, while the Bennetts have played a quiet but key role in the town's foundation and prosperity. One of the most important bonds in the world, whether it's the supernatural realm or the human realm, is the one between siblings. It doesn't matter if it's simply two siblings, like the Salvatores, or a whole slew of them, like the Mikaelsons - it's an important, invaluable connection.

Question 13

Is this Elena or Katherine with Stefan?

Elena Gilbert and Katherine Pierce are two doppelgängers of the Immortal Amara. Physically, they are identical in every way, but there are quite a few things that set them apart, like their fashion senses, their personalities, and the fact that one of them is a vampire. In addition to their appearance, the two share another thing as well: the hearts of the Salvatore brothers. While Katherine is their past and Elena is their present, there's no denying that each of them has had their turn with them.

Question 14

Where is the Vampire’s Tomb?

This tomb is a mystical chamber that was used to contain the vampires that had been captured by the founding families in 1864. Twenty-seven vampires had been captured and when the founding families were unable to destroy them, they poisoned them and set the place that the tomb is located in on fire. However, the vampires were protected by the magic of Emily Bennett and remained "alive" but their bodies mummified and desiccated as they couldn't feed. It was later used as a prison for Tyler and Coraline when they were going to be used as sacrifices for breaking Klaus' curse.

Question 15

What subject did Alaric Saltzman teach at Mystic Falls High School?

Alaric Saltzman is a former recurring character turned into a main character in the series. He is a Vampire Hunter who came to Mystic Falls to get revenge against the vampire that took the life of his wife. He eventually finds out that his wife was turned into a vampire willing and left him. He also learned that his wife had a daughter when she was a teenager and her daughter turned out to be Elena Gilbert, who was one of his students.

Question 16

Who was the founder of The Heretics?

The Heretics were a group of powerful vampire and witch hybrids. They were originally Siphoners who were cast out from their coven since they weren't able to perform magic on their own. They were eventually turned by a vampire and managed to both keep their siphon magic but also channel the magic from their vampirism. At one point, they were bent on getting revenge against the coven that exiled them. However, their coven found them first and trapped them in a prison world.

Question 17

Which of these supernatural species is not known to exist in The Vampire Diaries?

A lot of supernatural drama shows tend to have a wide variety of supernatural creatures. Sometimes a show will stick to the exact lore of the creature, and other times it will create its own lore. Many of the most popular supernatural dramas have the same creatures, for example, Teen Wolf, Supernatural, the Vampire Diaries and Buffy all have werewolves. Though Teen Wolf doesn't have vampires, and only Supernatural and Buffy have angels. Which supernatural species isn't in The Vampire Diaries?

Question 18

What was the name of the stone that Mary Louise and Nora sacrificed themselves to destroy?

The stone was created by Shamans using the power of a Great Spirit. Its main purpose was to capture the souls of vampires and entrap them in a supernatural prison. It was used numerous times by the fearsome huntress, Rayna Cruz. In modern times, two Siphoners from the Heretics coven, young lovers Mary Louise and Nora, were able to destroy the stone with an explosive spell. Although it cost them their lives, it freed all of the vampiric souls that were trapped.

Question 19

What is the name of the herb that is a vampiric weakness?

In The Vampire Diaries series, this herb is one of the most well-known weaknesses of a vampire. It is so strong that just having physical contact with it will burn their skin. It is used as a protective measure for humans throughout the series, as it will protect them from vampire compulsion. If a vampire drinks the blood of a human who has ingested this herb, they will become weakened. At one point, this herb was even put into Mystic Falls' water supply to make the water unusable for any vampire and to protect the townspeople.

Question 20

Whose Daylight Ring is this?

A Daylight ring is a piece of jewelry that allows a vampire to walk out into the daylight without being burned by the sun. It is a lapis lazuli gemstone that had been enchanted by a witch. Whether the spell is permanent or temporary depends on the desire of the witch, and the gemstone's protection can only be used for whoever the witch intended it for. Male vampires tend to only wear rings while female vampires were the gemstone as bracelets, necklaces and other types of jewelry.

Question 21

What was the first name of the witch who enchanted Jonathan Gilbert’s ring?

