35 Baby Questions Every New Mom Should Be Able To Answer

Taking care of a baby is no walk in the park. It is a job that requires serious dedication and responsibility which means that every new mother has to do enough research into all things parenting and babies to ensure that she knows everything there is to know if she is to do her job correctly.

Indeed, looking after a baby seems like an incredibly daunting task at first - babies are so delicate and it can be difficult to know whether what you are doing is correct or not. Thankfully, there is plenty of information out there, both on the internet and in books. In addition, friends and family are also a good source when one is looking for tips and advice.

So, how good of a mother are you? Do you know the most basic things when it comes to parenting and babies? If you think that you do then why not take this quiz and prove us (and yourself!) your baby knowledge.

Question 1

When does a baby’s umbilical cord stump fall off?

When a baby is born, he is born with an umbilical cord attached to him. This umbilical cord attaches the baby to the placenta in the womb which basically connects him to the mother. Once the baby is born however it is common practice to cut the umbilical cord off as it is believed that this will reduce the risk of serious bleeding in the mother. However, once the umbilical cord is cut off the baby is left with the umbilical cord stump which takes some time to fall off.

Question 2

It’s important to keep the umbilical cord stump and surrounding area...

We've mentioned in the previous question that when a baby is born he is born with an umbilical cord attached to him which basically connects him to the placenta in the womb and in consequence, to the mother. However, this umbilical cord is cut off immediately after the baby is born. The baby is, nevertheless, left with the umbilical cord stump which takes some time before it falls off. In the meantime however it is important to take care of this umbilical cord stump appropriately.

Question 3

True or False – it's normal to see a bit of blood near the umbilical cord stump

Most non-parents know that a newborn baby is born with an umbilical cord attached to him but are blissfully unaware that once the cord is cut off the baby is left with an umbilical cord stump which has to be taken care of by the new parents. To new parents, this may seem incredibly daunting at first but a little bit of research will convince them that it is no big deal. But do you know if it is common to see a little bit of blood near the umbilical cord stump?

Question 4

How often should you feed your newborn baby?

This is one of the first questions asked by mothers-to-be as well as by new mothers so we are certain that you know the answer to this particular question. It is important to keep a newborn baby fed and well-nourished but how often exactly should you feed him? Should you feed him whenever he cries, every hour, every 2- 3 hours or every 3 - 5 hours? This is a simple question but you'd be surprised how many new moms get it wrong!

Question 5

True or False – you should never wake a sleeping baby

There is a saying that you should never wake a sleeping baby, probably because it takes quite a while for a baby to fall asleep and who doesn't want to take advantage of a suddenly quiet and peaceful house? But what if you need to wake the baby for whatever reason, such as to feed him? Should you just wait until he wakes up naturally or should you go for it and wake him nonetheless? There's only two possible answers to this question!

Question 6

What vitamin supplement do breastfead babies and babies who drink less than 32 ounces of formula per day require?

While it is true that newborn babies can get almost all of their vitamins and nutrients from breast milk and baby formula, there is one specific vitamin that new mothers need to ensure that their babies get on a daily basis. It is the only vitamin that babies lack and which, unfortunately, cannot be received through breast milk alone or insufficient quantities of baby formula. So, which vitamin is it - vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D or vitamin K?

Question 7

When can you give your baby a pacifier if you are breastfeeding?

There are countless of advantages to giving your baby a pacifier. To start off with - pacifiers satisfy a baby's innate desire to suck. Pacifiers also help calm babies down in our wildly chaotic and scary (to newborns at least) world. Plus, pacifiers reduce the risk of SIDS, something that all parents fear their baby will fall victim to. But do you know when exactly you should first introduce a pacifier to your newborn baby if you are breastfeeding him?

Question 8

When is the latest you should eliminate a pacifier from your baby’s routine?

