1/5 Of Millennials Can't Name These Classic Movies, Can You?

Millennials get a bad reputation, which is pretty lame, because we're only rolling with the punches. While past generations might think that it is their right to criticize ours, this seems rather foolish as we were birthed by them. Despite the impressive statistics that the millennial generation holds, many people seek to put us down as a whole. Luckily for you, you have a chance to prove these haters wrong.

One of the many critiques millennials face is not having the best taste in movies and music. Since the Baby Boomers and Generation X's got the chance to see some of the greats perform live, they tend to enjoy pointing this out on a regular basis. While most of us grew up listening to the Backstreet Boys and the Spice Girls, this doesn't mean that we can't enjoy the classics when we hear or see them.

While it is true that a number of classic movies were created before the millennials set foot on this Earth, there are still many great films that stemmed from our generation. If you know a thing or two about great movies, then naming the following films will be as easy as pie. So, are you up for the challenge? Remember, only 1/5 can score a 100% on this quiz.

Question 1

Can you name this classic film?

If you enjoy watching movies that will blow your mind, then surely this 1999 film has been at the top of your charts since it first aired. When a little boy named Cole Sear is approached by a psychologist, he tells him about the dead people who come to visit him. Convinced that Cole is making these people up, he tries to pry a little deeper. After seeing some evidence, the psychologist chooses to believe his patient's confessions. Can you name this movie?

Question 2

Can you name this classic action movie?

If there's one movie that we will never get tired of watching, it's this one right here. As a matter of fact, this movie is considered to be one of the best 80's action movies of all time. This futuristic movie tells the tale of a time-traveling cyborg who has been sent to exterminate her enemies before they get born. With this killer cyborg on the loose, there is only one man who can put an end to its rampage.

Question 3

Can you name this timeless romantic comedy?

Life can seem pretty boring when you're the prince of a fictional African nation. When Akeem, the prince of Zamunda, is old enough to meet his future queen, he begins to doubt everything. Since he believes in true love, he wants nothing more than to sidestep his arranged marriage and marry for love not convenience. Akeem convinces his parents to allow him to go to America before his wedding day. Do you remember the name of this hilarious film or not?

Question 4

Can you name this romantic drama?

When director Robert Zemeckis first got his hands on the novel that this movie is based off of, he knew that he needed to see it come to life. With this in mind, he put this efforts into creating the ultimate classic — which he succeeded in doing. This movie starts off with a man recalling his life story to strangers on a park bench. Despite his disability, this inspirational man managed to find love and self-worth. Can you name this classic 1994 film?

Question 5

Only a true movie buff can name this classic horror comedy. Can you?

If you enjoy laughing your butt off, then surely you've watched this 1984 movie on more than one occasion. Despite the fact that modern-day millennials might not find this movie scary, it used to be seen in a horrific light. Does the following insert ring any bells? " First of all, keep him out of the light, he hates bright light, especially sunlight, it'll kill him. Second, don't give him any water, not even to drink. But the most important rule, the rule you can never forget, no matter how much he cries, no matter how much he begs, never feed him after midnight."

Question 6

Can you name this classic action movie?

Some action movies are too great to miss out on, which is why some parents make it a point for their kids to watch them. Without this push, however, many millennials would never have the opportunity to watch these stellar films. Do you know which classic movie has the following line in it? "Don't Push it. Don't push it, or I'll give you war you won't believe. Let it go. Let it go!" If you do, you were born in the wrong generation!

Question 7

Can you name this classic film?

If there's one thing that actor Mike Myers is known for, it's acting like a total buffoon in front of the camera. For this reason, he was the perfect candidate to play the leading man in this 1992 comedy. When two buddies decide to host a public-access TV show, they soon realize that they have what it takes to become treasured anchors. Despite this fact, they choose to sell their rights to the show and reap the benefits. Can you name this film?

Question 8

Can you name this hilarious comedy?

While there are some people who hate this movie with a passion, we can't deny that it became a classic overnight. When a high school student decides to support his classmate's dream to become class president, he embarks on a strange journey. Can you tell us which movie is famous for the following line? "I see your drinking 1%. Does that mean you think you're fat? Cause you're not. You could be drinking whole if you wanted to." If so, name the movie for us!

Question 9

Only a true movie buff can name this classic horror movie. Can you?

If you don't recognize this movie from this screenshot alone, it's safe to assume that you've yet to see it. Should this be the case, jot this movie title down and make time to watch it. When a scientist is on the brink of inventing a teleportation machine, he begins undergoing some curious and disturbing changes. Does the following line ring a bell? "I'm saying... I'm saying I - I'm an insect who dreamt he was a man and loved it. But now the dream is over... and the insect is awake."

Question 10

Can you name this timeless romantic comedy?

Are you a firm believer that women and men cannot be friends? If not, you should probably watch this movie and reconsider your viewpoint. This classic romantic comedy came out in 1989, and it has been amongst the greats ever since. Do you know which movie this quote belongs to? "A woman friend. This is amazing. You may be the first attractive woman I have not wanted to sleep with in my entire life." If you can name this movie, you're a champ!

