How Much Of A Jedi Are You? Take The Ultimate Jedi Knight Quiz To Find Out!


The Star Wars universe is made awesome by one thing above all others - The Jedi Order. With the first three films released, this group was only talked about briefly, and we only caught rare glimpses of what this dead, extinct society was. We had to rely on the gossip and rumors told by the films' characters to paint a picture in our mind of what the Jedi were really like. Then came the prequels, a set of three films that focused almost entirely on the Jedi Order back when it was still a functioning, highly organized society. We finally got to see what the Jedi were like.

These Jedi were written as such wise, benevolent individuals that many of the lessons imparted in the films are extremely relevant in our own lives. The Jedi bear similarities to so many societies we already know, such as the Buddhist monks, especially the Shaolin variety. They also share qualities with the Samurai, operating by their ancient code of honor, Bushido. And of course, they seem a lot like Medieval Knights of old, with their code of chivalry. But in truth, the Jedi Order is a completely unique concept, complete with so many rich details making up its backstory. But the question remains... Could you make it into the Jedi Order?


Question 1

What Weapon Were The Jedi Armed With?

The Jedi are often referred to as an "ancient religion," and they resemble the knighthoods of our own timeline. These warriors protect their own code of honor, and bring justice to those who cannot defend themselves. Although they often pit themselves against entire armies of heavily armed foes, they always seem to come out on top. This is in large part due to their own unique weaponry. But do you know what the weapon of choice is for a Jedi knight?

Question 2

What Gives A Jedi Their Power?

The Jedi are not merely proficient at swinging around a lightsaber. That alone would not enable them to fare very well against the evil forces of the galaxy. They require something else, something supernatural that supplies them with extra powers. Some of these powers happen without the Jedi even thinking about them. Some require conscious effort and meditation to activate. But all of these powers draw their energy from the same source. What is this source of cosmic energy called?

Question 3

Jedi Have Higher Concentrations Of What In Their Bodies?

We've already established that the Jedi rely on the force to manifest their powers, but where exactly does the force come from? Although it seems a little like a metaphysical, pseudo-scientific concept, in the world of Star Wars the presence of the Force has been observed as a physical, measurable phenomenon. The Jedi have learned that by analyzing the blood of certain people, they can find certain indicators that the Force is strong with them. They find concentrations of a certain thing in their bodies. But what is this thing called?

Question 4

What Is The Governing Body Of The Jedi Order?

The Jedi, although not involved directly in the government of the galaxy itself, has its own governing body that presides internally over the Jedi Order. This group of Jedi masters comes together and debates all major decisions. The process is a democratic and civilized one, with each master carefully considering and listening to what the others have to say. This group meets at the Jedi Temple, and there is a special chamber for their meetings. But what is the name of this governing body?

Question 5

True Or False, The Jedi Served The Galactic Republic

The Jedi, although a notable fighting force, do not govern over the galaxy. They merely protect it. They are some of the wisest being in the galaxy, but the never use this as an excuse to rule or govern. They do, however, serve as advisers and ambassadors to far away planets. Often their negotiating abilities are well-suited for certain diplomatic assignments. But above all else, they serve the government of the galaxy. Is it true that this government they serve is the Galactic Republic?

Question 6

Jedi Lightsabers Are Usually Which Two Colors?

Lightsabers are one of the most iconic parts of a Jedi's image. The Sith use these weapons as well. The Sith have lightsabers that are always red, but the Jedi seem to have more options when it comes to the color of their lightsaber. Usually, these lightsabers are one of two main colors when it comes to the Jedi. The color of the crystal is determined by the crystal that is located in the saber's hilt. But do you know which two colors are used by the Jedi?

Question 7

Samuel L. Jackson's Character, Mace Windu, Has A Unique Lightsaber That Is Colored...

While we've just established that the Jedi usually use either green or blue lightsabers, there is one notable exception - Mace Windu. This iconic character, played by none other than Samuel L. Jackson, is a very skilled and wise Jedi Master. He is seen as one of the most able Jedi. His unique style is symbolized by his lightsaber, which is a different color to any other sightsaber seen in the Star Wars movie. But what color is his lightsaber?

