The Ultimate Rick And Morty Quiz For The Ultimate Fan


There are a lot of snobs out there who act like reading books is the only chance you have of ingesting proper art, expanding your mind, and gaining a proper understanding of culture.

Every now and then a show turns up, usually unexpected, that is so well written and important to the cultural zeitgeist that it absolutely blows this snobbish behavior out of the water. Rick & Morty is one of those shows, and while it may also roll about on the floor, embracing the weird vulgarity and silliness that can often come with animated cartoons aimed at an adult audience, it is still one of the cleverest shows on television.

As you can see, we're pretty big fans of the show as well, so we can tell you now that this quiz is for the real Rick & Morty fans. Part-timers need not apply.

Question 1

Who Voices Rick Sanchez?

The writers of the show have really played the development of Rick Sanchez as a character really well. We don't know about you, but we still find ourselves rooting for him, even though we know that he is essentially the worst character in the whole show. He may be the smartest as well, but that doesn't excuse some of the behavior he has displayed ever since the first episode. Would you have stuck around for this long if he was your grandpa?

Question 2

What Is The Name Of The Girl That Morty Is In Love With At His School?

Who knew that show that sees a young kid going off with his grandpa to different worlds and universes could also paint a pretty great picture of what it's like to be a slightly nerdy kid in high school. Obviously, it's not 100% realistic, but there is something so true to life about Morty's character that there is definitely a group of smart writers making sure that his experiences ring true with an audience who likely went through the same sort of stuff.

Question 3

What Vocal Tick Does Rick Have?

One thing that Rick And Morty chose to do, which many people would not choose to do when creating a television show, is give one of the main characters a regular verbal tick that some members of the audience were likely to find annoying. Some believe that the tick was slightly downplayed in the second season, as they wanted to make sure it wasn't becoming too obnoxious, but we can say that we've always enjoyed it and think that they should bring it back in full force.

Question 4

Rick's Liberal Use Of The B-Word Is A Reference To Which Character From Breaking Bad?

For anyone who has actually seen Breaking Bad, this should be a pretty easy one. Yes, the creators of Rick And Morty have stated that their main character's use of the word for a female dog was inspired by a certain character from the huge show Breaking Bad. This isn't much of a surprise, as it's quite possibly the most influential show from the past decade, having spawned almost total acclaim from fans and critics alike. It just kept getting better!

Question 5

Who Voices Morty?

We like that, despite the fact that he pretty much gets trod on by everybody else in the story, Morty still knows when to stand up for himself. He is an insecure teenager which obviously shines through, but he also has a strong sense of what he thinks is right and wrong. This means that he's often the character to knock Rick back into his place, which is important when Rick is so arrogant and headstrong. He may not be winning any intelligence tests, but he's very smart in some ways.

Question 6

What Other Television Shows Has Sarah Chalke Appeared In As A Doctor?

We were really surprised when we found out that Sarah Chalke was going to voice a character in Rick And Morty, as we had never seen her in any other animated show. Not only that, but the live action work she is known for hasn't really had the same sort of originality or edge that Rick And Morty has. The shows are okay, but they're nothing when placed next to Rick And Morty, a show that is overflowing with great ideas.

Question 7

Who Shot Mr. Poopy Butthole?

One of the reasons we love this show is because it can get away with having a character with such a ridiculous name and not seem like it's phoning it in. The writing is good enough in other places that they earn the right to be silly from time to time and the audience knows this, which is why we can laugh along with this sort of ridiculousness. Not only that but like most things in this show, the name actually serves the purpose of the narrative.

Question 8

Who Voices Beth Smith?

We're not sure how we feel about Beth, as it often feels like she doesn't have many redeeming factors. However, we'll be interested to see how this third season starts to have her character rebel against the father, Rick, that has messed her up hugely. Rick knows he can do whatever he wants, as he has his daughter wrapped around his little finger, but it will be interesting to see this dynamic shift if she starts to realize this herself.

Question 9

What Do Rick And Morty Refer To The Monsters They Turn The Humans Into During The Episode "Rick Potion #6?"

One of the things that fans love about Rick And Morty, which they also loved about Community and Arrested Development, is the various little nods to the audience that the writers manage to fit in. Alongside this, Rick And Morty find time to get in so many different references that it's almost stifling. Seriously, if you go and find some of the people who have actually compiled every reference they can find, you won't understand how they've managed to do it.

Question 10

Who Voices Jerry Smith?

We're interested to know if the creators of Rick And Morty had normal relationships with their fathers because if their depiction of fatherhood through Jerry Smith is anything to go by, they definitely did not. He is essentially an amalgamation of everything that is wrong with some men and some fathers. We understand where he's coming from when everyone seems to love Rick but him, despite how much Rick messes up, but he has enough worries of his own to be dealing with if you ask us.