We've mentioned in the question above that pacifiers have many benefits attached to them. For starters, they satisfy a baby's inborn desire to suck and can also calm him down in our chaotic world. Plus, pacifiers also reduce the risk of a baby falling victim to SIDS. However, while there's no denying that pacifiers are great - hence why so many parents opt for them - they can also result in serious health issues if they are used for a prolonged period of time.

Question 9

When can you give your baby a bath?

It's important to keep babies clean which basically means that it's important to give them an occasional bath. However, do you know when you can give your baby his very first bath? This is one of those questions that every responsible mother should know the answer to. So, can you give your baby a bath when you first bring him home from the hospital, 1 or 2 days after birth, when the baby is about 5 days old or when his umbilical cord stump falls off?

Question 10

How often should you bathe your baby?

In the previous question we've asked you to identify when exactly a new parent can give his baby his very first bath. We have no doubts that you got that one right, but do you know the answer to this question - how often should you bathe your baby? Again, this is one of those basic questions that every new mother asks and therefore we're sure that you know the answer to it. So, should you bathe your baby no more than 1 time a week, no more than 2 times a week, no more than 3 times a week or every day?

Question 11

How should you position your baby for sleep?

Babies look cute no matter which position they sleep in. However, experts advise that you should position a sleeping baby in a very specific position for it can help reduce the risk of SIDS, a very scary phenomenon every parent fears. So, if your baby falls asleep in the "wrong" position, you should go ahead and turn the baby so that he is sleeping in the correct position - which will reduce the risk of SIDS - as advised by experts.

Question 12

What is SIDS?

We've mentioned SIDS in passing in a few of the above questions and we have no doubt that you know exactly what the rather confusing term means. It is a phenomenon greatly feared by parents all over the world, mostly because there is no knowing when it will strike your baby. So, in your opinion, does SIDS stand for "Sudden Infant Death Syndrome", "Sudden Infant Drowsiness Syndrome", "Sudden Infant Down Syndrome" or "Sudden Infection Dizziness Syndrome"? Go ahead and choose the answer you think is correct.

Question 13

Babies that use a pacifier after they are 6 months old have an increased risk of all of the below EXCEPT for...

We've talked about pacifiers before and we've mentioned that they come with lots of benefits. Not only do pacifiers satisfy a baby's innate desire to suck and calm him down in our chaotic world, they also reduce the risk of SIDS. However, it is important to eliminate a pacifier from a baby's routine before it is too late because prolonged use of pacifiers can results in various health ailments. Indeed, a baby who uses a pacifier for longer than necessary has an increased risk of all of the below EXCEPT for what?

Question 14

When do most babies take their first step?

A baby's first step is an incredibly important milestone. Most parents wait for this moment with bathed breath and then, once it happens, cannot help bragging about it to their friends and family. A baby's first step signifies that your child is healthy and happy and that he is on his way to growing into a healthy young child. But when does an average child take his first step? Does he take his first step when he is 3 - 6 months, 6 - 9 months old, 9 - 12 months old or 1 - 2 years old?

Question 15

Babies can usually understand basic words such as “no” and “bye bye” when they are how old?

Just like a baby's first step, a baby's first word is also a huge milestone which parents too await with bathed breath and then can't help talking about it. However, while a baby's first word is certainly exciting, it is no less thrilling - for parents at least - when their baby seems to understand basic words such as "no" and "bye bye". But do you know when exactly do babies begin to understand basic words - when they are 1 month old, 3 months old, 6 months old, or 9 months old?

Question 16

True or False – some babies are born with teeth

Every mother-to-be or new mother should know the answer to this very simple question. So, is the statement above - some babies are born with teeth - is true or false, in your opinion? There are only two possible answers to this question so even if you are not sure you can make a pretty good guess. However, we have no doubt that you know the answer to the above question because it is one of those things that comes up regularly in parenting books and guides.

Question 17

How old is an average baby when he sprouts his first tooth?

