50% Of People Will Fail This Dragon Ball Quiz. Can You Pass It?


One thing that a lot of children's television shows get wrong is that they assume the children are turning up to watch the heroes. This can be true, but you'd be surprised by how many are turning up to see what cool new villain is going to show up next, something that the Dragon Ball series had no problem providing. Their sagas were even outlined as being split up by whichever villain was testing the band of heroes at the time!

Unlike adults, they don't know whether or not the heroes will win, meaning there's genuine excitement whenever Goku starts to face off against a new foe. We obviously know who will end up triumphing in the end, which makes the ensuing ten episodes worth of fights seem pretty pointless and boring, but then you're not watching that stuff through their eyes.

If you were that evil sort of kid who never wanted the Dragon Ball heroes to win, we imagine that this quiz will go pretty smoothly for you. Can you match up the name with the image? Feel like taking a nostalgic trip down memory lane? Well, it's time for us to start naming some anime villains!

Question 1

What Is The Name Of This Dragon Ball Villain?

This guy is quite possibly one of the most famous Dragon Ball characters of all time, so if you can't get this one, you're certainly off to a bad start. Sure, he doesn't remain a villain, but like with most animes, the allegiance of the characters isn't something you can always rely on and his villainous ways do follow him throughout the show. He is an arrogant man who believes that he should always be the best, made furious by others who prove he isn't.

Question 2

What Is The Name Of This Dragon Ball Villain?

We're not sure whether or not we like how much enemies often become friends in this series. On the one hand, it teaches children that there's a lot of good in turning the other cheek and allowing people you previously disliked to be your friends. On the other hand, it seems like really lazy writing if you ask us. We'd respect the writers more if they could come up with a complex and interesting reason why friends turned against them.

Question 3

What Is The Name Of This Dragon Ball Villain?

One thing that we have to give Dragon Ball is that it came up with some pretty crazy character designs. Not only did they feel like they could be liberal with the color scheme, often choosing colors which meshed well with the green sky of their home planet, there was no end to the sort of insane things that they would add to their standard character designs. Even their clothes and armor looked crazy when placed against most other shows that were being aired at the time.

Question 4

What Is The Name Of This Dragon Ball Villain?

This guy was the main villain when we first started to give Dragon Ball a bit of a look and like most villains in the series, he had an entire saga named after him. He is seemingly terrifying, with the inability to understand anybody else's opinion if it goes against his. He is the perfect example of an evil tyrant, someone who will go to the ends of the Earth to finish something once he has set out to start it.

Question 5

What Is The Name Of This Dragon Ball Villain?

No matter how over the top a series you're working on, it's impossible to make every enemy as overpowered as the biggest villains, otherwise, you'd have to make your heroes as ridiculously overpowered as well. Once you've done that, there are no stakes anymore, because the audience knows they can just beat anything that is thrown at them. That's why it's good to have little minion villains like this who almost serve no dangerous purpose whatsoever if you ask us.

Question 6

What Is The Name Of This Dragon Ball Villain?

This guy's saga really took Dragon Ball in a direction that it had never taken before. It got decidedly weird, which is saying something when you take a look at the series as a whole. It was always a little off the wall, but this guy's saga brought us time travel, robots, death, and aliens. While a lot of the characters are technically aliens, it was clear that this character was actually based on what the human expectation of an alien is.

Question 7

What Is The Name Of This Dragon Ball Villain?

Correct us if we're wrong, but we're fairly sure that this villain was the first that any of the "hero" characters ever had a crush on, which is a narrative choice that could lead to some really interesting writing decisions. We never watched enough of the show to know what happened to her character or if the writers chose to do anything interesting with her, but we imagine that it was kept pretty child friendly throughout, stopping it from going anywhere interesting.

Question 8

What Is The Name Of This Dragon Ball Villain?

While we love the character designs, even we have to admit that it feels like they could've put at least a little bit more effort into naming the characters. We haven't brought it up till now because we're well aware that it's likely a lost in translation thing where the names sound odd to western audiences but not to audiences in Japan, but we just can't get it off our minds. Why didn't they just rename them for western audiences?

Question 9

What Is The Name Of This Dragon Ball Villain?

One thing that we always noticed, as have many other people, is that anime characters have the most stupid haircuts and wear the most insane clothes. Why is that? It's not like Japanese people are all walking around looking like this. Sure, every country has their weirdos, but most of us in this world are dressed pretty normal, so why do they feel the need to dress their characters up like this? Also, his neck is ridiculously muscular if you ask us.

Question 10

What Is The Name Of This Dragon Ball Villain?

With the constant changing of allegiances and the ever growing cast of characters, it can sometimes feel difficult to keep up with a lot of the finer details in the Dragon Ball series. While it's well known that the writing left a lot to be desired, one of the worst things about the series was that it felt like they could come up with any reason they wanted to add in yet another character or villain while putting very little effort into it.

Question 11

What Is The Name Of This Dragon Ball Villain?

Does anybody else think there's a chance this guy's beard was designed to look like the symmetrical opposite to the M on his forehead? Also, while it isn't exactly subtle, we do like the typeface of the M as well. We wouldn't choose to use it in real life on something because we prefer the minimalist effect rather than something fancy, but when it comes to children's television you really need to throw the effort into making everything larger than life.

Question 12

What Is The Name Of This Dragon Ball Villain?

