35 MCU Characters Everybody Can Name (And 15 Only Comic Book Buffs Know)

Ever since Iron Man first soared up to our screens in 2008, the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has evolved in a constant ebb and flow of action, comedy and drama. The franchise has had more than a few game-changing stories along the way, as seen in pivotal films like The Avengers, Captain America: Civil War, and, of course, Avengers: Infinity War. By skillfully blending conventional, mainstream entertainment (i.e. most of its movies) with deeper, more alternative ideas (think of Black Panther, for example), the MCU has truly earned its place in the filmmaking pantheon of the 21st century.

Of course, with such a huge variety of films and characters that have become interlinked, it's no surprise that the MCU features an immense roster of heroes, villains and supporting characters. Whether or not fans of the MCU happen to be comic book readers as well, there are many highly identifiable characters in these films whom nearly everyone can name. But there are also more obscure characters within the MCU: characters whom only true comic book buffs are able to easily recognize, due to their much stronger connection with the Marvel Comics mythology.

So which kind of fan do we have? The "every-person" kind who has no trouble recognizing the MCU's more famous characters, or the comics geek whose knowledge of the Marvel lore allows them to spot the more obscure faces in the crowd? Time to find out!

Question 1

Who is this iconic master of magic?

After a fateful accident which severely injured his hands, this former neurosurgeon sets out on a journey to the Himalayas to heal himself. He encounters the Ancient One, who heals him and proceeds to teach him about the hidden world of magic. Over the course of the film, our hero grows more humble, learns about alternate dimensions, and saves the Earth from a new formidable enemy. By the end, he has mastered the magical forces of the universe, and stands ready to protect the world from future mystical threats.

Question 2

Who is the King of the Frost Giants?

The Frost Giants, who inhabit the mystical realm of Jotunheim, are the sworn rivals of the Gods of Asgard. Under their king Odin, the Asgardians once waged war against the Giants to prevent them from conquering the Nine Realms. In the present, after Thor is banished to Earth and Odin falls into the "Odinsleep" to recover his strength, Loki plots with the leader of the Frost Giants to finally seize the throne of Asgard. In a surprising twist, Loki turns on their King and destroys him, as his goal had always been to prove himself worthier than Thor before Odin.

Question 3

Who is Spider-Man's aunt?

In a clear break from the Marvel Comics mythology, the aunt of the young web-spinning hero isn't a sweet, doting old lady. Rather, within the MCU, she's introduced as a much younger woman, and often acts more like a big sister to her nephew. Advising him in his teenage love life and comforting him when he "loses the Stark internship", she remains unaware of his powers and never realizes the dangers her nephew faces as a superhero. That is, until she finally sees him in his costume in a certain post-credits scene...

Question 4

Who is Tony Stark's trusted digital assistant?

This entity is another interesting departure from the decades-long Marvel lore. A human butler in the comics, it now appears as a digital interface within the MCU's more technologically advanced world. It runs all the internal systems of Tony Stark's buildings and the Iron Man suits. It can converse with Stark in a very sophisticated manner, but proves to be rather sarcastic when it comes to its master's recklessness. Although it's eventually destroyed by Ultron, Stark and Bruce Banner later manage to use its software to create the android Vision.

Question 5

Who is Tony Stark's one-time Russian archenemy?

The son of a disgraced inventor who formerly worked with Tony Stark's father in designing the famous arc reactor, this physicist sets out on a vendetta against the Stark family shortly after Tony reveals his identity as Iron Man. Building a miniature arc reactor for himself, he first attacks Stark at the Monaco Grand Prix by wielding electrified whips. He is then recruited by Stark's rival to design a line of armored drones, of which he takes full command in a climactic showdown against Iron Man and War Machine.

Question 6

Who was Captain America's first love interest?