Question 11

Can you name this science fiction movie?

This motion picture first aired in 1985, so if you were born after this date, chances are you might have missed it. Life wasn't going too great for high school student Marty McFly, and this had everything to do with his parents, principal, and musical talents (or lack thereof). When he is invited to a parking lot by his friend and inventor Dr. Emmett Brown, he joins him to find that he has invented a time-traveling machine. Does any of this ring a bell?

Question 12

Can you name this classic action movie?

While it is true that the millennial generation was complete by the time that this movie first aired, many were too young to watch this gruesome movie. This movie was directed by Quentin Tarantino, which is why it is such a golden film. After waking up from a 4-year coma, a former assassin sets off to get revenge against the people who murdered her husband-to-be and unborn baby. Despite having once been chummy with these people, she shows them no mercy.

Question 13

Can you name this classic film?

If you're into literature, then surely you've made it a point to read this timeless book. Should you not be, however, you can always sit back and enjoy the live motion picture version. Since this movie first came out in 1975, it's safe to assume that most millennials have never heard about it. Unless, of course, they were made to read and watch it in high school. When a criminal chooses to fake insanity to avoid prison, he realizes that mental institutions are worse than they sound.

Question 14

Only a true movie buff can name this classic horror movie. Can you?

You don't need to be a horror movie fanatic to know about this timeless classic, which is why we've chosen to place it on our list. Do these frightening words ring a bell, "One two...Freddy's coming for you...3, 4 better lock your door..5,6 grab a crucifix..7,8, gonna stay up late, 9, 10, never sleep again!"? If so, it's probably because this movie has terrorized you in the past. So, can you name this movie or are you going to make us wait all day?

Question 15

Can you name this timeless movie?

If there's one thing that's for sure, it's that any movie that has actor Johnny Depp in it is automatically a classic. This famous actor brought this role and movie to life, hence why it will go down in history. If you've never heard of this movie before, you should make it a point to watch it. When Peg Bogs visits a spooky mansion in an attempt to sell her beauty products, she meets a strange boy who she invites to live with her family.

Question 16

Can you name this classic comedy?

If you're a fan of the late Robin William's work, then surely you've watched this movie many times over. When a father of three finds out that his wife wants to divorce him, he does everything in his power to have access to his children. This includes dressing up as an 80 year old woman and taking a nanny job at his residence. Despite the difficulties he faces along the way, he sticks to his guns and helps his children cope with the divorce.

Question 17

Only a true movie buff can name this classic horror movie. Can you?

This classic horror movie first aired in 1978, and it has managed to stay afloat since this time. Despite the fact that its graphics are old-school, it is still one of the most disturbing scary movies of all time. From a young age, Michael Myers showed signs of insanity, but it wasn't until he murdered his sister that he was sent to the psych ward. Fifteen years after this incident, he returns to his home town to finish-off the rest of his family.

Question 18

Can you name this classic action movie?

If there's one movie that every 80s man knows and loves, it's this one right here. This famous scene is usually all it takes in order for a real fan to name this flick. This film first aired in 1988, so if you were born after this date, you might not have had the chance to view it. Do you know where this famous line originates from? "Nine million terrorists in the world and I gotta kill one with feet smaller than my sister."

Question 19

Can you name this classic action movie?

If you like watching action movies, then surely you've made it a point to get your hands on this film. While it may not be everyone's cup of tea, most of us can agree that it is a classic. How else could we all know the famous phrase, "Tonight we dine in hell!"? When King Leonidas of Sparta must fight the Persians, he recruits hundreds of his best fighters and sets off to war. Can you name this action movie?

Question 20

Can you name this inspirational movie?

Most millennials would agree that in order to watch a fantastic movie, watching a timeless classic is a must. This movie first came out in 1997, and quickly became one of the greats. This movie was written by longtime friends and actors Ben Affleck and Matt Damon. In this film, we are introduced to a young genius who can solve complicated math equations as though they were cross-word puzzles. Can you tell us what the title of this inspirational movie is?

Question 21

Can you name this timeless romantic comedy?

When a new student named Cameron sees Bianca for the first time, he immediately falls for her. Problem is, she isn't allowed to date until her angry older sister, Kat, starts dating too. In order to get the woman of his dreams, Cameron convinces the school's bad boy to get Kat to go on a date with him. This proves to be harder than expected, and against all odds, this bad boy falls for Kat. Can you name this classic romantic comedy?

Question 22

Only a true movie buff can name this classic horror movie. Can you?

Some people say that this movie is overrated, but movie buffs will beg to differ. In the end, any movie that has Jack Nicholson in it is a movie worth watching. When Jack Torrance accepts a winter job at a prestigious and deserted hotel, he seems to think that it will be a positive experience. However, as time goes by and the snow piles up around the hotel, Jack starts to act out in a precarious manner. Can you name this movie?

Question 23

Can you name this science ficton comedy?