We've mentioned that both a baby's first step and a baby's first word are huge milestones that are celebrated by parents all over the world. However, it is pretty safe to say that a baby's first anything is pretty exciting because it signifies that a baby is growing into a healthy young child. So, when a baby sprouts his very first tooth, parents are just as excited by this development as by anything else and never fail to show the newly grown tooth to their friends and family, much to the baby's annoyance no doubt.

Question 18

When should you start brushing your baby’s teeth?

It is important to get into good habits from the very beginning hence why it is necessary to start brushing your baby's teeth as soon as possible. But when exactly should you brush a baby's teeth? Should you brush his teeth when he is 3 weeks old, when he is 3 months old, when he is 6 months old or when the first tooth appears? This is another basic question that we have no doubt every new mother knows the answer to.

Question 19

When can you leave your child in the bathroom alone?

Every mother knows that babies and young children need help when they are taking a bath. Indeed, leaving a child unsupervised in the bathroom, let alone a bathtub, is incredibly irresponsible and could lead to fatal consequences such as the baby or the young child drowning. However, once the child reaches a certain age, experts agree that it becomes quite safe to leave him alone in the bathroom. So, when exactly can you leave your child in the bathroom alone?

Question 20

When can you introduce solid foods to your baby?

While newborn babies should be exclusively fed breast milk or baby formula alone, there comes a time in every baby's life when he can be weaned or introduced to a solid food diet. Again, this is a pretty exciting milestone because it means that your baby is growing into a healthy young child. So, do you know when you can introduce solid foods to your baby? Can you introduce solid foods into his diet when he is 2 - 4 months old, 4 - 6 months old, 6 - 9 months old or when he is 1 year old?

Question 21

Which of the below foods should you NOT give your baby when you introduce him to solid foods?

Introducing a baby to a solid food diet is both exciting and nerve-wrecking. While we've already mentioned that weaning signifies that a baby is growing into a happy, healthy young child, which no doubt excites the parents, it also means that the mother has to do enough research to know which foods can be given to the baby and which foods should be avoided at all costs. So, do you know which of the below foods - bananas, honey, pureed tofu or unsweetened yogurt - should be avoided at all costs?

Question 22

True or False – when you introduce your baby to solid foods you can give him cow’s milk

While introducing a baby to solid foods is exciting it can also seem rather difficult, mainly because there are certain foods that should never be given to a baby. Of course, it is the mother's responsibility to know which foods are deemed healthy for a baby and which foods should be avoided at all costs. For example, do you know if the above statement - when you introduce your baby to solid foods you can give him cow's milk - is true or false?

Question 23

What vaccination do babies get at birth?

There's no denying that babies are incredibly delicate which means that they can easily catch diseases and illnesses that will affect them more than they would affect adults. Indeed, some experts even recommend that new mothers avoid large crowds with their babies seeing how crowds can result in a baby getting infected or catching something serious. Thus, it is important to ensure that a baby gets proper vaccinations. One vaccination is given to babies at birth - do you know what it is?

Question 24

How old should a baby be when he receives his first Rotavirus vaccination?

We've already mentioned that babies are incredibly delicate and therefore they need to get proper vaccinations whenever the experts advise you to do so. This will prevent the baby from catching something serious and from falling ill. Indeed, if one does not heed expert advice it is quite possible that their baby could fall fatally ill. Luckily, most health boards have a vaccination schedule for babies which makes it easier for new parents to know when their baby's vaccination is due.

Question 25

What should you do if your baby suffers from a mild burn?

All new parents need to know basic first aid in case their newborn hurts themselves. In our day and age, it is quite easy to find expert advice on the internet so there is no excuse for not knowing how to take care of a baby in a situation where he may have hurt himself slightly. For example, do you know what you should do if your baby suffers from a mild burn? Choose the answer you think is correct from the possible options below.

Question 26

Your baby has a fever if his temperature is how high?

All new moms should know the temperature that is deemed to be normal for a baby as well as the temperature that signifies that your baby has a fever. So, your baby has a fever if his temperature is how high? If his temperature is 97.5 degrees Fahrenheit, 98 degrees Fahrenheit, 99.8 degrees Fahrenheit or 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit? It's important to know this because if your baby has a fever it is important to bring him to the hospital immediately.