This British agent was directly involved in the Super Soldier experiment that transformed Steve Rogers into Captain America. An officer of the Strategic Scientific Reserve, she worked closely on the project during World War II. Initially unconvinced that Rogers was the right person for the experiment, she changed her mind after seeing him commit an act of self-sacrificing bravery. She then accompanied Rogers, known by then as Captain America, on his missions in Europe, until Cap crashed in the Arctic and remained in a coma for nearly 70 years.

Question 7

Who was Tony Stark's father?

Originally involved in the Super Soldier experiment during World War II, he was the one who provided Captain America with his uniform and shield. After Cap disappeared in the Arctic, he then co-founded S.H.I.E.L.D. and kept designing inventions at Stark Industries. Aside from creating the arc reactor, he also had plans for a World Fair-type event called the Stark Expo, placing vital information about the arc reactor inside a diorama of the Expo. He later passed away in a car crash, which turned out to be the result of a plot by Hydra.

Question 8

Who is Ant-Man's crimefighting partner?

The daughter of Hank Pym and Janet van Dyne, this character starts out as a senior board member of Pym Technologies alongside Darren Cross. She eventually meets a certain petty thief, formerly a systems engineer, who acquires a high-tech suit to become the crimefighting Ant-Man. She later acquires a similar suit herself, with a mantle passed down from her late mother. She and Ant-Man reluctantly become crimefighting partners, as their past history remains a complicated affair. Their new adventures can now be seen in the latest MCU film...

Question 9

Who was Thor's former love interest?

This astrophysicist first met Thor in the New Mexico desert, just after Odin had banished him from Asgard. They help him find his lost hammer Mjolnir, and later watch as Thor regains his powers and squares off against the Destroyer. She's later reunited with Thor when Asgard falls under the threat of Malekith and the Dark Elves, who aim to conquer the Nine Realms and plunge the universe into darkness. Following that perilous adventure, she and Thor start to drift apart, and they seemingly break up shortly before he sets out to find the Infinity Stones.

Question 10

Who is the actor playing the Mandarin?

The Mandarin is introduced in "Iron Man 3" as the formidable leader of the Ten Rings. For the first half of the film, the audience is led to believe that Tony Stark would have to face off against this larger-than-life figure. However, Stark later finds out that the Mandarin is actually an actor, hired by the corporation known as A.I.M. to play the role of the Mandarin. Appearing in false propaganda videos that are broadcast around the world, this actor remains totally oblivious to the damages he's caused...

Question 11

Who is this archer working for S.H.I.E.L.D.?

First appearing a cameo appearance in "Thor", this master bowman first fought with his fellow Avengers during Loki's attack on New York City. He later battled the malevolent forces of Ultron, and dealt at the same time with unresolved feelings for Black Widow. Some time later, he chose to join Captain America's team, fighting against Iron Man's team over the Sokovia Accords and its aim to control and oversee the Avengers. He was eventually taken captive for his role in the rebellion and, along with Ant-Man, was placed under house arrest.

Question 12

Who is this Hydra agent who once knew Captain America?

This guy initially accompanied Captain America on his missions during World War II, but disappeared after falling off a train in a mission. He's later revealed to be alive, but brainwashed by Hydra to eliminate high-ranking S.H.I.E.L.D. officers. He eventually starts to regain his memories of his old life with Captain America. Yet, as seen during the "Civil War", his Hydra mindset is still inside him. He eventually seeks refuge in Wakanda, before reuniting with the Avengers to face off against the forces of Thanos.

Question 13

Who is the guardian sentry of the Bifrost Bridge?

All-seeing and all-hearing, this Asgardian stands on the Bifrost Bridge, the mystical road between Asgard and Earth. His sole purpose is to stand guard and watch for any attacks on his realm. One of Odin's most trusted servants, he's been defending the gates of Asgard for ages. In "Thor", he was convinced by Sif and the Warriors Three to let them travel to Earth to protect Thor from Loki's maneuvers. He kept guarding Asgard for a long time, before losing his life to Thanos shortly after sending Hulk back to Earth.

Question 14

Who is this fast-running villain turned hero?