This guy doesn't look like an android at all. he looks like some sort of weird trucker who spends way too much time worrying about how his body looks. That being said, we do hate watching stuff with androids in where the inventor has made no effort whatsoever to conceal the fact that what they've created isn't real. Surely the point of an android is to have a robot that looks just like a normal human, thereby giving you the best of both worlds?

Question 13

What Is The Name Of This Dragon Ball Villain?

We're not sure exactly what is going on in this image, but whatever move the character is performing makes it look like the screen has cracked. Part of us hopes that this is actually intended as if the villain is actually aiming at the audience so the animators made it appear as if the screen was cracking. Otherwise, why would this charging attack originate on the villain's face? It doesn't really make much sense to us, but then we're not animators either.

Question 14

What Is The Name Of This Dragon Ball Villain?

So, we reckon we can all agree that this character's hair is absolutely mental, but what seems even more insane is the woman's eyes behind her! It's clear from the ears and the blue skin that they're clearly meant to be some form of alien, but we're still pretty taken aback by her presentation. Have you ever seen a woman with as ridiculous hair as this? She looks like somebody's aunty who has got herself all dolled up for someone's wedding.

Question 15

What Is The Name Of This Dragon Ball Villain?

We already don't trust this guy and we've barely watched any amount of the Dragon Ball series. That is what you call good character design. We know nothing about this lad and yet we can tell that we want nothing to do with him based entirely on the way that the animators have decided to draw his face. Throw in the fact that he has a weird undercut and you've got a recipe for us not wanting to be anywhere near this guy.

Question 16

What Is The Name Of This Dragon Ball Villain?

Is it just us, or is pretty much every anime out there obsessed with the concept of royalty? It seems like every single one of them has to have some form of royalty characters, which is something that we guess we sort of understand. These series often come with the concept that they're dealing with rather traditional settings, even though they take place on alien planets and concern Gods. This juxtaposition seems to work, but we don't fully understand why it does.

Question 17

What Is The Name Of This Dragon Ball Villain?

There's a prevailing attitude among Western audiences that games and animes which concern Western traditional religion are quite possibly some of the most interesting stuff you're going to get. Japanese people seem to make media that has huge gods battling with insanely powerful figures, which can only mean great things when passed through the traditional religions inherent in Western culture. Who doesn't want to see a Japanese interpretation of a normal human being, who has somehow gained huge powers, battling a Christian Lord?

Question 18

What Is The Name Of This Dragon Ball Villain?

There's something about God characters with cat like features that really freaks us out, and we have no idea why. We can all see the Egyptian connection, which we think is a really cool form of design, but why is it that it makes our skin crawl? The weird thing is that we love cats in real life as well, so there's really no excuse for it at this point. Just look at this guy! It really messes with our heads.

Question 19

What Is The Name Of This Dragon Ball Villain?

We don't know who this character is, but we really hope that he wasn't meant to be intimidating. If his character is based around the concept that he wants to be intimidating but just can't ever really be, then the designers did a great job of getting that across. However, if the opposite is true, that we're meant to genuinely fear this man, then what the hell are they doing? This guy just looks like an angry bean with big ears.

Question 20

What Is The Name Of This Dragon Ball Villain?

Even if you didn't know what Dragon Ball was or where characters allegiances lay, all you'd have to do is look at that smile to know that this guy is very clearly evil. To be fair, we're not sure how friendly we would be if our name was constantly informing us that we have a numbered rank in this world, one that may show us how much better we are than others, but one that also shows us how low we are.

Question 21

What Is The Name Of This Dragon Ball Villain?

One thing we've always liked about Dragon Ball as a series is that it doesn't let a concept pass them by just because it seems to weird or even childish. This series has come up with some of the oddest plotlines and some of the weirdest characters, and we absolutely love it for that. The writing has its problems, we all know that, but we don't think you can insult their ability to come up with memorable characters and narratives.

Question 22

What Is The Name Of This Dragon Ball Villain?

If you were going to create an android, surely you wouldn't choose to make them look like a decrepit old man who is incapable of looking after themselves. We're not trying to say that we'd build something that was ridiculously over the top, or that you can't be a competent old man either, but surely it doesn't give off the impression that you're wanting to give off, or is that just us? This might just be an old person prejudice thing.

Question 23

What Is The Name Of This Dragon Ball Villain?

Okay, so sometimes these people really did put minimal effort into their work. Sure, there are some great character designs and colors on display here, but you can't let stuff like this slip by if you're giving the guys compliments. We cannot think of an anime character out there that looks as uninspired as this big galoot. Can you even begin to imagine what the brainstorm was before they came up with this guy? Whoever fought to keep this guy in the show should've been fired.

Question 24

What Is The Name Of This Dragon Ball Villain?

There's something about the anime style that allows the animators and writers to take something that could be potentially quite scary or gruesome and turn it into something cute. As you can see, this little guy seems to be holding a chainsaw, and yet his skin color, little hat, and pointed ears make it impossible to see this as anything other than cute. There's something surreal about a little blue alien, wearing a ruff while brandishing a chainsaw at the audience.

Question 25

What Is The Name Of This Dragon Ball Villain?

A tried and tested method to sprinkle intrigue into any plot, especially if it's later into the franchise, is to start a series off by implying that one of the main characters that we all know and love has possibly swapped sides. While it will likely be impossible to truly fool everyone, it means that you get the whole audience interested from the beginning. It may be a lazy form of writing, but it would be a lie to say it doesn't work.

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