Question 8

The Sith Follow The Dark Side Of The Force, Whereas Jedi Follow The...

There is a major division when it comes to those who can connect to the force. One the one hand, you have the Sith, who connect to the dark side of the force, and use their powers to dominate, to destroy, and to cause suffering. There are many abilities that can only be learned by following the path of the dark side. On the other hand, there are many abilities that are only available to those who follow the path of the Jedi. But if the Sith follow the dark side of the force, then what do the Jedi follow?

Question 9

When Jedi Are First Inducted Into The Order, They Are Known As...

The first stage of A Jedi's journey through the order begins when they are very young. Barely able to walk and talk, they are taken into the order if they are found to be Force-Sensitive, with high midi-chlorian counts. This first stage of a Jedi's education instructs them in basic teachings, and they are given special lightsabers on a low-power setting to help them train. Most of these young Jedi are taught primarily by Grand Master Yoda. But what is this first rank called?

Question 10

After Moving Past The First Rank In The Jedi Order, The Students Are Known As...

When a Youngling moves past the more basic teachings given to them by Master Yoda, he is deemed worthy of joining up with an older, more experienced Jedi who will then be their master. This young Jedi is expected to learn all he can from his master, and they often embark on missions together. An example of this relationship would be that of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Kwi Gon Jinn, his master, in Episode I. But what is this next rank called?

Question 11

When A Jedi No Longer Requires Lessons From A Master, They Are Known As...

After a Jedi has learned all that he can from his master, he is ready to embark on the journeys of life by himself. It is at this moment that a Jedi moves up the ranks to an all new position, one of great respect within the Jedi order. It is only these Jedi who can take on missions by themselves, without the help of a more experienced Jedi watching over them. But what is the name of this next rank?

Question 12

The Jedi Council Only Accepts Members Of Which Rank?

If you want to make it into the Jedi Council, you have to be very accomplished as a Jedi. You also have to show that you're willing to follow orders, as we've already seen that even skilled and wise Jedi like Kwi Gon Jinn can be refused a seat on the council if they're defiant and individualistic. It makes sense that the Jedi would only accept the most skilled and wise to their council. But which rank must you be to gain a seat?

Question 13

What Jedi Power Is Obi-Wan Using When He Tells The Clones, "These Aren't The Droids You're Looking For..."

One of the most iconic scenes of all the Star Wars movies is the moment where Obi-Wan completely bamboozles a couple Clone Troopers who are asking him if they've seen any droids. Obi-Wan, one of the greatest of all Jedi Knights, is now an old man, but he proves he still has many of his abilities. His connection tot he force is still strong. He's using a technique that is known to all Jedi. But what Jedi power is he using in this moment?

Question 14

True Or False, Jedi Are Not Allowed To Have Children And Pursue Romantic Relationships

The Jedi live by a strict code. The Jedi code speaks of emotion and passion in slightly confusing terms. The first line of the Jedi code is "There is no emotion, there is peace." And later, the Jedi code says "There is no passion, there is serenity." So what exactly does this say about love? Are Jedi allowed to have children, fall in love, and pursue romantic relationships? As Annakin once said, "You could say we're ENCOURAGED to love." But what does this mean?

Question 15

Who Slaughtered All Of The Younglings At The Jedi Temple?

One of the most disturbing incidents that happened during the Clone Wars was the massacre at the Jedi Temple. As part of order 66, the Clone Army was tasked with wiping out all of the Jedi, and the obvious place to start was the Jedi Temple. This Temple contained Masters, Padawans, Knights, Scribes, and normal people who worked for the Jedi. And yes, the temple also housed all of the Younglings. All were slaughtered, even the younglings. But who led this charge and personally killed these young Jedi?

Question 16

On Which Planet Is The Jedi Temple Located?

The seat of power for the Jedi Knighthood is the Jedi Temple. This ancient monastery was built on a sacred site for both the Sith and The Jedi, and there have been battles over it in the past. When it was used by the Jedi, it had everything the Jedi needed to maintain their order. It housed the Jedi Council, where meetings were held. It contained training facilities for instructing new Jedi. And it also had the Jedi libraries. But on which planet is the temple located?