Able to run at superhuman speed, he's the twin brother of the Scarlet Witch. Both he and his sister were abandoned by their parents, and had to grow up in Eastern Europe defending and looking out for each other. Overprotective of his sister and having a short attention span, he and the Scarlet Witch initially side with Ultron, but later switch sides upon realizing the extent of their master's malice. Finally, during a climactic battle in Sokovia, he sacrifices himself by shielding Hawkeye.

Question 15

Who is Thor's older sister and latest nemesis?

The firstborn of Odin, she helped him conquer the Nine Realms, but began to be feared due to her ambitious and warmongering behavior. After being defeated in a reckless battle which nearly destroyed the Valkyries, she was locked in a prison, and stayed there for ages. After Odin passed away, she was able to break free and engage Thor in battle, destroying his hammer Mjolnir in the process. She then awakened her old army and took command of Asgard. She finally met her end when the fire demon Surtur brought forth Ragnarok and destroyed Asgard.

Question 16

Who is this Child of Thanos?

As one of Thanos' Children, this alien creature manages to intercept the spaceship carrying the last Asgardian refugees who survived Ragnarok. He later arrives to Earth and faces off against Doctor Strange, Wong, Tony Stark and Bruce Banner to seize the Time Stone. Capturing Strange, he sets out on his ship with Iron Man and Spider-Man in pursuit. This all leads to a confrontation that ends when Iron Man and Spidey create a breach in the ship, expelling him into space.

Question 17

Who is this bandit and father figure to Star-Lord?

The leader of the Ravagers, this blue-skinned bandit kidnapped a young Peter Quill (aka Star-Lord) and raised him to become one of them. He felt betrayed when Quill stole a precious orb artifact and kept it to himself, rather than handing it over to the Ravagers, though they later made amends. He later returns to capture the Guardians, as ordered by the representatives of Ayesha, but changes his mind and helps the Guardians defeat Ego the Living Planet. He finally sacrifices his life to save Quill, thinking of him as his son after all.

Question 18

Who is this winged ally to Captain America?

Equipped with a specially designed wing pack, this USAF veteran was also trained by the military in aerial combat. This enables him to be not only a skilled aerial fighter, but also a competent tactician who first sides with Captain America in solving the mystery of the Winter Soldier. He later joins the Avengers in their fight against Ultron, and then sides with Cap in the debate on superhero registration. More recently, during the fight against Thanos, he was one of the many heroes who were tragically disintegrated by the Infinity Gauntlet.

Question 19

Who is this CIA agent affiliated with Black Panther?

This agent started out as the Deputy Task Force Commander of the Joint Counterterrorism Center, reporting directly to General Ross. He sided with Iron Man's team in the "Civil War", mostly by attempting to capture the Winter Soldier, one of Captain America's allies. He later becomes an ally to Black Panther during Killmonger's attempt to usurp the Wakandan throne. He eventually earns Black Panther's respect by preventing vibranium weapons from being taken out of the country and sold to malevolent individuals, encouraging Wakanda to provide humanitarian and diplomatic assistance to the rest of the world.

Question 20

Who is Tony Stark's bodyguard and chauffeur?

This loyal, heavyset guy works as Tony Stark's bodyguard, chauffeur and trusted friend. His role is more prominent in "Iron Man 2", where he brings Stark his portable Iron Man suit during Ivan Vanko's attack at Monaco. He also helps Black Widow into raiding Hammer Industries, and later even becomes the head of security of Stark Industries. Stark eventually assigns him to keep contact with Spider-Man, which he doesn't like in the slightest. Constantly annoyed by the teenager's calls, he does recognize Spidey's courage in the end.

Question 21

Who is Spider-Man's formidable winged opponent?

Formerly the owner of a salvaging company, this man was put out of business after the creation of the Department of Damage Control following Loki's attack on New York City. Aiming to jump-start his career by creating a black market weapons ring, he dons an advanced mechanical wing suit equipped with turbines and claws. He eventually discovers Spider-Man's secret identity, threatening to retaliate against him if he ever exposes his business. Spidey later thwarts his attempt to hijack a plane carrying Avengers weaponry, but also saves his life when his suit starts to malfunction.

