Who Can Name All These Characters From The Office?

Even for the average person who has never watched The Office, it is reasonable to assume that they would still be able to name the most well-known characters because The Office received so much media exposure and attention. The characters were practically household names during the height of the show's fame, so how can anyone not know the name, Michael Scott? It's simply not possible!

Then there are characters who are harder to name, even for people who dedicated themselves to watching the show every week. Characters such as Carol Stills, who played the realtor with the patience of a saint. She sold a condo to Michael Scott and later dated him, also with the patience of a saint. Stills was played by Nancy Carell, Steve Carell's actual wife! There's Hank Tate, the grumpy security guard who had little tolerance for the antics of Dunder Mifflin employees. Don't forget about the eccentric Robert California, high-powered businesswoman Jo Bennett, no-nonsense Charles Miner or Calvin, the wise-cracking employee from the warehouse.

If someone knows every single one of these characters, their survival rate for passing this quiz is looking up. And if they don't pass, we'll see them in the conference room for an emergency meeting. Ten minutes!

Question 1

Name this character from The Office

We can appreciate a man who takes pride in his appearance. His suit looks to be clean and pressed, and his hair is neatly combed but there is just about this guy that gives us the sense that he might be a bit of a "wild card." Maybe it's that sideways glance that he is giving to whomever is off-camera. Would you trust this character if you met him on the street? We think we might, but then again, maybe not! What is it about this character that gives us second thoughts?

Question 2

Name this character from The Office

This girl looks like a lot of fun! There is just something about her that tells us she must have a bubbly and uplifting personality. Maybe it's her smile, or maybe it's just a vibe that she gives off. She also looks like she could be very talkative - not the shy type at all. Talkative co-workers can be a lot of fun. They are essentially walking boredom cures, but at the same time, when you are trying to get some actual work done, talkative employees can also be a problem.

Question 3

Name this character from The Office

We don't want to give too much away but right off the bat, we can tell that this character is a warehouse worker because of his shirt. Even if you didn't watch every episode of "The Office," you should know that there was a clear line of tension drawn between the office workers and the warehouse workers. It wasn't a war exactly, and sometimes they all got along, but there were times in which the warehouse workers resented the office workers. Do you know who this warehouse worker is?

Question 4

Name this character from The Office

We know that you probably can guess this character's name fairly easily, or even very easily, depending on how much you watch the show. This character is one that people who don't even watch this show have likely heard of because he is just THAT popular on the show. That's not to say that the fellow characters perceive him as popular within their tight-knit office group, but you know what we mean - this guy gets major laughs on the show.

Question 5

Name this character from The Office

If you are a true blue fan of "The Office," then you likely know that some of the actors and actresses have their own first names as their characters' names. We can't tell you what name this actress/character has, but we can tell you that she is one of the few that has the same first name in real life as she did on "The Office." However, we can't say the same for her last name, though!

Question 6

Name this character from The Office

The background that this man is sitting in front of looks like the boss' office, doesn't it? We would recognize that window and those blinds anywhere! But that can't be because there is only one boss or is there? This guy looks like he means serious business with his three-piece suit and slicked back curls. Can you tell anything about someone's name by the way they choose to decorate their office? We see the southwest-style artwork and a statue of some kind. Does this help?

Question 7

Name this character from The Office

Yikes! Don't get on this guy's bad side. He looks like he is plotting an attack. A more concerning issue might be with the fact that his shirt has the word "fear" on it. We can tell you that "Fear" is not this character's name, but we will provide you with a brief description of him as told by another character on the show. Someone once said of this character, "twenty-seven years old, never left the beet farm."

Question 8

Name this character from The Office

This is one of those actors who got to keep his first name as his character name. We imagine that must make things really easy when it comes to character name recognition. He wouldn't have to get into a different mindset to accept a different name rather than his own which starts with an "O." Then again, it might be fun to play a character with a different name. Changing things up is always fun too. Which way would you have it?

Question 9

Name this character from The Office

Everybody has got to know this guy's name, right? He is definitely one of the most popular characters on the show. For those that don't know him, here's what we can tell about him right off of the bat. First impressions are everything! He's got a funny facial expression; almost like a half smile along with a questioning look. What is that all about? Could that be a signature move that this character is known for? Guess now!

Question 10

Name this character from The Office

We did write "popular character," BUT we don't mean popular in terms of being liked by the other characters on the show because - (spoiler alert!) - he is not liked on the show! Well, that is only partially true. This character is liked by one person in the office but only one. He is a recurring character but not one of the main characters. Basically, if you watch the show enough, you will see this guy appear on and off throughout the seasons.

Question 11

Name this character from The Office

Can you remember the name of this lady who is sporting the sassy smirk? While it might be true that she can be considered a "popular character," for a "The Office" watcher who has skipped some seasons (or even just one particular season), they might not even be aware of this character! She is a "one-season wonder!" Technically, she has appeared in more that one season of the show, but they were smallish parts. Can you guess the name of this one-season wonder?

Question 12

Name this character from The Office

Who upset this guy? We don't mean to jump to any conclusions, but he doesn't look as if he was very happy at the time this photo was taken. Maybe he was just upset with someone in particular at that moment. He seems like the kind of guy that has a big personality. Maybe he doesn't always show it and tends to stay quiet most of the time, but when he does show it, we bet the strong side of his personality really shows!