Question 11

What Does Wubba Lubba Dub Dub Mean In English?

One of the best things about cartoons meant for adult audiences is that they allow the writers and animators to do a lot of weird stuff that you just can't do in a live action show, while also getting really depressing or weird with it. We're not saying that children's shows can get pretty deep or dark as well, but the adult ones don't have to hide it behind some sort of veil of innocence or naivety. They can just throw it all out there.

Question 12

What Is The Name Of The Song Created By Rick To Appease The Giant Head In The Sky?

One of the best things about Rick And Morty is that you'll be laughing at a well crafted or smart joke one minute, and then getting on board with whatever silliness Rick is spitting the next. This allows the writer the chance to have the best of both worlds, which is obviously great news for the audience as well, as they'll never end up bored by the ever changing situation on screen. This song is a perfect of Rick silliness.

Question 13

Who Voices Summer Smith?

When we first started watching Rick And Morty, we were worried that Summer would end up taking the standard role that the teenage sister does in similar shows, which is to sit there and be a stereotype. Thankfully, we were proven wrong, as Summer has blossomed into just an important character as Morty when it comes to opposition to her grandfather. Beth won't do anything, so it's up to Summer and Morty, and both of them do a pretty good job.

Question 14

Who Did King Jellybean Assault?

You know before when we said that this sort of stuff can get pretty dark when it's aimed at adults? This is what we were talking about. We're not trying to say that people haven't been assaulted in cartoons that were meant for children, but there's no way they could do it blatantly in the same way that Rick And Morty did it. They'd have to do something more subtle, maybe implying it through various things said by the character's past.

Question 15

What Sort Of McDonald's Sauce Is Rick Obsessed With?

This is the sort of fourth wall breaking silliness that we've come to expect from the show, and we have to say that we hope season three keeps it up because we've loved it so far. There are a lot of people out there who don't think it's living up to the great Rick And Morty name, but we couldn't disagree more, to be honest. They've done a great job on it and it has definitely been worth the wait.

Question 16

Which Film Inspired This McDonald's Sauce?

Just as a quick aside, doesn't anybody else think it's weird that places like McDonalds do this sort of promotional stuff? Surely, if people really enjoy some form of food, it makes sense for the restaurant to keep making it, thereby making them more money? There is probably some form of contractual thing going on here, but it's nice to see a show like Rick And Morty poking fun at this concept in such a silly way. We wonder if McDonalds will listen.

Question 17

Name This Character

One thing we like about Rick And Morty is that they're not above making the adults look absolutely ridiculous, turning the conventions of most television shows on their heads. This show gives the children a chance to shine, which chimes true with how Rick feels about the majority of the human race. When he says that most people are stupid, we believe him because they certainly do seem that way in Rick And Morty's immediate vicinity. Yet another show of good writing.

Question 18

Name This Character

While they've managed to come up with whole universes full of weird characters so far, it's amazing how it doesn't feel like it's getting stale yet. The writers are managing to come up with some ridiculous characters all the time, which we're totally amazed by. It doesn't take long for the creativity to dry up in a lot of projects, leading to the writers resting on their former glory. The people working on Rick And Morty are refusing to do that.

Question 19

What Other Show Is Dan Harmon Known For Creating Before Rick And Morty?

Dan Harmon is a perfect example of why we should all learn to separate a work of art from the artist. While a lot of art, if not most of it, can be argued to be in some part autobiographical, that doesn't mean your enjoyment of a piece of art should be tainted by the creator. For some people, Dan Harmon seems like a man that is really hard to get along with, but those people should still be able to enjoy Rick And Morty.

Question 20

Name This Character

Creating a sci-fi show like Rick And Morty is actually a genius move if you don't attempt to take the dimensional travel part of it too seriously. This allows the show to be as huge and expansive as possible, the only boundary is the creativity of the staff working on it. You're essentially handing people the ability to show off how weird and interesting they can get when their brain is told it can think of literally anything it wants.

Question 21

Name This Character

While it's definitely a funny show, Rick And Morty can get pretty depressing as well, delving into the sort of topics that a lot of other shows wouldn't dare delve into for fear of putting some of their audience off. Thankfully, the writers on this show are totally okay messing with the heads of the people watching if it allows them the chance to discuss philosophy and sociology in a way that no other cartoon has managed to do if you ask us.

Question 22

Name This Character

Yet another reference to a character outside of the realm of Rick And Morty, something that the titular characters actually reference during the episode in the hope of waving away any chance of a copyright claim from the creators of the character that they're very clearly parodying. It's that sort of reference, along with the meta commentary, that gets Rick and Morty fans laughing in a way that other shows just can't achieve. It really is scratching an itch for a lot of the audience in that sense.