Question 22

Who was Tony Stark's cellmate in Afghanistan?

This brilliant doctor and engineer first met Tony Stark in a New Year's Eve party, where a drunken Stark didn't pay much attention to him. Years later, Stark is gravely injured while on a military trip to Afghanistan and captured by the Ten Rings. Stark, assisted by this man, eventually manages to create a miniaturized arc reactor, as well as the first Iron Man armor. He then manages to escape, but not before the man sacrifices his life to buy time for the armor to charge up.

Question 23

Who was Captain America's nemesis during World War II?

The head of Hydra during World War II, this ruthless Nazi oversaw the deep-science division of the Third Reich. He was the first test subject for the Super Soldier experiment, which enhanced his strength but gravely disfigured him. He then led his own incursion to locate the Tesseract in Norway. Disillusioned with the Nazis, he hired Arnim Zola to design advanced weaponry based on the Tesseract, aiming for Hydra to achieve world domination by itself. He was then seemingly destroyed by the Tesseract during his final showdown with Captain America.

Question 24

Who is Gamora's adopted sister?

This blue-skinned, cybernetically enhanced alien is first sent by Thanos, along with Gamora, to assist Ronan the Accuser in acquiring a mystical orb. She later turns against her adopted sister, resentful about her stronger fighting skills. She later meets with the Guardians during their fight against Ego the Living Planet, where she helps them defeat Ego and makes peace with Gamora. Unsuccessful in her personal journey to defeat Thanos, she manages to escape and joins the heroes on Titan. She and Rocket Raccoon are then the only surviving Guardians after Thanos activates the Infinity Gauntlet.

Question 25

Who was Tony Stark's mentor turned enemy?

The co-founder of Stark Industries along with Howard Stark, this talented businessman once served as Tony Stark's mentor, second-in-command, and (seemingly) loyal friend. But as Stark later realized to his dismay, he was actually aiming to overtake the company, as Stark Industries would no longer manufacture weapons. Staging a coup to remove Stark from the company and selling weapons on the black market, he eventually created his own giant exosuit to face off against Iron Man. In the end, he was destroyed by the massive arc reactor powering the Stark Industries building.

Question 26

Who is Thor's villainous brother and occasional ally?

The son of Laufey, King of the Frost Giants, this god of mischief first plotted to take the throne of Asgard by presenting himself to be worthier than Thor. He later led a large-scale attack on New York City, where the Avengers assembled for the first time as a team. Some time later, he claimed credit for destroying the evil Malekith, becoming King of Asgard after banishing Odin to Earth. After helping Thor defeat Hela, he fled the destruction of Asgard along with the other Asgardian refugees. He was finally eliminated by Thanos at the beginning of the Infinity War.

Question 27

Who is this former soldier turned horrific monster?

Born in Russia and raised in England, this soldier was part of the Royal Marines Commando when he was loaned to General Ross to hunt down Bruce Banner. Astonished by Banner's transformation into the Hulk, he begins to lust for the Hulk's power. He convinces Ross to undergo the Super Soldier experiment in his efforts to take down the Hulk, which enhances his strength but erodes his sanity. He later corners Dr. Sterns into injecting him with Banner's blood, causing him to transform into this near-skeletal, formidable monster.

Question 28

Who is this tree-like humanoid Guardian of the Galaxy?

Introduced as a spacefaring bounty hunter along with Rocket Raccoon, this tree-like alien eventually sides with Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax and Rocket in their struggle against Ronan the Accuser. Although he sacrifices himself to protect his teammates when Ronan's flagship crashes on the planet Xandar, the Guardians cut a sapling from his old body. This sapling grows up to become a baby version of the alien, who helps the Guardians in their fight against Ego the Living Planet. Later, having grown up to become a teenage version of his former self, he is disintegrated by Thanos upon activating the Infinity Gauntlet.