Question 17

What Is The Name Of The Leader Of The Jedi Order?

There have been many leaders of the Jedi Council, although they all share the same title. The Jedi are a very old organization, and have evolved a structure that is as much about tradition as it is about functionality. The Council engages in democratic, free discussion to make its decision, but there is one member who is always considered the chair of the order, and he has more sway than others. But what is the name of the position which leads the Jedi council?

Question 18

Who Was The Chosen One, The Jedi Knight Prophesized To Bring Balance To The Force?

Anyone who knows anything about the Star Wars series knows about this famous prophecy. It is said that an extremely powerful Jedi would rise up, and that he or she would end up destroying the Sith and "bringing balance back to the force." The prophecy was retold over countless years, which each generation of Jedi trying to find the chosen one. Finally, Kwi Gon Jinn claimed to have located the chosen one, and began to train him. But who was this "chosen one?"

Question 19

True Or False, The Jedi's Reflexes Are Quicker Because Of Their Precognitive Ability Due To The Force

Watching a Lightsaber battle is sometimes very hard to even follow with your eyes. Those skilled in the art can move and react so quickly that it can all seem like a blur. One thing's for sure, both the Jedi and the Sith have incredibly fast reflexes. But this is not just apparent in lightsaber duels. Jedi are generally quick and agile individuals capable of dodging even blaster rounds at times. But is it true that these fast reflexes are actually due to their precognitive ability, ie their ability to see into the future?

Question 20

The Plasma Blade Of A Lightsaber Is Powered By What Type Of Crystal?

We've already established that the color of a lightsaber is determined by the type of crystal used in the lightsaber's hilt, but this crystal does a lot more than just determine the color. In fact, the entire lightsaber is based around the crystal, and its crucial to the power and function of the saber. Without the crystal, the lightsaber would be powerless. These crystals are extremely sought after in the galaxy, and wars are fought over them. But what is the name for this type of crystal?

Question 21

At The Time Of The Clone Wars, Who Was The Grand Master Of The Jedi Order?

Although there have been many Grand Masters of the Jedi Council over the years, there is one we got to know more than any other. In fact, he's the only Grand Master we ever got to see. He was also the last Grand Master, as the Jedi Order completely deteriorated after him, destroyed and scattered to the wind. This Jedi Master is hundreds of years old, and despite his small size, he is extremely powerful. But what is his name?

Question 22

What Was The Name Of The Order Emperor Palpatine Used To Wipe Out The Jedi?

The Jedi Order were once a numerous, proud and strong order, but Emperor Palpatine put an end to all that. With one swift order, he was able to organize the complete destruction of the Jedi Order, down to almost the very last Jedi. This order was relayed to the Clone Troopers, who were programmed and genetically engineered to be completely obedient to such orders. Although many Jedi fought for while, few survived. What was the name of this order given by Palpatine?

Question 23

How Old Is The Jedi Order?

The Jedi Order is a very old organization. But how old is it really? The traditions they follow are so old that many would not dare stray from teachings, even if that means being almost too rigid at times. Kwi Gon Jinn was one Jedi Knight who continued to defy the Jedi Council, and that was apparently why he never became a master. The traditions were just too old for anyone to allow him to break them. But how old is the Jedi Order?

Question 24

Complete Yoda's Quote: "Fear Leads To Anger. Anger Leads To Hate. Hate Leads To..."

Yoda is full of amazing advice. And this advice is not just useful in the movies, it can be applied to real life. At the time he gives his advice to Luke, he is almost 900 years old. He has experienced countless life lessons and knows how to apply them to his life. One of the most iconic quotes from Yoda has to do with fear, and how it eventually leads to the Dark Side. But can you complete this quote?

Question 25

Who Was Found To Have A Midi-Chlorian Count Even Higher Than Master Yoda?

For many years, Yoda was considered the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy. Yoda was found when he was still young, and the Jedi noticed that he had an insanely high midi-chlorian count. They took him for training as a youngling, and he quickly progressed to Padawan, Knight, Master, and eventually Grand Master. But there was another child found that had an even higher midi-chlorian count than master Yoda. When this was discovered, the Jedi knew they had found a very powerful being. But who was this child?

