This 3-Minute Quiz Will Reveal How Many More Kids Everyone Is Destined To Have

Is anyone ever truly ready to take on the responsibility of raising a child? Not really. It's something that we learn on the fly and for most of us, something that just seems to come naturally. But that doesn't mean that we don't get anxious at times, wondering if we are doing a good job. After all, everyone raises their children slightly differently so doing the best we can really is all we can do.

Raising children is hard work, maybe one of the toughest jobs on the planet, but there are few things in life quite as rewarding as this. Children allow us to see the world from a less-biased point of view and their curiosity can also help us to feel young and excited about life again.

Having children changes our lives forever, but in a good way; providing us with purpose and meaning, as well as plenty of laughs and picture-perfect moments! And of course, the one thing that money can't buy: unconditional love.

For today's quiz, all our readers need to do is answer a few simple family-related questions and we'll guess how many children will be in their future. Will someone be needing a bigger house? Let's find out!

Question 1

Choose a boys name:

Surprise! We're having a boy! Hope you're ready to have your hands full. There's so much to do before he arrives; we have to make sure we've got all the things he will need and that his room is ready for him. And, of course, we need to choose a name for this bouncing bundle of joy:

Question 2

Rate this movie: Frozen

This 2013 animated film featured the voices of Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, Jonathan Groff, and Josh Gad. It told the story of a brave princess who sets off on a perilous journey in order to save her kingdom from eternal winter. This film currently holds the top spot as the highest grossing animated movie of all time, but what kind of a rating would you give it?

Question 3

Choose the ideal place to live:

Most people aren't living in their dream homes. They might have to live close to where they work and that might not be ideal but everyone dreams of their dream home. That might be a swanky apartment in the city or a sprawling country mansion with plenty of space for a growing family.

Question 4

Pick a Disney princess:

Almost every little girl in the world dreams of one day becoming a princess, just like the ones from the Disney movies. These characters are always beautiful, most of them can sing beautifully and they always live happily ever after with the man of their dreams. Pick one of these Disney princesses:

Question 5

Choose a girls name:

One of our friends is having her first baby and this afternoon we've been invited to a gender reveal party. She's going to tell everyone whether she's having a boy or girl and we just can't wait to find out. She's asked us each to bring with a name suggestion for either gender so go ahead and choose a girls name:

Question 6

Choose a boys name:

Choosing a name for the baby is just one of the hundreds (okay, maybe thousands) of decisions that new parents need to make. This is a decision that the child and the parents will need to live with for a long time so it's important not to rush into it. Choose a boy's name:

Question 7

Rate this movie: Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

In this 2009 animated movie Flint Lockwood is a young inventor who always has new ideas but never seems to be able to create anything useful. That is until he stumbles across a way to turn water into food, which turns him into a hero almost overnight. Rate this fun-filled family movie:

Question 8

Cats or dogs?

Hands up all the animal lovers! Wow, there's a lot of you out there. But what we want to know is which animals make the better pets? Dogs, who are always happy to see us, or cats, with their fluffy coats and cute toe beans? What will it be? Cats, dogs, both, or neither?

Question 9

Choose names for twin girls:

Finding out that you're having a baby is exciting enough but finding out that you're expecting twins? Well, that's double as exciting! Now you need to prepare for the arrival of not just one little bundle of joy but two! And that means choosing two names as well. Pick names for twin baby girls:

Question 10

Choose a wedding theme:

We've done it! At last, we've met the man of our dreams and he's popped the question. Now we get to plan the wedding we've been fantasizing about for years and we just know it's going to be perfect down to the final detail. And after it's over we'll be heading off on a romantic honeymoon to:

Question 11

Rate this movie: Wreck-it-Ralph

In this 2012 animated film, an Arcade-game character called Wreck-It Ralph (voiced by John C. Reilly) grows frustrated at always having to be the bad guy. He decides to leave his game and find a place where he can be the hero. What kind of rating would you give this movie?

Question 12

Choose a color other than pink for a girls bedroom:

It's a girl! Yes, in just a few short months there will be a new little baby girl in our lives and we couldn't be more thrilled. It's time to start planning the room that we will bring her home to and this time we don't want to go with traditional pink. Which other color would work well?

Question 13

Choose a girl's name:

For some parents choosing a name for their new baby is easy. They might already have a few favorite names in mind so all they need to do is just choose one of them. But sometimes they have no ideas at all and need to start from scratch to find the ideal name.

Question 14

Pick a Disney Villain:

If Disney movies have taught us anything it's that no matter how cunning or ruthless the villain might be, the good guy (or girl) will always win in the end. But that's not to say that they won't give the hero or heroine a hard time! Pick the best Disney villain:

Question 15

Choose a superhero:

Just when the world is teetering on the edge of disaster and it looks like the villain is going to have the last laugh, the hero swoops in to save the day! We all love a good superhero story and with so many of them around it can be hard to nail down a favorite.