Question 29

Who is this high-ranking S.H.I.E.L.D. agent?

This S.H.I.E.L.D. agent had been working closely with Nick Fury for a long time before the Avengers were first assembled. Surviving Loki's assault on the Helicarrier prior to his attack on New York City, she's later embroiled in the Winter Soldier's ambush on Fury. Stuck in the middle of the massive conflict within the ranks of S.H.I.E.L.D., which has been orchestrated by Hydra, she helps Captain America, Black Widow and Falcon overthrow Hydra's plan. She is later disintegrated, along with Fury, when Thanos activates the Infinity Gauntlet.

Question 30

Who is Tony Stark's friend and fellow armored adventurer?

This Air Force lieutenant colonel was friends with Tony Stark long before Tony became Iron Man. After donning the Mark II armor to prevent a drunken Tony from harming civilians at his birthday party, he adopts a heroic military persona by wearing an enhanced, weaponized armor on duty. He later sides with Tony during the "Civil War, but is gravely injured after falling from the sky due to a suit malfunction, although he's given bionic support on his legs. He's one of the few heroes left alive after Thanos activates the Infinity Gauntlet.

Question 31

Who is this astrophysicist and important ally to Thor?

This astrophysicist was on a field mission to the New Mexico desert with Dr. Jane Foster when they came upon Thor, who had been banished from Asgard. Later tasked by S.H.I.E.L.D. to study the Tesseract, he is brainwashed by Loki into arranging his attack on New York City. He's later brought back to normal, but is left traumatized by the experience. He seems to undergo a nervous breakdown later on, as seen in "Thor: The Dark World", although he eventually helps Thor defeat Malekith and advises him on his destiny prior to the fight against Ultron.

Question 32

Who is this iconic star-spangled adventurer?

This young man was subjected to the Super Soldier experiment during World War II, granting him enhanced powers to fight the Nazis. Equipped with an indestructible shield, he faced off against the Red Skull, but crashed into the Arctic and disappeared for nearly 70 years. He was later reanimated by S.H.I.E.L.D. and joined the Avengers, although his friendship with Iron Man became fractured during the events of the "Civil War". He later stood up to fight Thanos, and was one of the heroes left alive on the Wakandan battlefield.

Question 33

Who is Tony Stark's assistant and later girlfriend?

This secretary and personal aide to Tony Stark is, as he said himself, virtually the only person he trusts within his company. Later promoted CEO, she enters a relationship with Tony and is instrumental in creating Stark Tower and perfecting the design of the Iron Man suits. However, Tony's armored adventures eventually takes its toll on their relationship, with Tony stating they're "on a break" during the events of the "Civil War". She later returns to him, however, and accepts his marriage proposal shortly before Thanos arrives to find the Infinity Stones.

Question 34

Who is this highly important S.H.I.E.L.D. agent?

Introduced in "Iron Man" to debrief Tony Stark about his captivity in Afghanistan, this S.H.I.E.L.D. agent is one of several agents who accompany Pepper Potts in her attempt to arrest Obadiah Stane once his criminal activities are revealed. He's later assigned to investigate the discovery of Thor's hammer Mjolnir in New Mexico, and is able to recruit the Norse God of Thunder to the Avengers Initiative. In the end, he's fatally injured by Loki aboard the Helicarrier prior to the attack on New York City.

Question 35

Who is this adventurer able to shrink and become stronger?

Formerly a systems engineer, this petty criminal commits a burglary at a rich man's house, but only finds an odd-looking suit. He takes it home and wears it, only to find out that the suit allows him to shrink in size while increasing his strength. He eventually uses the costume to fight crime, and sides with Captain America during the "Civil War", although he ends up being captured and placed on house arrest. He later resumes his activities alongside the Wasp, his reluctant crimefighting partner.

Question 36

Who is Doctor Strange's fellow master of magic?