Question 26

After The Jedi Order Was Destroyed, Who Took Up Residence In The Jedi Temple?

After order 66 was initiated and the Jedi were all but destroyed, the Jedi Temple changed completely. Instead of being a source of refuge for the Jedi, it became the site of one of the greatest massacres ever known. Even the younglings were killed. After that, the Jedi steered clear of this temple, never to return again. It was around this time that the Jedi Temple was transformed into something completely difference, and someone else started living in it. But who was this person?

Question 27

Who Was The Count Who Used To Be A Jedi Knight But Switched To The Dark Side?

Sometimes Sith are raised from birth, kidnapped by their masters and trained in the dark arts from a young age. In other instances, Sith are recruited directly from the ranks of the Jedi, lured over to the dark side with false promises of glory and power. These are perhaps the most disturbing of the Sith lords, because they were once good but have been corrupted by evil. One of these Jedi, a Count, famously went over to the Dark Side. But what was his name?

Question 28

Which Two Jedi Survived The Extermination Of Their Order, And Later Helped Train Luke?

When the dust settled after order 66 was activated, there was only two Jedi left remaining that were in a position to train Luke once he came of age. That was the level of destruction to the Jedi Order. With only two Jedi left to train Luke, it was of the utmost importance that he be trained well, and that he steered away from the dark side. Luckily for Luke, he had two of the finest Jedi to train him. But who were these Jedi?

Question 29

When Obi-Wan Went Into Exile, What Did People Know Him As?

When Obi-Wan was confronted with the horror that was order 66, he did the only thing that was logical - he fled. Leaving behind the Jedi Order that had given him so much, he settled on Tatooine. Although he kept an eye on Luke, he never ventured out to interact with the people, and people knew him as a mysterious loner. Little did they know, he was actually one of the last Jedi Masters. But what did the surrounding population refer to him as?

Question 30

Who Killed Kwi Gon Jinn?

Kwi Gon Jinn was one of the more memorable characters in the entire Star Wars series, although he only made an appearance in one of the films. This was Episode I. Although he died in this movie, he makes some very valuable contributions to the storyline, finding Annakin and deciding to train him as a Jedi. He is also a very capable warrior, and he is only slain by one of the most powerful Sith fighters ever. But who was this Sith lord who killed Kwi Gon Jinn?

Question 31

Complete Yoda's Quote: "Do Or Do Not. There Is No..."

Yoda is constantly uttering amazing advice, and another famous quote that escapes his lips is one regarding determination. Yoda is in the midst of teaching Luke a valuable lesson. His X-Wing is stuck in the bog, and he is starting to believe that he is trapped on Degoba. Yoda tells him to lift it with the force, but Luke doubts he is capable of this. That's when Yoda starts with this amazing quote. But can you finish the last word?

Question 32

In The Battle Between Darth Sidious And Yoda, Who Won?

One of the most memorable battles of all the Star Wars movies is the duel between Yoda and Darth Sidious, otherwise known as Emperor Palpatine. This was the ultimate fight between good and evil. On the one hand, you had Darth Sidious, undoubtedly the most powerful Sith in existence. On the other hand, you had Yoda, who was definitely the most powerful Jedi alive. So this was the full might of both the Jedi and the Sith going head to head. But who won?

Question 33

True Or False, The Sith Once Captured Coruscant And The Jedi Temple

The Sith and the Jedi have a very long, bloody history. They've fought many battles in the past, and wounds have been inflicted on both sides. Although both sides harbor huge grudges to one another, The Sith were assumed to be defeated and extinct by the time the first Star Wars movies take place. They were seemingly defeated during the Jedi-Sith when the Sith started to fight among themselves more than fighting as a unified force. But is it true that the Sith once captured Coruscant and the Jedi Temple?

Question 34

True Or False, It Was Master Syfo-Dyas Who First Organized The Creation Of The Clone Army

One of the most important characters in the Star Wars story is one that we never actually meet, at least in the main films. But he is mentioned a few times, and he is revealed to have begun the Clone Army program in secret. This individual was a member of the Jedi Order and the Council, but he was removed because of his unpopular ideas, namely that the Republic needed to create an army. But is it true that this Jedi was called Master Sifo-Dyas?