Question 27

When should you bring your baby to a paediatrician for a check-up?

All new moms want their baby to be as healthy and happy as possible and there is no way to check his progress better than by regular paediatrician check-ups. A paediatrician will help keep your mind at ease by keeping an eye on your baby and ensuring that he is developing properly. When the baby is young, it is important to see the doctor quite regularly to ensure that everything is okay. But how often exactly should you bring your baby to the doctor?

Question 28

When should you bring your baby to the dentist?

In the previous question we've mentioned that it is important to bring your baby to the doctor for regular check-ups just to ensure that all is going smoothly. However, it is no less important to ensure that your baby is getting regular check-ups at the dentist. Indeed, do you know when should you bring your baby to the dentist for the very first time? Should you book a dentist appointment by the time he is 6 months old, 1 year old, 2 years old or 3 years old?

Question 29

When should your child have his first eye exam?

Bringing your baby for regular doctor check-ups as well as dentist check-ups is important but it is no less important to ensure that your baby has his first eye exam by a certain age. Do you know what that age is? Should your child have his first eye exam when he is 3 months old, when he is 6 months old, when he is 9 months old when he is 1 year old? Choose the answer that you think is correct from the options below.

Question 30

In a perfect world, how often should you sterilize bottles and pacifiers?

We've already said this but we'll say it again because it is pretty important - babies are incredibly delicate which means that they can catch diseases and illnesses much quicker than an average adult would. In addition, these diseases and illnesses could prove to be fatal hence why it is important to ensure that your baby does not come into contact with bacteria and items that may be infected. This means that you should sterilize bottles and pacifiers as often as possible.

Question 31

True or False – if your baby’s poop is green you should take him to the doctor

New moms often find that taking care of a baby is no walk in the park. Babies are strange and their actions may not always make sense, thus scaring many new parents into thinking that there is something wrong with their child. Of course, enough research into all things parenting and babies can calm you and relax you but even so, new parents are always on the edge. For example, do you know if the above statement - if your baby's poop is green you should take him to the doctor - is true or false?

Question 32

How long should you let your newborn cry for?

Every new parent (and most non-parents) know that babies cry an awful lot. Indeed, before they can talk that is pretty much how they communicate and therefore it is important to answer their cries appropriately. Their crying could signify many things, such as the fact that they are tired, hungry or scared, and it is up to each parent to decipher the cries. But do you know whether you should pick up a crying baby immediately? Or should you let him cry for a while?

Question 33

True or False – all babies should sleep with hats

Some parents insist that a baby needs to wear not only countless of layers when he is falling asleep, but also a hat. Do you know if that is true or whether it is nothing more than a myth? If you have done your research properly then you will have no trouble answering this very basic question. And indeed, even if you are not quite sure, this question only has two possible answers so go ahead and make a guess - there is a good chance you'll get it right anyways.

Question 34

How much weight should a healthy baby gain a week?

The greatest sign that signifies that a baby is healthy and happy is when he is gaining enough weight. Indeed, weight gain means that a baby is developing into a healthy young child. But do you know how much weight exactly should a healthy baby gain a week? Should he gain 1 to 2 ounces, 3 to 4 ounces, 4 to 7 ounces or 7 to 10 ounces? Go ahead and choose the answer you think is correct, we bet that you know the answer to this one.

Question 35

True or False – you’re supposed to pump both breasts simultaneously

There are various reasons why women to choose to pump their breasts for milk. Some pump their breasts because their baby is born prematurely and therefore can't breastfeed, others don't want to breastfeed but still want their baby to enjoy breast milk and still others pump their breasts when they know they will be going away and therefore will be separated from their baby for a specific amount of time. Regardless whether you pump your breasts or are planning to do so in the future, do you know if the above statement - you're supposed to pump both breasts simultaneously - is true or false?

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