As one of the residents of the mystical realm of Kamar-Taj, this accomplished sorcerer acts as one of Doctor Strange's teachers upon his first meeting with the Ancient One. He is also the realm's librarian and doesn't practice martial arts. He also feigns confusion when Strange makes jokes about popular culture, providing a deadpan reaction to Strange's attempts to frustrate his egotism. He later reappears shortly after Bruce Banner crashes into the Sanctum Sanctorum in New York City, and tries to protect the Time Stone from Thanos' lieutenants.

Question 37

Who is this undercover spy and later Avenger?

This undercover spy started out by posing as Tony Stark's new assistant, before revealing herself to be working with S.H.I.E.L.D. alongside Nick Fury. She later fought with the Avengers against the forces of Loki during the attack on New York City, and helped Captain America uncover the mysterious plot of the Winter Soldier. However, she chose to side with Stark during the "Civil War", putting a strain on her relationship with Cap. She finally joins the Avengers in the fight against Thanos, and is one of the heroes left alive on the Wakandan battlefield.

Question 38

Who is the leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy?

When Peter Quill was a boy in Missouri, he was abducted by an alien starship and taken under the wing of Yondu Udonta and his gang of Ravagers. Pursued by Yondu over the theft of a mystical orb, he's eventually joined by Gamora, Drax, Groot and Rocket. As the leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy, he leads them into battle against Ronan the Accuser. He later learns that Ego the Living Planet is his true father, and succeeds in destroying it along with his teammates. He is sadly disintegrated after Thanos activates the Infinity Gauntlet.

Question 39

Who is the villain behind the Extremis virus?

This scientist founded the science and development organization known as A.I.M., and stands behind the creation of the Mandarin persona. He develops the Extremis virus to cure his own debilitating disability, and subsequently gains superhuman strength and the ability to generate rays of extreme heat. He then uses the Extremis virus to carry out his revenge against Tony Stark, whom he resents for rejecting his business years earlier. He subjects Pepper Potts to the virus, hoping to blackmail Tony into working for him, but she survives the procedure and manages to eliminate him once and for all.

Question 40

Who is the King of Asgard?

First waging war against the Frost Giants, the King of Asgard adopted Loki, son of Laufey, as his own child. Ages later, he's dismayed by the arrogance of his son Thor, and banishes him to Earth as punishment. Thor returns to stop Loki's attempt to seize the throne, regaining his father's respect. Later, when Malekith attacks Asgard, Odin assumes command of the Asgardian armies, but is sadly stripped of his kingship by Loki and exiled on Earth. He later passes away in Norway in the presence of Thor, warning him about the coming of Ragnarok.

Question 41

Who is this Avenger fueled by gamma radiation?

After being subjected to a gamma radiation experiment, Bruce Banner became afflicted with the power to transform into a raging creature whenever he became angry. He later succeeded in controlling his power, which made him able to transform by his own will. Still posing a danger to the Avengers, he chooses to pilot a spaceship away from Earth after the battle against Ultron. He stumbles upon the planet Sakaar and becomes a gladiator, where he reunites with Thor and joins the fight against Hela. He is left on the Wakandan battlefield after Thanos activates the Infinity Gauntlet.

Question 42

Who is the ruler of the Dark Elves?

The leader of the Dark Elves of Svartalfheim, he led his people at war against Asgard long ago, using an ancient weapon known as the Aether. Thought to be destroyed in battle against Asgard, they later resurface, he actually survived and went into hiding for thousands of years. He later resurfaces, seeking to seize the Aether and use its power to transform the universe by plunging it into eternal darkness. He was eventually defeated by Thor during a battle on Earth, near the English town of Greenwich.

Question 43

Who is the King of Wakanda?