Question 35

True Or False, When Obi-Wan Kenobi Killed Darth Maul, He Was The First Jedi To Kill A Sith In A Millennium

The appearance of Darth Maul was the first time the Star Wars fans got to see a Sith Lord in action. Yes, we had seen Darth Vader and Darth Sidious before in the first movies, but these characters were old and or highly immobile. Vader couldn't really move around that well having been mostly cybernetic, and Sidious doesn't really do anything until the later films. Maul was an agile, skilled, and highly dangerous Sith Lord. But is it true that when Obi-Wan killed him, it was the first Sith slaying by a Jedi in one thousand years?

Question 36

Who Was Kwi Gon Jinn's Master When He Was A Padawan?

Kwi Gon Jinn has a long and eventful history in the Jedi story. He was actually born on Coruscant, and had been inducted into the Jedi Order since he was a youngling. Just like all of the other Jedi, he went through initial tutelage by Master Yoda, and then became a Padawan, assigned to serve a Jedi Master. Then he became a Knight, and finally he became a Master, having Obi-Wan Kenobi as his Padawan. But who was Kwi Gon Jinn's master when he was a Padawan?

Question 37

True Or False, Some Jedi Are Able To Retain Consciousness After Death

It's well-known that the Sith are very concerned with achieving as much power as possible. They are hungry for it, greedy even, and their lust for power inevitably ends up consuming them. As Master Yoda says, Fear ultimately leads to hate, hate leads to suffering, and this is the path to the dark side. So really, the Sith are summed up by being fearful people, especially fearful of death. It would be ironic then, if the Jedi were the only ones capable of retaining consciousness after death. But is it true?

Question 38

True Or False, Kwi Gon Jinn Was The First Jedi Who Managed To Retain His Consciousness After Death

Although it is in fact possible for a Jedi to retain his or her consciousness after death, it is hardly an easy skill to learn. It takes incredible amounts of concentration, training, and dedication. It might even be considered the most difficult skill a Jedi can learn. But this was hardly a well-known skill even in the later days of the Jedi Order. In fact, one Jedi learned this skill on his own. But is it true that Kwi Gon Jinn was the first to master this skill?

Question 39

How Did Kwi Gon Jinn Manage To Free Annakin From Slavery?

Since first seeing Annakin and measuring his midi-chlorian count, he became convinced not only of the child's potential to be a Jedi Knight one day, but that he was also the chosen one spoken of in ancient prophecies. But Annakin had a tough life ahead of him on Tattooine. He was technically a slave, and his owner did not want to give him up to anyone, even if that person was a Jedi Knight. How did Kwi Gon Jinn manage to save Annakin from slavery.

Question 40

What Rank Did The Jedi Knights And Masters Hold Within The Clone Armies During The Clone Wars?

The Clone Wars were a strange time for the Jedi. On the one hand, they were extremely opposed to such widespread warfare. On the other hand, they were spread too thin to maintain peace in the way they had done in the past. They were forced into a war which Yoda himself prophesized they would lose, using the Clone Troopers as the brunt of their fighting force. Jedi Knights and Masters integrated with these Clone Armies. But what rank did they hold?

Question 41

Who Killed Count Dooku?

Count Dooku has already been mentioned in this quiz here and there, but it's the ex Jedi's death that is perhaps one of the more eventful moments in this character's life. He is waiting with the Emperor, who is pretending to be kept hostage by Dooku. Dooku takes on two Jedi who come to rescue Palpatine, thinking it's all part of Palpatine's plan to kill them both. But as he soon finds out, Palpatine intended Dooku to be killed the entire time. But who killed him?

Question 42

Who Killed General Grievous?

Another villain that meets his end in the same film that contains Dooku's end is General Grievous. This strange character is a welcome addition to Episode 3, as he shows us yet another Sith Lord (or at least one who had been trained by a Sith). This one is very different than the others, however, and seems to be more machine than even Darth Vader. In the end, he is slain by a capable Jedi Master. But who is this Jedi?