Some movies are just too good to miss out on, and this is very much the case for this hilarious film. This movie stars Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter, which can add to its appeal. When two high school students are given a history presentation to prepare for, they choose to time-travel to different eras and kidnap historical figures. These two pals might not be the sharpest tools in the shed, but they are definitely the funniest. Can you name this film?

Question 24

Can you name this timeless romantic comedy?

This romantic comedy first aired in 1990, and has since then become the staple for all rom-coms. While a good number of millennials weren't yet born when this movie first aired, this doesn't excuse them. When a successful business man needs an escort for a social event, he chooses to hire a prostitute and give her a makeover. Despite their differences, the pair eventually fall for one another. If you can't name this movie, you're most likely a millennial baby.

Question 25

Can you name this classic science fiction movie?

If you haven't noticed it by now, actor Keanu Reeves is the ultimate actor when it comes to classic movies. This movie first aired in 1999, and quickly became one of the most mind-blowing films of the century. When a man named Neo is contacted by a mysterious woman, he chooses to believe in her cause and take the red pill. Once this pill is taken, however, there is no going back to the reality that he once knew for certain.

Question 26

Only a true movie buff can name this classic horror movie. Can you?

Before the 21st century rolled by, making a movie that involved costumes and graphics wasn't an easy thing to do. Regardless of this, directors and producers did the best that they could — and it got the point across. This movie first aired in 1975, and it was so scary that a percentage of its viewers reported being too afraid to go swimming in the ocean. This movie is about a team of scientists who take off to hunt down a very large predator.

Question 27

Can you name this classic film?

If you're a sucker when it comes to good movies, then surely this film is at the top of your list. In the end, we all love good surprise-ending, hence why spoilers are not acceptable when watching this 1999 film. Edward Norton and Brad Pitt combine forces to deliver a strange yet fascinating motion picture. When a bored and sleep-deprived office worker makes the choice to embark on an underground adventure, there's no going back to the way things used to be.

Question 28

Can you name this classic film?

Most of us grew up watching this hilarious movie, however, this can't be said about the entire millennial generation. Since this hilarious film came out in 1997, most millennials were too young to understand its jokes. Actor Mike Myers plays the leading man in this ridiculous film, and to be honest, he hasn't played in much since. When an undercover agent is given the task to take down Dr. Evil, he does so with the help of his beautiful partner.

Question 29

Can you name this timeless romantic comedy?

If there is one romantic comedy that will go down in history, it's this one right here. While a good majority of millennial women will be able to answer this question correctly, a good portion of men will not. Should this question be too difficult, allow this quote to bring you to shore. "Toula, they two kinds of people: Greeks, and everybody else who wish they was Greek." If you can't name this classic movie, it's probably because you're way too young.

Question 30

Name this classic flick.

If there's one film that's managed to withstand the hands of time, it's this one right here. This film first aired in 1939, and despite many years having gone by, it is still watched today. When Dorothy's dog Toto gets in trouble for biting her neighbor, she is forced to run away to save his life. When she realizes that this is a bad idea, she returns home only to get caught in a tornado. When she awakens, she realizes that she is no longer in Kansas, but in Munchkinland.

Question 31

Can you name this inspirational movie?

If you enjoy watching memorable movies, then you should make it a point to add this movie to your watch-list. Despite the fact that this movie first aired in 2009, many millennials have never given it a second thought — which is their mistake! When a homeless teenage boy named Big Mike is spotted by a rich mother named Leigh Anne Tuohy, she immediately decides to take him in. Leigh Anne eventually chooses to accept him into her family, and help him shoot for the stars.

Question 32

Can you name this classic action movie?

When a recently-widowed man is attacked in his home, he sets out to get his revenge. This former-assassin is no newbie when it comes to going on a rampage, which is something his attacker was unaware of. Do you know which famous assassin said the following words? "People keep asking if I'm back and I haven't really had an answer...But now, yeah, I'm thinkin' I'm back! So you could either hand over your son or you can die screaming alongside him!"

Question 33

Can you name this hilarious comedy?

In 2005, one of the greatest comedies ever made was released in theaters. If you don't agree with this statement, it just goes to show that you have a unique sense of humor. While most millennials will be able to name this movie, we figured it was about time that we sent a freebie your way. So, can you name this movie or not? Do you remember where this famous line comes from, "Is it true that if you don't use it, you lose it?"

Question 34

Can you name this hilarious comedy?

Back in the day, there was only one movie that every teenager wanted to watch, and it was this one right here. If you're a millennial, you might have been too young to watch this film when it first came out. When a teenage named Jim becomes friendly with a gorgeous exchange student, he asks his dorky friend Michelle to show him how to be with a woman. Unfortunately for Jim, he is very good at making a fool of himself.

Question 35

Can you name this timeless romantic comedy?

In 2001, one of the best romantic comedies ever made was released in theaters, and it received a lot of praise. So much so, that this movie eventually became a trilogy. When a lonely and slightly overweight woman decides to keep a journal and revamp her life, she meets some complications along the way. These complications come in man-form, but it's nothing that she can't handle. Amidst making a fool out of herself, this woman manages to find love again.

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