Bent on avenging his father after he's eliminated during the UN signing of the Sokovian Accords, the prince of the African state of Wakanda sides with Iron Man in support of superhuman registration. He later learns that Baron Zemo was behind his father's passing, and accepts to grant sanctuary to Captain America and the Winter Soldier. He then goes through the rituals of succession and becomes King of Wakanda, but has to deal with an usurpation plot led by his cousin. Sadly, he's disintegrated after Thanos activates the Infinity Gauntlet.

Question 44

Who is Tony Stark's industrialist rival?

An American defence contractor, this young businessman competes with Tony Stark every chance he gets, notably when it comes to the Iron Man technology. In his quest to surpass Stark in weapons development, he enlists the services of Ivan Vanko, who's bent on destroying the Stark family. Vanko is hired to build armored suits that are superior to Stark's, although he chooses to build drones instead, to use for his own revenge. He's later betrayed by Vanko and arrested while threatening Pepper Potts.

Question 45

Who is this android designed by Tony Stark and Bruce Banner?

Created by Tony Stark and Bruce Banner out of Jarvis' interface, this android incorporates the interface into a synthetic body able to fight Ultron. He later sides with Stark during the "Civil War", reasoning that superhuman registration is the only viable way to contain the rise of supernatural or highly dangerous events. He's responsible for causing War Machine's accident, and also develops feelings towards Scarlet Witch. Tragically, he is destroyed by Ultron during the Infinity War, when the Mind Stone is fatally ripped out of his head.

Question 46

Who is this former Army general turned Secretary of State?

Involved in the gamma radiation experiment that transformed Bruce Banner into the Hulk, this general once set out to track him down and bring him to justice. He fails, however, upon realizing he's made Banner a fugitive to cover up his own mistakes. Later on, he becomes the US Secretary of State and enforces the signing of the Sokovian Accords to bring about superhuman registration. He creates a maximum security prison known as the Raft to imprison Captain America's rebellious team, but is unable to understand the arrival of Thanos on Earth.

Question 47

Who is the ruler of the planet Sakaar?

One of the Elders of the Universe, this galactic ruler enjoys manipulating lesser life-forms, most notably by training them as gladiators and making them fight one another. When Thor is captured upon arriving to Sakaar, this ruler pits him against his own Champion, who turns out to be the Hulk. Later on, during the gladiators' rebellion, Thor and Loki learn that he owns a vast fleet of starships in his inventory. They decide to steal one in order to get back to Asgard, leaving Sakaar and its ruler behind...

Question 48

Who is this red-clad telekinetic adventurer?

The twin sister of Quicksilver, she can engage in hypnosis and telekinesis. The two initially side with Ultron against the Avengers, but later change sides and join the fight against their former master. After her brother sacrifices his life to save Hawkeye, she destroys Ultron's primary body. Later on, she joins Captain America's team during the "Civil War", where she develops a relationship with Vision. Sadly, she's unable to prevent Thanos from fatally ripping the Mind Stone out of Vision's forehead, and disintegrates along with other heroes upon the activation of the Infinity Gauntlet.

Question 49

Who is this young wall-crawling superhero?

After being bitten by a genetically modified spider, this teenager gains spider-like powers. He sides with Tony Stark during the "Civil War" and later earns Stark's support in pursuing his crimefighting adventures. Gaining a more advanced suit, he sets out to fight the Vulture, while dealing with the high school drama inherent to his day-to-day life. He later joins Iron Man in saving Doctor Strange from Ebony Maw, and keeps on fighting against the forces of Thanos. Tragically, this brave young hero disintegrates upon the activation of the Infinity Gauntlet.

Question 50

Who is Bruce Banner's secret colleague?

Only known as "Mr. Blue" until the third act of the film, this cellular biologist engages in an online chat with Bruce Banner, who seeks a cure for his condition. He receives blood samples from Banner, which he actually synthesizes into a large supply, as Banner later finds out. His intention is to apply its "limitless potential" to medicine, but Banner fears it would fall into the hands of the military. Sure enough, he's later ordered by the deranged officer Emil Blonsky to inject him with Banner's essence, which proceeds to mutate Blonsky into the Abomination...

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