Question 13

Name this character from The Office

What we can tell you about this character is that he was created for the character of the blonde woman seen in the photo with him. That's right; the purpose of his existence on the show is to cause friction in an on again, off again relationship and to basically create a love triangle. That being the case, we would completely understand if you were not familiar with his face or storyline but go ahead and give it your best shot!

Question 14

Name this character from The Office

You are looking at one of the most famous characters in this show! How famous and how popular, you ask? As of last Halloween, women were still dressing up as this character! Her life went through big changes on the show, and with those changes, her hair changed as well! While working at Dunder Mifflin, this character went from a single girl to a wife and a mom, and she even accomplished some of her personal dreams and goals. Way to go!

Question 15

Name this character from The Office

Well, she looks like a fun person! This character might have been perceived as somewhat strange by her fellow co-workers, but she was loved and treasured by her little community all the same. Her many quirks just made her unique. This character is also very bright and cheery, and she is always quick to find the silver lining in any situation, which is commendable considering that she came from a less than ideal childhood and background. Funny, quirky and sweet; that about sums this character up!

Question 16

Name this character from The Office

Most people would look at this photo and see a reasonably attractive guy with a fashionable little beard and nice sense of style. But there is a good chance that some people would not know that this character has had more ups and downs than a rollercoaster. It seems like one minute this character is on top of the world, and the next, he's at the bottom of the seafloor. This cool, bearded look is just one of his many looks while going through one of his many phases.

Question 17

Name this character from The Office

Some people just look nice. It's not always an accurate system, just judging by how someone looks but a genuine smile usually manages to reach the eyes, as they say, and we think that is the case for this character. He is generally known as the quiet but funny guy, and when something strikes his funny bone, he is likely to dissolve into hilarious fits of laughter that are contagious. His sense of humor may border on immature, but if one of his co-workers needs a friend, he's right there.

Question 18

Name this character from The Office

How can anyone not be charmed by a guy in a bow tie? Bow ties are so rarely seen these days, which is exactly what makes them all the more charming and endearing. This character has many qualities to him that are charming and endearing, but at the same time, he can be neurotic, easily irritated, a bit annoying, and has a bit of an anger management issue. All in all, though, he is a caring soul who just wants to be friends with everyone.

Question 19

Name this character from The Office

Though this character was known as "the new Jim," his name is not Jim or anything like Jim. It doesn't even start with the letter J, but that is as much of a clue as we will divulge. Since this character was known as "the new Jim," that means that his character was only introduced at the very end of the show. He isn't a complete doppelgänger for Mr. Halpert, but there is definitely a resemblance there to some degree.

Question 20

Name this character from The Office

There were many IT guys during the run of "The Office," but the one that may have lasted the longest was the first IT guy - this character. One certain character of this show once hugely insulted this character by calling him a derogatory word which not only offended the character but all of the other supporting characters as well. This IT guy was well-loved by most everyone on the show and was often included in happy hour invites and personal parties.

Question 21

Name this character from The Office

Here is an interesting fact about this interesting character. His character's name is the same as his real name! While some of the other characters on this show kept their first names as their character names, this guy kept his first and last name on-screen, as well as off-screen. It must be because his first and last name make for a pretty cool combo in our humble opinion. This character is often known as a "wildcard," saying and doing outrageous things.

Question 22

Name this character from The Office

This character wasn't shown as much as some of the other warehouse workers were, but when it was time for his speaking parts, he certainly made sure to make his presence known. He was not one to back down or to put up with anyone's nonsense. He was quick to call anyone out if he felt that they were out of line or disrespecting him in any sense - always, of course, with humor. His fellow warehouse workers seemed to appreciate his sense of humor.

Question 23

Name this character from The Office

This character was an incredibly important piece to the cast puzzle as the show went on throughout the years. She was involved in a love triangle, several work-related dramatic storylines, as well as personal crisis storylines, and let's not forget the complete hilarity that this character brought to the show and into our lives. She was mostly known for her uppity behavior and no-nonsense attitude, which made it even funnier during the times that she decided to let her hair down and turn up the fun.

Question 24

Name this character from The Office

This lesser known character is generally known as a nice guy, but when he is pushed to his limits, he has absolutely no problem standing up for himself and the people that he cares about, and one of the people that he cares about works at Dunder Mifflin. This character doesn't work for the paper company but for his own company in the same building. He just happened to meet his true love, a DM employee, and he married her during a very funny episode!

Question 25

Name this character from The Office

It is more appropriate to call this character "well-known," which is better suited for her rather than "popular," considering her somewhat prickly personality. There are times on the show when she shows vulnerability, however, and during those times, we, as the viewers, get to see a softer side of this otherwise bristly and cold character. Spoiler alert: especially toward the end of the show, she really begins to soften her heart and tries to mend fences with the people that she has bothered for years.

Question 26

Name this character from The Office

This lesser known character, like many of the others, can be seen in several of the episodes throughout the seasons. The character uses a wheelchair, and much like his character, the actor who portrays him, Marcus A. York, has also used a wheelchair for mobility since a 1988 auto accident that occurred in his hometown in Ohio. The character is well-liked on the show, and he is the property manager of the building space that Dunder Mifflin rents out.

Question 27

Name this character from The Office

This character stormed into the lives of our beloved Dunder Mifflin employees only when they were no longer Dunder Mifflin employees but employees of Sabre, the company that (spoiler alert) purchased Dunder Mifflin. She was a force to be reckoned with, but at the same time, had moments in which the audience was able to see why she felt the need to come on so strongly. In the end, she was able to make amends and change for the better.

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