Question 23

Who Voiced King Jellybean?

One of the greatest things about being a voice actor is that, if you're good enough, it's pretty much guaranteed that you won't be typecast as you can provide the animating world with a wide variety of voices to choose from. You can technically fit the bill of various different characters because you can manipulate your voice so people don't know it's you. Actors in live action projects will often get placed into similar roles as that's where they've proven themselves successful.

Question 24

Name This Character

While a lot of shows have had guests on in the past, it's pretty amazing to see how many people have offered to give their voices to the show considering how young it is when compared to other television shows who have managed to grab less impressive stars despite having been on the air for much longer. There must be something about the show that really speaks to

Question 25

Who Helped Create The Show Along With Justin Roiland?

Believe it or not, but Rick And Morty started off as an absolutely ridiculous and crass parody of Back To The Future called Doc And Mharti. Once you know this, you can start to see the similarities in the characters of Rick And Morty, and if you go to watch it, you'll see that the Rick And Morty pilot had some similarities as well. Thankfully, the humor has matured, slightly, since the humble beginnings. The writing got a lot better as well.

Question 26

Name This Character

Some of the most emotional moments in the show have been centered around this character's interactions with those around him, specifically, because he's Rick's best friend and therefore knows everything about him, not just the parts about him being an old sci-fi genius with an alcohol problem. We're hoping that bringing him back in season three will go down well with the fans because we personally see him as one of the best recurring characters in the show so far.

Question 27

Name This Character

If you had the sort of brain and abilities that Rick has, what do you think you'd spend your time doing? We reckon that we'd do all sorts of stuff that Rick doesn't seem to have done throughout the past, although that being said, once you've got that sort of intellect between your ears your mentality towards what is worthwhile probably changes as well. Can't be that brilliant without it affecting your personality in some way, as can be seen with Rick.

Question 28

What Other Sci-Fi Show Does The Rick And Morty Theme Tune Parody?

The weird thing about sci-fi is that we really didn't enjoy it for a long period of time, but now we love it. The reason for this is that we came to realize it can be an amazing tool to satirize the present day time we live in. Novels are definitely best at doing this, but sometimes it can be achieved when placed into other mediums such as film or television. Trust us when we say that sci-fi done right can be truly brilliant.

Question 29

Name This Character

Yet another chance for the show to take a look at the duality of meaning, but in a more obvious and explicit way, came in the form of this character who is a man created by Rick to see what would happen when you splice together the genes of two famous leaders who had completely opposing mentalities towards people of the opposite race. Rather than creating someone so perfectly neutral, he just made a man who is never fully sure of what he thinks or feels, which is arguably a parallel of Rick.

Question 30

Name This Character

Of all the characters that we're pretty much guaranteed not to see in season three, this is the guy that bothers us the most. We really think there was something worth exploring in this ruthless killing machine that the writers could've explored in a way that they have with no other character. The duality of all human beings and the concept that inaction is just as bad as action in certain cases was not explored enough for us in one episode.

Question 31

Name This Character

Do you think they'll ever get to a point in the show where Morty is able to get himself a girlfriend, or will that mess with the dynamic too much? One of the things that Rick And Morty has been praised for in the past is that it has managed to marry high concept sci-fi action and comedy with a down to earth story of a family just trying to get along. Will Morty getting a girlfriend tip this balance over the edge?

Question 32

Name This Character

Now we get to see a perfect example of how Rick And Morty marry sci-fi with the failing marriage that Beth and Jerry seem trapped in! This character was a great injection of story into the narrative arc of how things are going between Beth and Jerry, along with how much of a strain having Rick in the house is putting them both under, something that Rick couldn't care less about most of the time. It'll be interesting to see if that changes in season three.

Question 33

Name This Character

While we've still never got to see Beth's real mother, it was nice to have an episode that delved into Rick's romantic past, as it gave the writers a chance to really dig into why it is that Rick feels the way that he does. What started off as a funny look into the past of a main character actually managed to become one of the deepest and most depressing episode of the show, which is one of the show's greatest strengths.

Question 34

Name This Character

We don't know about you, but we definitely did not see this twist coming at all. The writers really managed to pull the wool over our eyes and make us think that this sweet girl was exactly what she seemed on the surface, a high school girl from Earth with all of the same worries and thoughts as any other high school girl from Earth. We couldn't be more wrong, something that became painfully obvious to Rick and his friends in a single episode.

Question 35

Name This Character

While this guy wasn't exactly a major part of the show, he did appear in the first ever episode, so if you've got a good memory you should be able to name the guy. As you can probably tell by the image, this guy was a bully who seemingly tormented Morty, but as he didn't appear in any other episodes, we can never really know if this was a regular occurrence or was just a one off sort of thing to add a little drama.

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