Question 16

Choose a girls name:

When trying to decide on a name for your new baby it's always a good idea to consider how that name will affect them throughout their life. Sure, it's cool to give a child a unique, even unusual name, but will they still love it when they are all grown up?

Question 17

Pick a family vacation destination:

Traveling as a single person and traveling with your family are two completely different things. When you travel with kids there's a whole new level of planning that needs to take place and you need to consider whether or not the places you will be staying in and visiting are child-friendly.

Question 18

Choose a wedding cake:

Planning a wedding is a massive undertaking and one that can be really stressful. Every bride wants her special day to be perfect, down to the last detail and getting everything right often takes months of painstaking planning. And one of the hundreds of things they need to consider is the style of their wedding cake.

Question 19

Choose a boys name:

One of our friends is having a baby boy soon and she's just finished decorating his new bedroom. She's gone with a space theme and it's simply adorable. Blue walls, star motifs, little spacecraft everywhere and the cutest soft toys we've ever seen. But she's still trying to decide on the perfect name for her baby...

Question 20

Rate this movie: The Lego Movie

In this movie, a LEGO figurine called Emmet (voiced by Chris Pratt) always tries to follow the rules but can't seem to be happy. When he meets some new friends who tell him that he holds the key to saving the world his life gets turned upside down and he's forced to break the rules to save the day. Rate this movie:

Question 21

Pick something to do on date night:

So it's date night tonight and it's our turn to plan what we and our significant other are going to do. This is our special time so we want to make sure it's as memorable (and hopefully romantic) as possible. Pick an activity for us to enjoy on date night:

Question 22

Choose names for twin boys:

Ooh, it's going to be double trouble! There's not just one little boy on the way, but two! Get ready to double up on everything and enjoy the challenge of having two little boys to keep you busy. But before they arrive we need to decide on names for these little guys...

Question 23

Rate this movie: Over the Hedge

In this 2006 movie, a group of woodland friends wakes from hibernation to discover that humans have built homes all around them. They need to find enough food to last them for the next winter, so with a little help from a new friend they venture into the neighborhood to try human food for the first time. Rate this movie:

Question 24

Choose a theme for a girl's birthday party:

As parents, we want to make sure that every birthday in our children's lives is celebrated properly. And that usually means having a party for them. But this means that every year we need to come up with new ideas for these parties. Pick a theme for a young girls birthday party:

Question 25

Pick something to do with the family:

Family time is very important and for most of us, who have to work hard to provide for our families, it's also very special. This is the time that we get to spend with the people who matter most to us. Choose an activity for a family to enjoy over the weekend:

Question 26

Choose a boys name:

When it comes to choosing a name for a little boy many exceptant parents discuss giving them a family name. This might be a name that's been used for many generations in the family and it might even be expected of them to use it. Choose a name for a baby boy:

Question 27

Pick a Disney prince:

Princes might be a common element in Disney movies but that doesn't mean that they are all charming. Some of the princes we met in these films weren't the type of guy that any girl would want to find herself attached to, even if he was rich and handsome. Pick a Disney prince:

Question 28

Choose a supervillainess:

Villains have their hearts set on just one thing: themselves. They don't care who they have to hurt or step over just so long as they get their own way. And these villains are not always male, there are quite a few scary villainesses as well. Choose one of these bad girls:

Question 29

Choose a color other than blue for a boys bedroom:

Traditionally pink was the color for little girls and blue was the color for little boys. Of course, there is nothing wrong with still using these colors but you can mix it up a little if you want to. Choose a color, other than blue, to decorate a baby boy's bedroom:

Question 30

Choose a girls name:

Picture an adorable young family. They already have four children (plus three cats, two dogs, and eight birds) and they've just announced that their fifth child is on the way. They've given all their children a name starting with B, and now they are looking for suggestions for their new baby girl.

Question 31

Choose a theme for a boys birthday party:

When we were kids there was nothing more exciting than our own birthday party. The anticipation of all the gifts, the cake, the games - it was the best! But behind the scenes there was always someone hard at work, making all the magic happen. Pick a theme for a boy's birthday party:

Question 32

Pick a video game:

Video games are for everyone, no matter what age. They are our escape from the world and a way for us to connect with others. There's nothing quite as exciting as meeting someone who enjoys the same games as us, right? We know it's tough to choose just one but give it a try.

Question 33

Choose an animated show:

Anyone who is planning on having kids should get used to watching cartoons because there is going to be a lot of that. But that doesn't mean they can't enjoy cartoons intended for an older audience from time to time too. Which of these animated shows was the most entertaining?

Question 34

Pick a board game:

There's a heavy storm rolling in and wouldn't you know it, the power has gone out. Well, there won't be any series or gaming tonight so we're just going to have to find another way to entertain ourselves. How about a good old-fashioned board game to pass the time? Choose one:

Question 35

Choose names for girl/boy twins:

Our best friend has just found out that she will be having twins and it's going to be a boy and a girl. How exciting! But this means that she's going to need plenty of clothes and supplies so we better get busy planning a baby shower! Pick names for these twins:

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