Question 43

Why Did Annakin Skywalker Intervene In The Duel Between Palpatine And Mace Windu, Resulting In Windu's Death?

Another interesting battle that takes place during Episode III is between Mace Windu and Emperor Palpatine. Mace Windu strolls into Palpatine's chamber flanked by his most trusted Jedi colleagues. He is there to arrest Palpatine after Annakin tells him that he is the Sith Lord who has been manipulating the events that are taking the Republic down. Palpatine quickly kills all of Windu's teammates, but Windu eventually gets the better of Palpatine. Then, out of nowhere, Annakin comes in and intervenes on the Emperor's behalf. Windu is killed as a result. But why did Annakin do this?

Question 44

True Or False, Luke Was The Only Force-Sensitive Child Of Annakin Skywalker

Annakin is eventually struck down by Obi-Wan Kenobi, and is left dying in a limbless heap, with layers of his skin being burned off his skeleton by the close by lava. Annakin, his humanity completely destroyed, finalizes his descent into the Sith world soon afterwards. But although his humanity is gone, he leaves behind remnants of his innocence in the form of his offspring. We know that Luke is his son, and that he was taken to Tattooine. But is it true that Luke was his only force-sensitive child?

Question 45

Who Started Training A New Generation Of Jedi After The Death Of Palpatine?

After Palpatine is finally killed by Annakin Skywalker, the prophecy is finally complete. In the end, Annakin really was the one who defeated the Sith and brought back balance to the force. Just not in the way everyone had expected. After this, it seems like everyone wins. The rebels score a major victory, and it is assumed that the people of the galaxy live without the oppression of the Empire for the rest of the foreseeable future. But this just isn't the case. The Empire still exists, and one Jedi starts rebuilding the entire Jedi order as a result. But who is this Jedi?

Question 46

Which Member Of The New Generation Of Jedi Turned On Them, Killing Everyone Except Luke?

The new generation of Jedi seemed like a great idea, but it ended in complete bloodshed and every single Jedi except for Luke being slaughtered. Although Luke was doing what he thought was right by starting a new Jedi Order, he obviously could not stop the dark side from seeping into one of his students. He felt responsible for this, and ended up going into hiding for years. The student who betrayed him becomes a major new character. But who is it?

Question 47

Who Seduced Ben Solo Over To The Dark Side?

If the Sith were destroyed, then who was it that managed to seduce Ben Solo over to the dark side of the force? Whoever it was must have been very powerful, as well as knowledgeable in the art of the force. How he was trained or who taught him remains one of the greatest mysteries of Star Wars. We shall have to wait and see for the next movie to reveal these questions. But we know his name. Do you?

Question 48

Where Do The Jedi Store All Of Their Accumulated Knowledge?

The Jedi are not just mindless warriors. They are also great thinkers. They meditate for days on end, and are on a constant search for greater knowledge, forever trying to expand their consciousness and their understanding of the world around them. It should come as no surprise then, that one of the most sacred and important places in the Jedi Temple is the place where they store their cast, accumulated knowledge. But what is this location in the Jedi Temple called?

Question 49

Who is In Charge Of The Jedi Archives And The Holocron Vault?

The Jedi Archives and the Holocron Vault house some of the Jedi Order's most closely guarded secrets. They are protected with as much zeal and seriousness as the Temple's greatest artifacts. Without the archives, the Jedi are nothing. All of that knowledge is valuable beyond understanding. Being appointed to watch over this knowledge is one of the greatest honors a Jedi can receive. This Jedi is given a special title and is seen with much respect. But what is the name of this Jedi position?

Question 50

What Is The Name For Jedi Who Reject Violence And Combat, Instead Devoting Themselves To Science And Diplomacy?

In the films, the Jedi are always depicted as being warriors. Sure, they might be interested in expanding their knowledge of the world around them, but this knowledge always seems to link back to their roles as warriors. They think about new ways to use their powers to defeat the Sith. But there is so much more potential for a Jedi to accomplish. Certain Jedi recognize this, and actually devote their lives not to combat, but to science and diplomacy. What are these Jedi called?

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