An ancestor of Bonnie Bennett, this young witch once served as a handmaiden to Katherine Pierce in the early 19th century. She shared a close relationship with Founder's Council member Johnathan Gilbert. In fact, the two of them were so close that he was aware of her being a witch, and he stated throughout his journals that he worked to protect her. His inventions, the Gilbert ring, compass, and device were initially useless, but the witch enchanted them and granted them full functionality. It is believed that her reasoning for doing this was that she held a romantic interest in him, although that was never confirmed

Question 22

How is the werewolf curse triggered?

In the Vampire Diaries, werewolves are considered to be one of the most ancient types of supernatural creatures, as they existed long before vampires did. Werewolves look like any normal human being but go through a painful and grizzly transformation during nights of a full moon. These shapeshifters are known to hunt humans and vampires, though they have a preference for vampires due to an almost instinctual hatred for them. There is only one way to become a werewolf in the series, which way is it?

Question 23

How many Amara doppelgängers have there been?

In the world of The Vampire Diaries, doppelgängers are the result of the actions taken by the first two Immortals, Silas and Amara. Shadow-selves as they are sometimes called, are Nature's way of keeping the balance, allowing these other selves to pass on in place of Silas and Amara. There are two known lines from Silas and Amara. Silas has had a few in total, with Stefan Salvatore being the last one. How many known Amara doppelgängers have there been?

Question 24

What was the name of the first Immortal?

The original Immortality Spell was in the form of an elixir, which was created by one of the all-time most powerful witches, Qetsiyah, under the influence of her betrothed. She was promised by him that the two of them would drink it together during their wedding ceremony in order to truly be together forever. However, he betrayed Qetsiyah by stealing the elixir to consume it with his true love, Amara. As a result of the two Immortals, Nature created the Doppelgängers to take their place in birth and expiry. The vampire Stefan Salvatore is a doppelgänger for the first Immortal man.

Question 25

What is the name of the coven that Markos is the leader of?

Markos is the leader of an ancient group of witches that have been around for several thousands of years. They were founded around the time of the Roman Empire and included powerful and fearsome members such as Qetsiyah, the witch responsible for the formation of the Immortality Spell. They have survived for so long by staying closely knit and frequently sharing their knowledge among one another, as well as constantly moving around so that they are hard to pin down.

Question 26

Who allows Elena to feed off of them after she turned into a vampire?

Despite Elena's relations with vampires (she's dated two and one of her best friends is one), she had never wanted to be one herself. But ironically she gets turned into one after she is involved in another car accident on the same bridge that her parents lost their lives when she was seventeen. At first, she tries to feed off of animal blood but can't keep it down, luckily she had a very generous friend who let her feed off of them. Who was it?

Question 27

What is the first name of the woman that helped Klaus’ hybrids break their sire bonds?

When she was born in New Orleans, her name was Andrea Labonair. She was adopted by a human family and given a new name, which she has kept even after her family put her out after they discovered that she was a werewolf. After she caught wind of Klaus' recently turned hybrid, Tyler Lockwood, from a member of one of her former packs, she made her way to Mystic Falls. Together, she and Tyler set out to break his sire bond, as well as those of several others.

Question 28

What is the name of Katerina Petrova’s daughter?

Katerina Petrova can be considered the main antagonist throughout the series. She is the second Petrova doppelgänger. She has a connection and history with many of the other characters, especially Stefan and Damon who both fell in love with her. In 1490 she was disowned by her family and sent away to England after she had a daughter out of wedlock. The baby was given up for adoption but eventually grew up and searched for her mother, even going as far as to become a vampire to find her

Question 29

Which of these vampires was NOT turned with Damon’s blood?

Vampires are magically reanimated human bodies and one of the main supernatural creatures of the series. Most vampires, except for The Originals, are created in the same way. A human that is given the blood of a vampire and then loses their life with the blood in their system will be magically revived as a vampire. It doesn't matter how the person loses their life, as long as their body remains mostly intact. To complete the transformation, the person must then drink a small amount of human blood.

Question 30

Which of these characters survived Klaus’ Sacrifice ritual?

Despite how popular, and handsome Niklaus Mikaelson (or more known as Klaus) is, he has done some pretty bad things in the series. The Sacrifice Rituals is one of the many dirty deeds performed during season two. It was Klaus' attempt to lift the Hybrid curse placed on him by his mother. In order to perform it, he needed the help of a witch, a powerful item known as the moonstone, and three people to act as sacrifices. One had to be a vampire, another a werewolf and the third a Petrova doppelgänger.

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